Post operation had an unnecessary ouch because they did not use hypo-allergenic plasters, in spite of having it in my notes and actually telling them. Of course I had a horrible allergic reaction. Got plasters changed after 2 days and although I can still feel it, the burning sensation is no longer there. Am Much Better although at night in particular I can feel an ache around the heart area. Not bad and not a really bad ouch and of course in A/Fib all the time (but again not too bad); Am taking 4mg Candesartan daily now. Have not reported the ache cos I am hoping that when I am better it will go away. Not sure what they could do anyway.
Update on op: Post operation had an... - British Heart Fou...
Update on op

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that you had the unnecessary bother with the plasters. Do tell someone about the ache. Take it easy, read, listen, watch inspirational things to keep a positive outlook and keep us informed how it goes. We're here, all on our own personal journeys; however you feel, let us know.
A small thing but complain to PALS about the plaster, too late for you but might stop them doing it to someone else who would have a worse reaction. I had a small op last year, said I am allergic to Morphine, I need an anti emetic if you use it. I was ignored, vomiting for 10 hours, why don’t they listen to the patient?
I have complained to the private hospital. The oral morphine they gave me did relieve the dreadful pain but I felt sick for 10 days and still have a headache which might have been because of that. Are you allergic to intravenous morphine as well as the oral one? What do you use for a strong pain killer? I found maximum panadol did not touch it. Does the anti emetic stop the sickness? Because I told them I was gluten and dairy free with minimal sugar I think they thought I was just a fussy old woman and did not know what I was talking about!!!
Hi, I know it’s perfectly possible to stop a sickness reaction if they take any notice of us. I was in a military hospital for a knee op. I told the surgeon I reacted badly to morphine and would be very sick. He was appalled and said not in my hospital you won’t, I guarantee you will recover and will eat a sandwich, he added enough anti emetic to the anaesthetic and I wasn’t sick and did eat the sandwich so it’s perfectly possible if only they listen to you. We may be old woman but we’ve only got to be old by knowing what’s necessary. Mostly I take Paracetamol, the very occasional Ibuphren but they aren’t good for my heart problems. If I have a flair then Prednisone as a short course. I am Insulin dependent Diabetic and had Stevens-Johnson Synndrome from that we can’t mention. I saw a Consultant whose first words were I am surprised you are still here.
Not sure I like the sound of the surprised consultant. Will ask to put on my notes that oral morphine makes me feel sick and if I have it could I please have an anti emetic. Thanks. I cannot take Ibruprofen cos of my heart. Sorry you are Insulin dependent. Cannot be a lot of fun. The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome looks truly horrible. Looked it up. You have been/are going through the mill aren’t you? Very much worse than me. All I can say is good luck.
Looked up PALS but it is for NHS hospitals. I had to go private otherwise would have had to wait a minimum of 6months by which time the largest cyst might have become cancerous and it was already adhering to my pelvic wall and 6cms across.
Hi, there is a system in a private hospital, you need to make a formal complaint. I had an expensive scan, waited and waited for the result, they had sent it to another Consultant who hadn’t bothered to return it, the Spire hospital had to pay me compensation, it’s worth it, they don’t want their reputation damaged. I had to go for an appointment on Friday at 9am, the waiting room was packed, an awful lot of people are being forced to turn to the private sector. Sorry I should have warned you not to look up SJS, I should have been sent to a burns unit, the NHS hospital put me on a Geriatric Senile Dementia ward as I was 72 at the time! You should see the complaint I have ongoing with the Health Ombudsman about the way I was treated. I hope you are alright now, we olduns are tough.
I think we have to be tough. There is no alternative is there? Other than writing to the hospital I don’t think there is anything further I can do. I have already told them by phone and the out patient’s nurse there can verify that `i had the allergic type burns from the wrong plasters applied when she put the correct ones on.
How are you now?
Hi, if you telephone and say I wish to make an official complaint they will take you seriously. I am making an official complaint today to the dry cleaners who have lost my winter duvet and are giving me the run around. Thanks for asking how I am, I have a lot of damage from the SJS. I am waiting for an MRI scan, paying of course, as I have Osteoarthritis and fell and damaged my neck. The problems are never ending. this is apart from an EF of 25%.
Hope you are having a good day. X
I reacted badly to the cardiac monitor pads in hospital by coming up in big bruises, had to ask them to use hypoallergenic ones!
thanks for sharing, I hope you continue recovering well and lose your ache soon
You should tell them about the ache and ask for the message about plasters to be written at the top of your notes. I blister terribly from plasters and those electrodes they use for holter monitors. I always mention it in case they miss it.
Not surprised. I was in hospital with a girl who had a severe latex allergy. She wrote warnings in ink all over her legs and slept with a card on top of her that said "Do not touch with latex gloves- anaphylaxis".