I’m 66yrs old and over the past few years I have had ectopic beats and periods of high hr. On Saturday afternoon I was sat down and my hr suddenly started to rise, ambulance to a&e hr 180 diagnosed with AF. Now on blood thinners and bisoprolol 2.5 as pull in pocket. 4 days on and I am really weary and achy, I’m also incredibly anxious and checking my hr every five minutes- I’m not sure how to get past this and am constantly waiting for the next bout of AF to strike. Do you get used to it?
Recently diagnosed with AF - British Heart Fou...
Recently diagnosed with AF

It seems you have been treated for the conditions you presented with in A and E. They are usually very busy and whether a heart specialist saw you or a general medic I don't know.
Have you actually been seen in a normal situation with your GP or a cardiologist who would be able to diagnose and prescribe in less frenetic surroundings?
The medication you were given will take time to settle down but will need a review so I suggest a session with your GP is in order. You should certainly mention your severe anxiety
There is an AF forum on Health Unlocked. Come and join us
Many people live with AF for a long time - it isn't a death sentence. I know it's scary but find out as much as you can about it - knowledge is power! See, in particular, heartrhythmalliance.org/afa... and have a good look around!
People can and do live a full and long life with Afib and you are on medication to prevent blood clotting which is the optimal treatment. Try to see a cardiologist and see about a possible ablation which can stop Afib. Anxiety is a known trigger for Afib so try not to fret or panic too much.
I had my first Afib episode in 2014, which came on when I was suffering from a very nasty coughing virus. It’s a horrible thing to suffer from. I have had 9 episodes of AFib up to now. I try not to let it worry me, but it’s always in the back of my mind, when will it happen again. I tried hypnotherapy for my anxiety, it helped me more than anything else, also the advice on that’s on here and seeing that you are not alone with this condition,also helps. I had a catheter ablation 8 weeks ago, so I’m hoping it’s done the trick and I don’t get any more AFib, but who knows. I’m trying not to think about that now and am trying to look on the bright side of life.!! Maybe you’ll be offered an ablation, worth having it, if it stops the AFib. Take care and try not to worry, easier said than done, I know.
Hi I am.exactly the same constantly checking my hr and my anxiety is through the roof . I had an episode 6 weeks ago and like yourself ended up in a and e. I am.on meds but still get the flutters not constantly but daily x
Believe me you don't need to check you have it you will know when your heart starts jumping out if your chest.Best thing to do is eat a low fat diet, plenty if fruit and veg keep your weight down have a walk every day will reduce the amount of attacks if not stopping them all together in some, try not to check too much will make you worry which isn't good stress triggers AF