Had surgery on Feb 27th 2024, 4 days in I.C.U with collapsed lung during operation, back home now slowly recovering, get very tired very easily, trying to do 20 mins walk a day, that's my limit at the mo without getting exhausted
Mitral Valve Repair: Had surgery on Feb... - British Heart Fou...
Mitral Valve Repair
Hey Paul,
Good to hear you’re getting there. I had O.H.S for a mitral valve replacement in June last year. Was also in I.C.U for a few days due to complications. In hospital for 2 wks in total - then finally managed to escape!
It’s been a long 9 months so far but I’m getting there - as will you. Some days I found the enormity of what I went through over whelming - but finding this group a few weeks ago, has been really helpful. Realising that you’re not alone, that many other members have also walked in our shoes (at a variety of ages) - has definitely helped me become more accepting of my medical situation.
Try and ask to be referred back to your Cardiologist after your 6 week check, as they will then ensure you’re on all the right meds and together with the Cardiac Rehab Nurse can organise additional tests etc. should you need them. (My heart’s pumping function still hasn’t returned to its pre-op level - so have had a few Echos’ since my surgery and been placed on a variety of different medication).
Just take each day as it comes. Set yourself little goals (getting out for a walk each day is fab) and take it steady. Fingers crossed you’ll soon be feeling much improved. Wishing you a recovery speedier than mine!
Less than a month since surgery, twenty minutes walk is ok! Try to walk for a few minutes less but more often. Walk round the house and/or garden but don't overdo it. I promise you'll get there. It's a plus to have a repair rather than a re-placement (no warfarin requirement), but it's still open heart surgery.
It takes months to overcome OHS. Relax into the enforced lifestyle. Well done!
After my OHS, I was told to walk 10 mins a day on week 1, then 20 mins the 2nd week, then add 10 mins each week. But it was also suggested to have 1 or 2 rest days each week. It does feel exhausting to start with and it sounds like you are doing really well! Some days it felt easier than others but it was good to have that aim and to have some structure to my day. I also had to accept that I had good days and bad days, and that some days I would feel completely wiped out. That is ok. It is still early days for you. After week 6 I really began to notice progress in what I could do, but still needed to pace myself. Just take each day as it comes and be kind to yourself. Best wishes.
I had the same surgery 4 weeks earlier than you and I’m only walking for 30 minutes at a time but twice a day. The guidelines vary depending on who I speak to! I’m at normal pace now and up to about 1.6 miles per walk. I think advice from most specialist hospitals is about 2 miles at this point but my body is happy at the moment and that is good enough for me. Definitely able to do more around the house now and my sleep schedule is improving. I think you’re doing amazing for 4 weeks post op. (And trying to focus on my own path because it is so easy to get competitive). Take care