Ectopics - one after the other. So sc... - British Heart Fou...

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Ectopics - one after the other. So scared

mummyofspot profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone.

I posted on this forum a few years ago and everyone was so helpful. I wonder if anyone could offer some advice/reassurance?

Quick back sorry. I had an SVT around 2.5 years ago and ended up in hospital. Had all tests and nothing wrong. Was put on 1.25mg Bisoprolol which made me horribly anxious so I was switched to Propranolol slow release. I’ve been taking this for 2 years now and have been ‘ok’ but started to get ectopic beats. This has steadily increased and a couple of weeks ago I started getting hours of continuous ectopics (every 2nd, 3rd, 4th beat). This would go on for most of the day and then strangely stop at bedtime. I’ve also had a couple of days during the past 2 weeks where I’ve only had a few.

Anyway, last night they started coming very frequently and I was monitoring them on my ECG function on the Apple Watch and it showed them coming one after the other (like 4 or 5 in a row). And then returned to every 3rd or 4th beat. When this happens I get a weird sensation in my head. Doesn’t feel like I’m going to pass out just a pressure feeling.

I have an appointment with my cardiologist on Tuesday (luckily have private medical though my husbands work). But I’m so scared. Are ectopics one after the other dangerous?

I was told last time I wore a monitor that they were PACs and not dangerous but I’ve never had them this much before nor one after the other. Had all other tests and been told heart is fine. Does Propranolol make them more frequent?

I’m female and 48 years old and been told they could be hormonal but they’ve also been worse since being on HRT.

Any advice would be very greatfully appreciated.

I do know that anxiety makes them worse but it’s impossible to stop the anxiety when they are so frequent.

Thank you so much xx

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mummyofspot profile image
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8 Replies
meadfoot profile image

So sorry you are having so many ectopics they are dreadful. I am having them in a similar in pattern to you, been going on for months now. Emphasise how much they are troubling you when you see the cardiolgist. Dont be fobbed off. They may be benign but that doesnt stop them feeling awful causing anxiety which seems to come as uninvited guests alongside them.

Ask them about hormones and if thats a trigger in your case. In the meantime pop over to the Atrial Fibrillation healthunlocked forum, you will find very many people there with nasty feeling ectopic bests, it may give you some comfort. Slow deep diaphragm breathing helps some people worth a try. Best wishes.

mummyofspot profile image
mummyofspot in reply to meadfoot

Thanks so much for replying. Yes I defo think there’s a hormone connection or a stomach as I have a hiatus hernia. I keep telling my dr that I’m not getting them because I’m anxious, I’m anxious because I’m getting them!!!

Hope you get some relief too!


meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to mummyofspot

Ah I have a hiatus hernia too. Your sentence about anxiety was similar to one I used with my consultant and GP earlier this month. Good old anxiety especially in women is a good fall back position. Watch out that your health issues dont get banded together as peri or menopause symptoms another good catch all sadly. Fight for your health. Best wishes.

DodgyTickerMum profile image

Hi, Sorry to hear you’re suffering with these. I am a similar age and have been experiencing lots of ectopic beats and extra systoles for many years. Especially noticeable at night (but not always during the day when up and about). Have been told by my Cardiologist that they are not harmful and that for it to be A.F, you need a run of 30 seconds or more.

Perhaps you would benefit from a 72 hr R test, which will then give your Doctor a clearer picture? I’m sure they’ll organise this for you at your appointment.

I hope you get on ok. Good Luck. 😊

mummyofspot profile image
mummyofspot in reply to DodgyTickerMum

Thanks for your reply.

I can’t wait to see the cardiologist tomorrow. I’ve taken loads of ECGs on my Apple Watch to show her. I’m pretty sure she’ll want to do another 7 day monitor.

Hope you find some relief. I know they keep saying they’re not harmful, but they are harmful in the fact that they are ruining my life (dramatic but true)!

Take care x

Stuartc100 profile image

Fellow sufferer here, although ive only had it a couple of times where theyve been in salvo (4 on the bounce, twice) normally i have them like yourself continuous, the last "attack/flare" was 2 weeks ago and lasted just over a week.

Now when i first had the salvos 2 years ago they sent me into a right spin, thought my heart was shot and i was having a HA, was put on anxiety meds which i did need as i was a right mess, 2 years later and all the heart tests come back ok, i have a Hiatus Hernia and suffer with GERD (been on PPI's for 15 years) i kept telling the Dr it felt like they were coming from my stomach but they wanted to rule the heart out.

My GP now agrees with me they seem to be gastro in origin so im now under a gastro Dr, had to force him to do more tests as he wanted to send me to a nutritionist!

2 weeks ago had a test for SIBO and that was positive! so although your heart might be flip flopping and yes anxiety doesnt help, but as i said to the GP who wouldnt have anxiety with your heart like that, im sure of they suffered with them they would change their tune. it might not be your heart thats "at fault" so in my case it could be the sibo/HH or gut that is causing the vagus nerve to be over stimulated and doing all weird stuff, so try to keep an open mind and explore all avenues.

mummyofspot profile image
mummyofspot in reply to Stuartc100

Hi. Thanks for replying.

Funny you should mention the stomach connection, I also have a HH. Only 3cm but still gives me problems. I feel like I have something stuck under my breastbone. Thinking about it, I took a lansoprazole yesterday and the ectopics were much much less!

Trouble is I’m not keen to be on PPIs as they give me other side effects so I can’t see another solution? Are you on any beta blockers etc?

How did you get tested for SIBO? I’ve suspected that I may have this for a while.

Thanks again for your reply! X

Stuartc100 profile image
Stuartc100 in reply to mummyofspot

That'll be the connection i bet, my HH is only 4cm (although when they last looked it was 2cm!?) the size of the HH is not directly linked to the symptoms so dont brush it off! yes PPI's have many side effects the SIBO is one of them sadly, so the only long term solution is surgery to fix the HH and then to repair the LES, for me thats either linx or the new reflux stop, this will mean no need to PPI's look at the SIBO symptoms and defo look at gastro cardiac aka Roemheld syndrome

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