Hey all, back in march this year i went to A&E with heart palpitations, never experienced anything like this before, but they sent me home after doing no tests at all, a month later i went back again for the same thing, this time they did an ECG and said it looked like i had an arrhythmia, then sent me home and referred me back to my GP
fast forward to september my GP had me do a 24 hour ECG and sent the results to cardio
however, thats where it stopped, i've not heard anything since early september, and when i've asked my GP she's just told me they've not got back to her yet
does anyone know what i could do or who i should talk to at this point? i feel abandoned at this point and i'm just trying to deal with the discomfort, but it's really hurting my mental health trying to just deal with it
thank you in advance for any replies
28 year old transgirl that feels scared and alone