Please, please help me.......Pulmonar... - British Heart Fou...

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Please, please help me.......Pulmonary Hypertension.

puddy68 profile image
20 Replies

Hi Everyone. I think I may have posted something similar recently, but my anxiety is the worst it's ever been. I'm so sorry to post again. And I feel so guilty because I realise so many of you are much worse off than me, yet have such a positive mindset. I have PH, I still work full time as a only symptoms are shortness of breath when I have to climb hills or stairs. Yet when I read that this is a progressive disease and will get worse, my anxiety becomes so overwhelming that I'm shaking and crying. I don't want to die and leave my family. How I'm going to get to work tomorrow and get up in front of 25 students and teach is just beyond me. And then I feel so guilty again because I know I am so fortunate to have my job. I also have cirrhosis of the liver but I am dealing with that, because even though there is no cure, it can be managed and you can have a relatively normal lifespan with a healthy lifestyle and medication if needed. I'm so anxious I'm actually begging.........can you live a relatively normal lifespan with Pulmonary Hypertension, with a healthy lifestyle and the necessary medication? I'm so. so sorry to post this again, but I don't know what else to do. Thank you so much.

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puddy68 profile image
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20 Replies
Anginalady profile image

dear puddy 68, don’t apologise for your anxiety we’ve all felt exactly the same emotions as you whatever our condition and our symptoms .

It’s completely normal to feel the way you do and no matter how we try to balance out the good things in our lives to out weigh the bad things we’re going through, it’s hard to accept that there is any justification. You need to admit to these fears and get them out, it’s hard to say it out loud to someone , especially your loved ones, you don’t want them to feel the stress and the worry that you have. That’s why forums like these are so important.

When I joined I felt like a fraud, reading about so many people with such awful conditions, but everyone seems so brave. I don’t have your illnesses, but I felt the same anxiety and fear.

You have to tell yourself that this is not your fault, and hard as it is to accept, you can’t change anything, but constant anxiety is your worst enemy. It’s easy to say that you just have to accept what is happening, but the sooner you do, the sooner you can look at all the good things in your life, your family and friends, a job you love. How do you get up and face those students? You do it because you still can, for the pleasure it’s always given you. Our lives may not be what we thought they would be, but we still have to make them the best that we can. It’s a cliche, but laugh a little louder, hug your loved ones a little harder and try to make the most of every day. Worrying is not going to make anything better for you.

I hope this doesn’t sound too ‘preachy’…. But it’s how I’ve come to terms with my condition. I can’t understand why and I can’t change a thing, I just accept that I have to take each day as it comes and stop thinking about how much time I have left or what will happen to me next, everyone is different.

Be strong, I know you think you can’t, but you can, everyone on this site is rooting for you and so are your family and friends. We’re always here to listen if you need to vent or a shoulder to cry on.

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Anginalady

Anginalady - thank you, thank you, thank you. I really needed to hear your uplifting and supportive words. I'm going to come back to your post when I have another episode. You are an Angel.

Anginalady profile image
Anginalady in reply to puddy68

You’re so welcome, I really feel your pain, always here if you need to chat.. take care of yourself

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

My heart conditions are different from yours but one thing that is not is the feeling of anxiety you are going through and please never say sorry never feel guilty because others might have worse things going of but they cope as we are all different and the anguish this causes no one would ask to feel this way but we do and it feels like we just struggle to get through another day and then we start comparing ourselves with others and that just makes us feel worse

We are individuals all with different weaknesses and strengths and you should never say sorry for been you as I bet behind this anxiety you have so many strengths and so much to offer

My advice would be and I am not sure how it works in Australia but get some therapy of some kind get this under control with help and support as I know how it is controlling you at the moment and if we can get that back with support things will get better

It is not as easy as said I know but for so many support from professionals to reset your mind for a better explanation can work and I hope you look into it

We are here to we may not always have the answers but we will always listen and the anxiety you are feeling you are not alone there are so many of us feeling the same way :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

devonian186 profile image

For those unfamiliar with this condition, here it is

As yet, you seem to be, fortunately, on the mild side of this condition. Have you remained off the drink? Have you kept up your gym membership and are the right weight?

Some aspects of the condition are under your control. Your anxiety is something you need to address. Do you have someone in your life you can share it with? Failing that you might need to seek other help on this aspect.

Do you have a finger type oximeter to measure your blood oxygen as that may help to give reassurance

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to devonian186

Hi Devonian186. Thank you so much for replying to me - I really appreciate it. I've kept up my gym membership but have not gone for the past few weeks - I've not wanted to leave the house, yet realise I have to force myself to exercise, as I know this will help my mental health, and i also need to lose quite a bit of weight. I will ask my GP about the finger type oximeter - that's a great idea. Thank you so much once again. God Bless.

Deejay62 profile image

Hi I have severe PH and it’s a progression from Dilated Cardiomyopathy to heart failure and now PH added. I sent off to the PH association for some information I think I paid £5 but can’t remember. They sent me a load of valuable info and if I gorget things I can always go back and remind my self. It is very daunting at first, but for me it is what it is.

I believe there is an operation you can have in UK.

Well done for stopping drinking.

If you haven’t yet, try and get some counselling

By the way I looked back on my notes 15 yrs ago and mild PH was diagnosed and I didn’t even realise until a few yrs ago I noticed severe PH. So I was blissfully ignorant to what it actually is for years and carried on. Now I don’t know which one is causing my symptoms.

I wish you all the best. Diane

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Deejay62

Hi Diane....thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I pray that your health improves, and that you find out what is causing your symptoms. I wish all the best for you too, Diane. God Bless.

Sharpglo profile image

Hello Puddy, have you had your thyroid thoroughly examined? Mine became diseased and I suffered awful anxiety. Once I had it completely removed the anxiety never returned. Counselling would also help you. All the best.

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Sharpglo

Hi Sharpgglo - I just recently had my thyroid tested and all seemed ok there. I'm so happy for you that your anxiety has been resolved. I'm also seeing my GP for a referral to a counsellor. God Bless.

Jedi14 profile image

The simple answer to your question is yes! The same reasoning that applies to your liver condition, also applies to PH, I was just reading up about it. Now with modern meds, quality of life is enhanced and relatively pain free.

Anyway's we hearties have to have tearful moments as we are facing problems face on and it's good to do that from time to time.

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Jedi14

Thank you so much, Jedi14. Thank you so much for understanding. Your message is so uplifting to me....thank you.

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, puddy68,

First, I am so very sorry that you have been diagnosed with PAH. It seems to be a progressive disease, but early diagnosis and treatment can lead to a longer life and better quality of life. The good news is that there are treatment options available to you.

I truly understand your extreme anxiety about all of this. I have anxiety disorder, and I stress way too easily and too often. For your own health, may I suggest that you consider some cognitive behavioral therapy, which might help you learn some strategies for coping with your anxiety. Learning some techniques for helping to calm your mind may have additional benefits for your overall health.

I might also suggest that you connect with a PAH support group. Plus, you can try reading some literature about your condition. Start with small chunks of information—What is PAH? What are possible symptoms of PAH? What treatments are available for PAH?—you don’t have to take in everything all at once. For me, I often have to take my time to wrap my head around something and to calm down.

As a teacher, you know that knowledge is power. Some days, knowledge may be our only power with whatever health condition that we have. Give yourself a chance to breathe and to plan. Teaching, by itself, is stressful. Try to carve out time to relax for yourself. The children are extremely important, but so are you!

Can you schedule an appointment to talk candidly with your doctor about treatment options and any questions that you may have? You may want to do some reading about this disease beforehand. Make a list of questions to ask your doctor. Join a support group for PAH. Ask questions. Remember—knowledge is power. I am attaching a link for general information from the Cleveland Clinic:

You could also take a look at some breathing techniques online that are designed to help you calm down. These can be used anywhere and any time to quietly help you calm and cope.

The link that I provided tells how to use the 54321 strategy. It is only one possibility for you to try. There are many breathing techniques, tapping techniques, etc. out there that might work for you to ease anxiety.

I wish you the best in your journey to figure all of this out. It is hard—but you must be tough because, after all, you are a teacher! Hardest job on the planet. 🌎

Take care. ❤️

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Smitty1956

Thanks so much for your reply, Smitty1956. I really appreciate the time you have taken to reply to my post. Thank you also for the links you have given me - I will definitely look these up.

Smitty1956 profile image
Smitty1956 in reply to puddy68

Hi, puddy68,

I hope that you are feeling somewhat better today; I know that you have been terribly stressed.

I was thinking about you, and I wanted to share a link that may help provide some additional information about PH.

This is specifically an article about PH and lightheadedness, but the website has so much more. The organization is called myPHteam.

Best wishes! ❤️

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Smitty1956

Thanks so much, Smitty1956. Thank you for thinking of me. I'm actually a member of myPHteam, but I hadn't seen the article, so thank you!

Ersilia2 profile image

Please try and calm down, too much anxiety can make you feel worse.Do some breathing exercises. Talk to your Doctor, he might refer you to a Specialist who will help you,I wish you all the best,hope you feel relaxed and get some answers from the Professionals.

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Ersilia2

Thank you so much, Erslia2. You're right, the anxiety does make things much worse. My GP is referring me to a counsellor, so hopefully this will help. Thank you so much, again.

Ersilia2 profile image

I’m in Australia too, puddy68 (Sydney NSW.)

puddy68 profile image
puddy68 in reply to Ersilia2

Hi, fellow Aussie! I'm in Melbourne!

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