Following a few recent health issues involving my heart i have found myself having nightmares about these things occurring, having regular intense panic attacks (which often tend to trigger minor cardiac events like palpitations sometimes), interruption of my daily life and a great sense of fear surrounding many things. This has impacted my ability to go out, function on a day to day basis, work and general quality of life (for example if i experience a new sensation like my arm tingles or my back hurts i will jump to the worst possible conclusion and be borderline inconsolably panicked). Has anybody experienced anything similar following a major cardiac event? Any tips on how to deal with this?
cardiac related mental distress - British Heart Fou...
cardiac related mental distress

Hello, I am really sorry to hear about your issues.few weeks ago I was in the same boat.Restless, nightmares, woke up with palpitations and all sort of overthinking. I didn’t want to go out and talk to friends etc
I went to gp twice to make sure everything was ok when I had symptoms. Because I can’t tell what is happening. Slowly I start to learn and manage these feeling ( of course after 2 visit to GP) And it is getting better for over time.
I hope you can refer to professional medical advise when you encounter it. Take care
Its a very hard time. I’m sorry you are feeling so bad. What you describe was very similar for me, too. Everything, every little twinge made me panic. Could you get some counselling?
Yes, as I have GERD as well. The symptoms can be really similar and my body will go right fight or flight.
For me this forum helps me a lot, here they are really supportive . Where I live people don’t really talk and I am quite young to have friend circle with similar problems.
Few occasions made me went to gp to get checked and talk to them about my issue. Spent few hours over few visit and learn about my condition. because we fear what we don’t know.
I am grateful my family really supportive and they are always there to give moral support.
I really hope you will be able to get the support you need. Don’t keep it to yourself and be strong.
I would definitely speak to your GP about this situation and your anxiety and I hope they are able to offer you some good help and support.I suffered major anxiety and panic attacks some years ago and prescribed antidepressants which eventually did help.
I think it's natural to have these fears, although your reaction is very severe. A few years ago I was referred to the Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic based on chest pain I'd had SIX YEARS earlier. I had, of course, got checked out at the time, but they ignored my protests. I started thinking that they must know something I didn't and found myself really worried by things like pain up the side of my neck, or in my arm, until I realised that I was sitting under an open window and in a draught.
The British Heart Foundation has a lot of information on their website, and their cardiac nurses have a helpline Mon to Fri.
You might find it helpful to have Talking Therapy to help you manage this anxiety. It's a horrible problem to have so ask your GP for a referral.
Anxiety UK is another helpline, sorry I don't have the number to have but you can google it.
Good luck, please keep us informed, it's a supportive group here so no need to feel alone.
Hiya, your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy, sadly after health issues it tends to be the latter. I would consider buying a good book on how to manage anxiety and also consider meditation as part of the healing process. I have suffered with health related anxiety for quite a while and you have to be careful it doesn't try to take over and shape your life into something you live to regret. Get the reassurance you need from the medical professionals available and try to maintain a positive approach to your life, I know it's difficult but you have all of your life ahead of you and please make sure this worry doesn't rob you of enjoying those years. Take care 🙂
Frankie, you are certainly not alone
So I actually had a dream / nightmare I was having a heart attack and woke in middle of the night sweaty heavy chest paniced etc
Went to a & e , 3 months later I had 3 stents (over a couple of months)
I still wake up now in cold sweats and chest pain and panic and not sure if it’s my heart or just night panic attack.
Which only makes the whole mental thing a lot worse !!
No ideas for you except I really feel for you. I’m feeling the same snd I’ve had heart issues since 2006 so I should be used to them, instead I’m having increasing anxiety snd panic attacks in the last few months. Wishing you the very best, the mind is a crazy thing!
When I was first diagnosed with my heart problems, I was like you , dreaming and worrying , waking at 4 in the morning and imagining all manners of scenarios. The way I dealt with it was to read as much as I could about my condition, from proper Web sites, the BHFweb site is very informative and the heart hospitals have their own, I found the Bristol hospital website useful. You may be different to me but I find that some knowledge helped me to come to terms with my situation. I hope you can find something or someone to talk to you about your fears. My heart goes out to you because I note that you are only 18, the same age as my grandson and its a lot to cope with at your tender age. Take care and God Bless. Carole
Hi Frankie, first of all just want to say these fears and panics won’t last forever. You can overcome this. Sometimes the heart just needs you to know it had a bit of a shock and it sets off all the alarm bells like a naughty kid! My panic attacks and palpitations started after I’d had a hole in heart op age 15. Despite a successful outcome it was like a delayed reaction. I could almost think myself into a racing heart palpitation state as I was that afraid of the panic itself! I wish I could say exactly what helped all those years back, but they did go away and I did have 55 years panic free. A GP did prescribe propranolol to take if I felt an attack coming on and just knowing I had these in my pocket was a comfort, though I only used them a few times.
I was concerned my panic attacks would return when recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. So for starters I found myself an excellent relaxation and meditation app. I use the Balance meditation app. Although I’ve been meditating years now I love this because it’s so clear and for complete beginners and doesn’t have music in the background and the lessons are quite short. There are lessons just for breathing and for relaxation. I paid the full subscription and very glad I did.
Another tactic I use is to put my hands over my heart and talk to it! I give it the same care I’d give a young child and then it’s less likely to reach for the Adrenalin button. I know, it sounds crazy but it works for me and I don’t take any meds apart from my anticoagulant.
I just had a cardio ablation and fingers crossed I’m Afib free now, but my relaxation, meditation and box breathing will continue to be a daily practice. I hope you soon find peace and calm.