Is it OK to go in the sauna? I have microvascular angina. There is a new sauna hut on the beach near me and I am very tempted to go in ( especially on a day like this ). But there is a notice on the door listing precautions and one of them is heart problems.
Sauna: Is it OK to go in the sauna? I... - British Heart Fou...

as the sauna advises against it, is it wise to take the risk without checking with your own medical professionals?
Yes well I did also check dr Google and it says not good for anyone with unstable angina but it doesn't mention microvascular angina. Not sure if my gp will know either as they don't really know much about MVA. I do remember being unwell before going in the sauna before and have avoided it since. But because its in a lovely setting on the beach I thought I might try it again to see but then I don't want to be in pain for days so I will probably give it a miss for now. Thanks
All hot tubs, saunas and very warm spas such as you get on the continent have very specific and prominent warning about venturing in if you have heart problems. These thermal spas are often attached to medical facilities.
Definitely one to check with your GP as the onus is then on them to give you medical advice.
An added problem is that there is unlikely to be anywhere you can get properly undressed and then dressed again in the warmth.
Yes I could ask my gp ,if I could get an appointment!. There are changing facilities next to the sauna hut. Also an ice bath as is all the rage- yikes I think I will definitely give that a miss. I might try the sauna next week if I can speak to someone about it first. But from past experience my heart doesn't really get on well with it. Went for a gentle yoga class instead today.
After cardiac op I was advised no hot baths and jacuzzi as it raises blood pressure. But as the posts suggested speak to your GP before venturing into doing this.
it is advisable to run this by your GP. I know the appointments are rarer than rocking horse droppings. I asked for a call back to ask advise. Which they did same day
He said no problems go ahead and suggested that these signs are mostly the owners covering their own. Backs
I'm on holiday right now, checked with Dr Google, not come across anything banning it. In fact every link shows benefits, so have been in sauna everyday. Last day tomorrow, going back home, no problems at all.
Did lots of walking as well (1mile daily). But definitely no swimming. There is to much against swimming for my condition, maybe in future when I feel more stronger. I have cardiology appointment coming up soon and look forward to finding out exactly where I am with heart health.
I must also put in a disclaimer here. My activities included self monitoring ever since I became a hearty, with diet program etc. You must find your own limitations before carrying out any activities.