Hi! New to posting here, but see there are others like me who just are wondering what the heck is going on, so even though I know no one's journey is exactly like anyone else's, I'm going to throw mine out there just to see what bites.
Started having palpitations, which I now know are PVCs, around the same time as I hit menopause and was diagnosed with low thyroid/started taking thyroid medication--16 years ago. I assumed it was the medication causing them, and because at least initially I felt so much better on medication, I didn't say anything. Ignorantly, I feared they'd take the medication away, and they didn't really bother me, almost made me feel more alert after several months of blinding fatigue and dopeyness.
About three years later at my annual "we have to check your levels" visit with the doctor, I had my first EKG. That doc said "aFib" and I went on with life.
The next year a different doc listened again, did an EKG, said, "That's not aFib, those are PVCs." Again, went on with life.
About four years later, I was not feeling that great despite thyroid medication, and started researching how a super slow heart rate affects one. My resting rate was in the 40s at that time, and though I'd run a marathon recently and still ran all year round, was also strength training, I could barely take a lap in the mall without resting. I knew I still had PVCs too but no one seemed concerned about anything I was going through, really.
Then, one day, my chest started hurting badly enough that it made me stop what I was doing for about ten minutes. It didn't fit the heart attack criteria and at 56-ish I would've said it was unlikely, but my brother, an elite athlete, had two heart attacks in his late 40s, the first while on a century bike ride, which he finished. It was only because of the second similar episode two days later that he went to the ER, learned yep, heart attack, with 95% blockage in one artery, 50% in the other. So all bets seemed off, and he agreed, go get checked, so later that day, I did.
It turned out I was in bigeminy when they hooked me up, something I'd never heard of at that point. There was no evidence of a heart attack, but they were either having a slow day, or they actually weren't certain, so they suggested I stay over night, just slide right into tests the next morning.
So, I did, and...no abnormalities. I wore a Holter monitor for 48 hours after that, and paying attention, I realized my chest hurt all the time, it was just a matter of degree.
Monitor suggested a 14-ish percent burden of PVCs.. Cardiologist said you can have an ablation but it might not work, or you can take a beta blocker which will slow your already slowwww heart rate down more. Otherwise, you'll feel like crap but they won't hurt you. I got the prescription, but only took it when things felt particularly bad.
I did ferret out that stress made them worse, so I decided to call it a disability, and just kind of backed off on "career" pursuits, and started working in a way that allowed me more control over my schedule. And it has helped me not feel like my skin was on inside out.
But apparently the PVCs have stayed with me. For the most part, they're just part of the noise I live with, and as I still suffer from fatigue, procrastination, etc. they continue to be a fire of sorts that helps me get moving.
Then in 2023 I was diagnosed with very severe osteoporosis (age 61). Chronic pain became way more "important" tgan the flutter in my chest, but I did notice I started feeling them more again anyway.
Long story shorter, I finally had a new dic suggest maybe I should wear the monitir again. He suggested they don't care until your burden is 30%+ but I was in bigeminy when he listened, so...hmm.
So I wore the monitor for 48 hours as instructed, did all my normal life things. Got the report back on Tuesday but still haven't heard from the referring doc. It's a 24 page report, wayyy more info than in 2016, and I can even understand a little of it.
Basically, as I suspected, I'm pretty much in bigeminy all my waking hours, and no events of any sort while I sleep. In all, I had almost 56,000 ectopic beats, 17 incidents of ventricular tachycardia (which I JUST started noticing this week, before I got the report!) less than 1% PACs.
You can see on the timeline that they start about an hour before I wake up, just a few, but as soon as I'm on my feet, they're a regular thing, not triggered by coffee or food because I take thyroid and wait an hour. I do have a TINY bit of caffeine because I'm as sludgy as a mud slide in the morning, but after that, nothing. My diet us actually as clean as it's ever been since my osteoporosis diagnosis--whole foods, almost no alcohol, never have smoked, very little sugar.
But despite this, as I get moving, so do the PVCS.
One particularly stressful hour (so now I wonder, was I stressed because of my heart or did stress provoke my heart?) I had 2720 PVCs, 55 per minute. It's actually kind of nice to kniw this, because I was SOooo slow, it was like I cannot make myself move faster (I cut hair at a Great Clips, so speed matters ) Now I know--I probably was not all that well oxygenated. Probably I never am, just it was really bad that hour.
They also ramp up with exercise, where first time around they stopped...at least, if I got my heart rate up high enough. I can't run any more so maybe my brisk walking and light strength training wasn't enough?
That's all I've got (except, as I say, three episodes of tachycardia that I've noticed right after getting in bed.)
Anyone farther along on a similar journey? I know age makes everything worse, but this feels a little excessive. I honestly don't feel THAT bad, but everything is relative...I wasn't dealing with pain in 2016.
I did read that severe osteoporosis serns to correlate to/with greater incidence of heart disease (we still don't know why my bones are as bad as they are,) wuth the best guess for why being everybody's favorite: inflammation. But I've been trying to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. That actually might be partly why I don't feel worse? No gluten?
Like I say, no idea what doc will say, but clearly it's not striking him as anything that requires urgent attention.
Thanks for reading and any thoughts/insights. Have a blessed day.