l just wondered if anyone has had a blood atest and had the platelets come back low? I have CHF but admit to being worried over this. Thank you
blood test worry: l just wondered if... - British Heart Fou...
blood test worry

In my case my platelets and mean platelet volume (MPV) are just about OK but need to be assessed alongside the thirty or more other readings from my blood tests, rather than in isolation.
Hi spitfire
My husband has regular full bloods taken & all his results have been abnormal for some years. Apart from one year when it was decided to give him a couple of iron infusions, neither his GP or HF nurse seem concerned.
However, I don't know anything about platelets and I don't ever recall seeing this on his results. What should I be looking for?
The first instance (or when it was noticed) that my MPV came back low was in 2022. Every blood test that I have had since then has continued to show low levels of MPV. My GP does not seem to be fussed about it despite being a little bit concerned myself as to why they haven’t gone back to a normal range.
I would speak to your GP about your platelet levels as I am not sure what that would mean in the context of having CHF.
I would be interested to hear what your GP has to say.
Take care.
Hi Tos92, thank you for your reply. I am worried as l am very hot and sweaty in bed at night which is unusual for me . I am also very very tired, and having some rib discomfort . Which togeather with low platelets can be worrying . It’s all very stressful. I will have to see the GP to ask. If l do l will let you know his answer.
I have had low platelets for many many years. It always gets flagged up if a different gp sees my results or if I’m having another procedure at hospital . But they e never mentioned or offered any treatment.
Hi Buddy00, thank you for your reply. I am not sure you would have to ring your GP surgery and ask them to give you your platelet level results. I am mostly worried as l have a couple of symptoms that go with the low platelet level. My worry is leukaemia . By the way l love your fox motif l love them.
I heard about someone who had their test saying low platelets were low, they had been taking an antihistimine, side effects were, yes low platelets. Another blood test in a couple of weeks, hoping that since they now stopped taking the antistimine tablets. The platelets will go back to normal. Let you know the results. Hope this may help.
Appleloveme, thank you for your reply, l don’t take an antihistamine but l did wonder about my heart medication . I had the results of my 2nd blood test with a 6 week interval and they are still low. So l just don’t know!
Thank you for your reply. Do you know if your heart medication has any side effects, it seems most medications do. I was offered medication for a certain health condition, I looked at the side effects and they were worse, than the actual health condition symptoms. Worth checking out, different in your case though, you need to take your heart medication. Take care.
My father had low platelet count for years and ended up getting Acute Myloid Leukemia. Dont know if there’s a connection.