hi . I’m Nicola I’m 42 years old.
Very long story I’ll keep it short as I can.
7 years ago I had an episode when I woke up and I felt very week .
I went to sit bk in my bed when I seemed to breath like I was through a straw , I was semi unconscious so eveytbjng blacked out but my mind was still active . The breathing sounded like darth Vader .
until like a defibrillator my body bounced off the bed and I came round. .these have happened ever since but never been detected as they will be like every 9 months .
Cardiologist suggests to her a loop put In the chest.
and when things change and get more frequent so this year has been horrific. .
I had whooping cough in May , covid in June then got stung in aug whcih triggered anaphoric shock since this time my heart seems to have gotten pretty mental.
Symptoms I have atm is often sleep time .
I’ll fall asleep then be woken by a squeezing senstarjon in the heart , massive headache and tingling in face and a freezing cold arm . Chest pain , followed then by palpitation’s.
some nights I’ll stop breathing , my heart rate is going form 60 to 112 btw through out the night constantly .
I’m exhausted.
I have baught my own ecg monitor that shows erratic changes in heart rate but the nhs won’t take this as gospel .
one mornjng I’d had a bad night and sat up only to find my heart jump to 179 bpm and omg I couldn’t speak I rang 999 they said it looked like svt but by the time they got me to hospital it starts to behave and act like nothing is wrong
I can’t seem to lie down and rest . Depending on my night depends on my day .
there are times I can’t exercise . I feel dizzzy out of breath .
I feel like I’m going to die as dramatic as that sounds or Itl cause stroke
but nhs think I’m being dramatic and nothing is wrong but I know there is something very wrong
I’m having the loop poopedin next week thank god im in a right emotional state which is not helping .
They did a tilt 2 years ago so refuse to do another even though things have changed.
I’m havjng an exercise test .
I’m anxious that it will just do its trick and behave when I get tested it acts like nothing is wrong .
I get home and it falls to peices again. .
I refuse to go to an and e anymore I get angry with it. .
I’m not wasting ppls time and my own if it manages to disguise itself when being investigated.
anyone have any ideas of what this could be
I do have auto immune issues .
I have low thyroid that’s even explored and it’s all ok .
thanks for reading