Hello, I had multiple blood clots in both lungs, pneumonia and also found multiple nodules both lungs sized 5mm and 6mm. This was August 23. I was on apixaban which they stopped on 12th. On 14th I started my period but haven't stopped. It keeps going to black blood then back to red .My hands are cold and sweaty. Anybody know if I should be concerned?? Thanks
Stopping blood thinners : Hello, I had... - British Heart Fou...
Stopping blood thinners

I am sorry to read everything you have been going through
As to your question I would say you need to see a Doctor it maybe nothing to worry about there can be simple explanations however it does need checking out
Let us know how you get on x
Thank you so much for replying. I can't seem to find anything on Google reason it could be 🙈just dont want the GP just to fob me off or me waste their time . I'll try getting an app tomorrow xx
Google wont have the answers as it does not have your medical history for a start and it may frighten you even more so please try and stay of google
You are certainly not wasting their time at all that is what they are there for and don't let them fob you of tell them this is not normal and maybe even ask them to do a iron level blood test to see if the loss is affecting your iron levels
Is there someone that you could take with you for some support that can sometimes help
Let us know how you get on and I hope you get it sorted x
I know doctors are busy but alot make you feel you are wasting their time these days. Not helpful. Twice I gabe rang asking for an appointment after having a stent
Both times refused to see me saying I needed to go to a and e. When I have got to a and e pretty much said I was wasting their time and pain was not real. Not helpful
That's exactly what GPs do. If you have had a heart problem, and the reason you are ringing is might be cardiac related, in my experience they will simply send you to A&E. I think the reasoning is that if you are actually having a heart attack, the GP has not the facilities to either diagnose the problem (e.g. a Troponin blood test) or to treat you. The only safe course is to send you to A&E. It has happened to me several times shortly after my heart attack.
I would definitely consult a doctor.
In my case being on blood thinner hasn’t affected the frequency of my periods possibly thinner blood and fewer days on but I’m 53 so other time of life things might be going on.
as per BeKind28- it should be checked out. It’ll give you reassurance.
Definitely see your gp, In the past when I stopped clopidogrel it never led to bleeding neither did stopping warfarin.
You should definitely request a GP appointment, if they cannot see you face to face tomorrow request a phone call at the least.It may be fine , but you may also need some advice or something to help with the longer bleeding time. It can happen to some women occasionally even if they haven't had previous health problems and the GP can prescribe something to help.
At the least extra long periods can cause anaemia and that would need checking.
Take care , Bee
Thank you, Dr said it was depo injection that caused the clots so I came off that have had 2 normal periods and since they've stopped my blood thinners just haven't stopped, will keep u updated xx
It's not unheard of to have really long periods or a number of periods after each other as little as a few days apart over several months after you come off a contraceptive injection or pill as your hormone balance is a bit unstable.The blood thinner changing at the same time might have contributed to it but it could also be a coincidence.
My daughter suffered similar issues after stopping a contraceptive that didn't suit her , she wasn't on any other medications but found this happening for 3-4 months after stopping the contraceptive.
The GP is the only one that will be able to assess what is happening and what is required . Hope it's sorted out soon , take care , Bee
go to see your doctor. Nobody should make you feel as though you are wasting their time that’s a power thing. Without patients they wouldn’t be driving around in brand new BmWs .
At our surgery they now close their branch surgery at 1pm on a Wednesday afternoon and lots of people have complained!
Thankfully I live between the 2 surgeries so can go to either one but for those who live near the branch surgery it's a right trek to come up here for Wednesday afternoon appointments!
Ours is closed Thursdays but they now don't have enough doctors as most the learning ones have now gone on to hospitals or other GPs so they book us in with nurse and we have to go to another place instead of gp but they don't really do anything and they'll just say ring gp . Hopefully it won't be like that this time but few weeks ago I went they sent me to see the nurse 🙈xx
You need to see your GP and find out what is going on. Phone today and tell them it's an emergency they may say go to the hospital. Having Apixaban is a blood thinner so it should protect you from having blood clots. Black blood is old blood glad it went to red as thats fresh blood but you shouldn't still be bleeding not to worry you but you need to be seen today.
With my GP all the old doctors fob u off with anxiety . Hopefully I can see one of the new doctors that are learning they seem to actually care I've had black blood now for 3 days then I had some red yesterday but back to black xx
Go to hospital today black blood for 3 days is not right . Sorry to frightened you but you need to go too hospital and get under the care of a gynecologist . As they will need to run a series of tests .
Thank you. I'll try see gp first x
If you phone 111 they will tell you to go to hospital. If you do see your GP any tests you need will be delaid. You need tests now . Please go to the hospital.
Currently waiting for 111 to ring me back xx
So glad you phoned them and hope you told them everything including any tablets you are taking. I don't mean to sound patronising but your post got me worried. And it's what I would tell my daughter to do. I a nearly 66 so am old fuss pot of a mom and ever more of a fuss pot where my grandsons are concerned.
Oh god no didn't find it patronising at all , my mum passed away when I was young so I really liked you commented as I have nobody to ask what's normal or not xx
You can always ask me anything . Sorry your mom died young. My children weren't little but 20 and 16 when their dad died. But they have a hole in their lives.
Did 111 get back to you and what did they say. I have being thinking about you and wondering what happened. Don't feel you have to reply . Only if you want to .
Awe, thank u for thinking of me. They told me go to a&e but I havent im still bleeding, I think ill leave it until Monday although yesterday I was in alot of pain even after taken naproxen. They didn't say what could be wrong just that I need to go to a&e because of previous PE 🙈 xx
You really need to go too today. But promise me if you don't you will definitely go first thing Monday morning. They can't tell why until they do a load of tests. Which will include an internal so be prepared and blood tests and probably an ultra sound scan. Take something to read as you will most likely be there all day. And take any tablets you are on with you. Might be an idea to take a bag with overnight things just in case they want to keep you in. I am one of those be prepared for anything people . I always took overnight things when I went to A &E.
Honestly thank you. Yeah im going to go Monday if I'm still bleeding . I've had alot of pain last 2 days and started with a headache but I think headache may be due to me not drinking enough xx
According to my GP 8-10 drinks is enough per day . I stopped coffee about 10 years ago as it gave me palpitations. I had a series of UTIs and kidney infections and had to take 16 courses of antibiotics. I foolishly upped my drinks to 12-14 a day thinking to flush the infection out but all it did was to make my sodium and folic acid levels very low and had to take folic acid tablets for 3 months .
I still think you need some tests done even if the bleeding has stopped. Blood shouldn't be black but a healthy red . Your headaches may be to do with the blood loss.
How are you today? Did you go to the hospital?
Hello, so sorry about the delayed reply . I didn't go hospital been gp few times they think it's because depo injection is going out of my system? But now have gallbladder infection I'm on 2 antibiotics, anti sickness anti acid and pain killers. Gp said if I'm not better by tomorrow I need to go hospital. They also took blood tests yesterday when I went there
I am sorry you are so poorly but if you aren't better tomorrow you must go to hospital . You need a complete check up and the hospital may keep you in so make sure you take a bag with overnight things and your tablets plus let your family know how ill you are. Please you need to take better care of yourself. Sending you all my best wishes and a hug.
Sorry for your problems - I'd certainly contact your GP and don't let the receptionist fob you off! It is probably nothing but as others have suggested they may do a blood test to check that you are not low on anything. Good luck and let us know how you get on,
I would question why you are even being taken off Apixaban. I had a PE after heart surgery and was told to take Apixaban and Clopidogrel for life. Don't ever worry about being a nuisance. It's your body and you're entitled to talk about your health. Push until you get the answers you need.
All the best.
After I had blood clots in the lungs back in 2017 I got told at outpatients I was to stay on the rivaroxaban indefinitely by the specialist when he discharged me from the clinic and I had cried in relief!
Same I had one lung blood clot, caused by diagnosis autoimmune , makes the over blood clot ( sticky blood) had a wonderful young lady Specialist, tested everything until diagnosed WHY I had the clot . I started on 20 mg Rivaroxaban then 10 mg then 30 mg then back to 10 mg , very happy on that , no clots , bloods twice or once per year and tel clinic .
Apparently doctor said cos I'm only 29 he didn't want me on them forever and said it was depo injection that caused them so I stopped that October, had normal periods and now haven't stopped since they told me to stop them which is weird . I'm always scared cos the old doctors just fob u off with anxiety and ur under stress xx
Hi hope your well,I’ve had the same a pe after heart surgery and they stopped mine after 6 months said I’d was provoked,can I ask why you stayed on them do you have AF or something or previous clot
I had a DVT when I had a c-section some years ago. I guess they're thinking there must be something in my makeup that I'm prone to them. However, I've had every test possible and nothing came up. I'm surprised you're off them. Everyone I know who's had a blood clot is on then for life. I would question witj your GP if I were you. X
Yeah they just said it was from surgery and provoked after ohs normally 3/6 months wasn’t dvt just on my lung,it has gone now but no anticougulation clinic it’s very strange
I know it’s not my lane but if I was looking after you I’d Phone 111 , I wouldn’t hang around , black blood ! That would freak me out . Get 111 advice . Hope you resolve it asap .
Yeah that's what freaking me out cos it's black blood went abit red yesterday but black again so confusing lol x
You really need to see your doctor, I have found that being the squeaky wheel works, you just have to be persistent. It seems that this might also be a completely different issue from other things you have experienced. I am on both a blood thinner and anticoagulant though I am well past menopause being 82. I have had several clotting situations, in my lungs and also arterial (2 heart stents and 1 leg). So stopping meds unless your cardiologist says ok just isn't wise.
I too have a tendency to Google things but sometimes that can be confusing. You can also ask for a second opinion. You are not bothering them they are supposed to be there to help you.
I feel they fob me off cos I'm 29 .I had a chest ct scan and chest xray no body one's. Haha yes im a googler aswell but I can't make sense of what it's saying it just keeps popping up with when ur on them so it's confusing xx
This seems to explain the varying colours you might experience, and does it quite well.
Don't give up trying to get help to relieve your mind. Maybe asking for a referral to a gyn/obs would be a good idea. Its always a good idea to get checked in that area, a pap smear etc.
As others have said you need to speak to your doctor or health team at the hospital.
After what you have been through any changes you should run past your DR.Most times it’s nothing and your reassured.
A paramedic once told me never hesitate to contact them if your worried .We all seem to be reluctant to bother any medical team these days .
Let us know how you get on.
Yeah I feel they fob me off cos My age & thrombosis nurse and Dr fob me off cos " ull recover fine ur young " they told me as I told them I still get chest pains and back shoulder pain x
You don't mention your age, but even so that does not seem 'normal'-as others have said stopping blood thinners -again you don't say who said -GP or specialist- but maybe see a gynaecologist, there should be an intermediate gynaecologist clinic in the area who deals specifically with female issues, and they may be better plllaced to advise. You could well be very anaemic by now, hence cold hands etc, and would need iron supplementing too. Don't leave it please!

I've just turned 29 thrombosis nurse said I could stop on the 12th . Thank you ill see if I can get a go app xx
You should speak to your doctor. But it seems to me you may need to stop them fir a few days while your on your period in order for that to finish then go back on. But you must speak to the doctor first as you have had clots
Hello 🤗 I am interested in the finding of nodules in your lung and what they said about that? I recently had a ct scan and they ‘found something’ which really alarmed me. The letter said it was a nodule in my king and to go back for another scan. The findings of that (by letter) were that it had shrunk so no follow up needed. All well and good but what is a nodule and how mysterious that it has shrunk! Also can it come back is the question in my head but now they have waved me off at no time have I been able to ask a doctor anything as I haven’t seen one- it’s all been done by letter. Just curious as to what they said to you. Btw I am also in Apixaban as well as Bisoprolol and digoxin and well past menopause at 64. Hope you find your own answers to your questions. 🙂
Back in May last year I was frightened when one Tuesday morning just after the May day Bank Holiday when I received a text from the surgery saying a blood test needed to be repeated but not told why and I was absolutely terrified fearing the worst so I rang them up and sorted out another blood test with them and had asked them why did the test need repeating and didn't get a straight answer and I was beyond frustrated at this point!
I did get the test redone and said to the nurse about how I had been terrified when I had received that message saying the blood test needed to be redone and she had reassured me and had said when tests need to be redone it's to do with things going wrong at the lab and if something really had been wrong I would have been contacted urgently which reassured me!
Thankfully the repeated test was fine but all that worry was unnecessary!
It's so frustrating isn't it when they give you half a story!
You are so right! I was terrified and angry at the same time. Still wondering what’s it’s all about and with no real hope of getting any answers any time soon. So much for keeping stress levels low 😳. Thank you for replying though 😊
I was under the impression I had 1 nodule, but I got a letter other day that respiratory team sent to Dr and me said I have few in both lungs sized 5mm and 6mm and respiratory team said cos My age it'll probably be nothing so want to re scan me in August which is making my anxiety go through the roof . As the Dr said its very unlikely I had blood clots cos my age but here I am lol . Since being in apixaban I've never felt so unwell in my life, hoping I start to feel more human soon now they've taken me off them xx
That old chestnut (it’s your age, it seems whether young or old age is used as a reason). Also a case of someone says one thing and someone says another. They seem to forget sometimes that we can be sent into orbit with the way things are put to us and we’re sitting on the edge of our seats till (if we’re lucky) we get a follow up appointment. I’m still unclear as to what a nodule actually is and why it can shrink. Maybe you’ll be like me and that’s the answer you’ll get too which although good it’s going away - how can I stop it coming back! You take care and I’ll keep my fingers crossed you get a good result from your scan and that your other issue is addressed and they can help you out. Let me know how you get on xx
What I've read it can be scar tissue from infection, but then also read it can be cancerous and all I'm thinking is August is far and I'm absolutely on edge thinking by then they'll tell me I have terminal lung cancer or something
I’m advising you not to use Dr Google persist with getting a doctors appointment.