I'm always looking for ways to exercise - without actually doing any.
So, I was wondering about this Orbitrek thing I have seen on TV.
Has anyone bought one and do you feel any benefit?
I'm always looking for ways to exercise - without actually doing any.
So, I was wondering about this Orbitrek thing I have seen on TV.
Has anyone bought one and do you feel any benefit?
I have to say your post made me chuckle, doing exercise without actually doing anything. The orbitrek you mentioned I have never heard of but would love to know what it does? You made me smile 😊
Morning, having read your post, I googled the name and have to say that it looks good. I’m torn between a treadmill for walking or this now. Having had OHS and aneurism repair, I’ve experienced a slight dilation again so have to be careful. I’ve been advised not to run on a treadmill although walking is fine. Take a read of the full reviews as a few people warn that unless you are super fit that you will struggle to do more than a few minutes workout to start off with. I’m not super fit but now still seriously considering this Orbitrek X17. Thank you and if you do go down the purchase route I would be keen to know if your views. Kind regards, Andy
Hi I have just replied to curry and chips question 're Orbitrek I hope my answer can help you too.
Forgive me but I’m lost as to the reference to ‘curry and chips’ question???
Hi curryandchips is the person who asked the question about the Orbitrek original post you replied to.
You don’t say what the goal is /your why you want to exercise without doing any ?
easiest way to exercise with out “doing any exercise” is to just to move . Non exercise activity thermogenesis, NEAT, just general movement will burn more calories over a day, week , month than any 1 hour gym/training session. So just walking (anytime you take steps), doing housework, gardening, getting up and down out of a seat, standing etc will burn energy .
I do exercise /train , with a coach to rehab from quadruple bypass surgery I had in July following Nstemi heart attack. I am looking to run 5 & 10km and get back to weight lifting . That will take care of the cardio and strength elements , plus I do vinyasa power yoga class once a week for strength and mobility. All helps to keep me working around our small holding, keeps sarcopenia at bay into older age , helps with balance and independence, lots of sweaty work outdoors plus walking out Lurcher. Plenty of NEAT on a daily basis.
I can't have tablets or reduce fluid intake to combat fluid retention in my legs, due to kidney problems, so the HF nurse said to keep my legs up or keep them moving. I'm using the Orbitrek as I type this. I does 30 minute programmes so I try to do one in the morning, afternoon and evening as I sit at my desk. The nurse at Cardiac Rehab said there appears to be definite improvement in my ankles. Not sure how much it would replace exercise, as an average session apparently uses about 100 calories.
Have a look at the Mini Exercise Bike Pedal.I purchased one of these about three years ago. It's very compact and on the lowest cycle setting is very easy to use sitting down. I was full of amazement at how easy this was and it didn't feel like exercise at all, it's also much cheaper than the Orbitrek.
That said I have a herniated disc in my lower spine and scoliosis in my lower spine and that particular sitting down exercise made the pain in my lower spine hurt so much, I had to give it up and the Mini Exercise Bike Pedal was moved to my kitchen where it lived for 6 months before I donated it to a charity shop.
I totally agree with what Dwizza has said, just walking around your home or walking for only bite size minutes is just as beneficial, save your money.
What I have found is because of my spine problem and my osteoarthritis in my right knee walking on any hard surface like a pavement really hurts. I live in an apartment block that has carpeted corridors and last year I counted the steps from one end of the corridor to the other and decided if I did that corridor four times a day my steps added up really quickly and I don't mean a sprint just a gentle walk, also on the plus side it didn't matter what the weather was like outside and I definitely feel better for that walk.
I started off with walking for five minutes every couple of hours and it didn't feel like exercise at all, give it a try before you splash out on an Orbitrek, also chair exercises which you can find lots of online are another thing you could take a look at.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone- very helpful. Think I will concentrate on moving about a bit more. You know what they say, you never see a fat postman.