Hello everyone, I unfortunately had a heart attack in January this year , early Feb I was lucky enough to have a quad bypass, since my operation I've been in recovery, I've always been active before but I'm struggling with my recovery mentally, never imagined it would be so hard , worst I find is the weakness, I'm just getting over pneumonia and the wulfren the hospital also stopped as I was having nose bleeds and loosing blood back of my throat, breathless is easing and dizziness has nearly gone so hopefully I'm now on the mend, I've just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which the heart attack has inflamed , I am hoping to return to work over the few months , hoping being the question I am asking, I never realised how hard my recovery would be, luckily my fabulous wife has been fantastic with me helping me along the way 😢 realistically how long have I to put up with recovery before i really start to feel back to normal If at all
Quadruple heart bypass : Hello everyone... - British Heart Fou...
Quadruple heart bypass

I think it's different for everyone. For me it was just 3 months from the operation and I was back at work and out doing quite serious exercise. But you have had more complications.
Assuming they are over now hopefully in the next couple of months you should be fighting fit.
I would like to say hopefully on the mend but found out today my iron levels are dropping again I've stopped taking wulfren and was hoping for signs of improvement
I had the same procedure as you in May 2022. I was 70, I don't know your age or previous state of health.
This is all complicated by your subsequent ailments but it was 4 months before i felt well enough to go on a short holiday locally. it took longer before all the pains associated with the nerve endings being cut through had subsided.
So, depending on your age and previous state of health it may be some months before you feel normal. I wonder if you can get an alternative to the medication causing the arthritis as that is a further complication you don't need.
Are you getting out and about much yet, as being mostly confined to house and environs won't help your state of mind.
I'm 56 pal I was very active, I have to get out I'll crack up in these 4 walls , we get out every day, when I'm not in hospital, just found out today my iron levels are dropping again, we had booked to go to corfu for 2 weeks this Thursday 🙃
Hi Oldpalfoz - Fresh air and sunlight are always a good bet! You sound very fit and I'm sure it's very frustrating - but I think you just have to put in the time. Now about your holiday - great! I would love to go on holiday - my heart attack was in February. Who is providing your travel insurance and is it ridiculously expensive?
Hello I went on a comparison website, I was very honest and told the truth even said my wife has copd , I have asked for annually so we're always covered but staying in Europe no more than 21 days away £222 annually 🙂
Hi Oldpalfoz, welcome to the quad club 👊🏻. I had an Nstemi heart attack out of the blue July 13th 2023 and quadruple CABG on 25th July. The first couple of weeks I found pretty rough , infection in my chest wound was stubborn to clear up , getting used to medication was a challenge, side effects from statins ,but I made incredible physical progress . I was fit and strong prior to the heart attack and had some residual strength and fitness post op . The mental side , I didn’t realise the toll it had/was taking . I’m sure I had / have a touch of PTSD but I’m a lot better 10 months down the line. Absolutely grateful for my rebirth .
You might be able to search through my posts to give you and idea of the sort of journey I’ve had , it was quite linear progress in the first 3-4 months then I had issues with my statin. Well documented on here 🤣. Don’t be hard on yourself , on reflection I think I could have done with some mental support post procedure even though I was surrounded by loving and caring family and friends. The support of this group is fantastic, it’s a great resource of sharing experiences too. You should be able to access mental help through your medical team , or try the BHF on line nurses (online chat or phone call) to discuss a way forward. I post every month a progress update and little achievements/challenges that I completed in making a fulfilled life along with a collage of photos , it’s not to impress anyone but to impress upon anyone that there is opportunity to live a full lifestyle and manage our conditions with some lifestyle changes and medication. Wishing you a comfortable and speedy recovery , keep us updated on your journey, I’m looking forward to it 👍🏻
Mentally I've struggled, my wife and family have been amazing, we've shed some tears ,I've just found out today my iron levels are dropping again so much for our holiday to corfu Thursday, 2 weeks away, probably 2 weeks back in hospital, I will keep in touch, I know I'm not the only one going through this, I certainly helps to talk about our experience
we are all different, I had 2xPCI, CABG and AVR last June, at 3 months I was jogging/running 5k at least once a week. I consider myself fully recovered now, indeed I’m fitter than I have been for many years.
Hi I’m 19 months post triple bypass. Everyone’s journey is different and 4 months is still early days you will probably get good days and bad days listen to your body. Have you been referred for rehab ? I found this very helpful so if it’s offered accept it if not ask your cardio team why you haven’t been referred.
Similar to you I have other health issues that can play a part in recovery I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma very soon after being told I needed the bypass. Dealing with more than one health issue sometimes puts you in a catch 22 situation regarding treatment and medication as I’m sure others will be able to relate to.
I don’t know how old you are ( I’m 73) but obviously age plays a part in our recovery also, so try not to worry too much as to reiterate 4 months is early days. Getting used to the meds can be a challenge and again we are all different so one size does not fit all.
I did not realise how it affects you mentally and thought I was doing ok until my family pointed things out to me so be kind to yourself allow your mind as well as your body to heal. Don’t be afraid to seek help if you need it, I’m too stubborn for my own good at times but recently have wondered if I should have sought help. I hope you feel better soon and you are soon enjoying your life to the full. Take care and please update us 😊🌞
I suppose I was very fortunate I had a triple in 1977 at a very young age of 31 no heart attack, just angina when exercising to extremes.Not sure of your age but I have gone on to have a very full and active life coming up to age 78.I still play walking football and enjoy a tough ride on my bikes.
It’s those initial steps outside the House wondering if you’ll be ok.At least these days there are mobile phones( love or hate em) you can still call for help almost from anywhere.You’ll have things occur which make you wonder if all is Ok you just have to soldier on, and call on the help available for advice. I am now The Guinness World Record Holder as The Longest Surviving Triple Heart Bypass Patient, frankly never thought I’d reach 3 score and ten.Doing things I never thought at one point I would ever do again.
Hi Old Pal
It’s a big operation and leaves your body and mind in shock. It really does take quite some time to recover.
I had a heart bypass in late Oct last year and I am only just beginning to feel ‘normal’ again.
Lots of back aches and tiredness. Emotionally like being on a roller coaster but each day is a little better than the last and some days this is more noticeable than others.
I don’t know about you, but I have quite a cocktail of meds, mainly the usual suspects, but I put my tiredness down to these.
I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones though. I had severely blocked arteries and the doctors made me better. It’s up to me now to keep myself that way, exercise, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle and I know in time I will feel much stronger.
Your body has been through a lot, so give yourself time. Talk to your GP about your meds or call the BHF Nurses for advice. They are brilliant.
What you are experiencing is not uncommon.
Best Wishes
Thank you for your kind and positive response it's most certainly a roller coaster ride , I'm now jumping on me exercise bike every evening and started morning aswell 😀, hoping to average 60 minutes a day , mentally lifts me , isa got a echocardiogram 28th this month so hopefully it will improve my heart
Reading about others experiences on here has been really helpful to me while recovering from 4x CABG in January and hopefully it will to you too. Try to be patient with recovery (every day is a day closer to getting there) and you've had complications. Do the exercises and build back up when you can. I found my weekly cardiac club / exercise classes helpful. Hopefully you've got a community cardiac team of nurses that will help you get your health and fitness back and give you advice. Best of luck Oldpal
I took alot of encouragement from the blogs on heartvalvesurgery.com. Some folks have chest pain for well over a year. I really struggled mentally for about 9 months. The surgeons saying I'd be playing golf in 8 weeks really didn't help. what helped was attending cardiac rehab classes/community. You findout that every journey is different, with almost no rules as to what you might expect. Let yourself off the hook. enjoy your extra years.