Hi just looking for some advice I am due to have angiogram Monday and am pooping my pants. I am planning to have sedation but just wondered the pros and cons. Are you still aware with sedation and can you remember the procedure and how long does it take to feel normal again after sedation? Has anyone had it done without sedation and how was it ? I am not down for stents as I think I will need bypass as I have blocked lad and severe stenosis in other 2 arteries am trying to gauge if I can do it without sedation . I am extremely nervous and I cant imagine coping mentally laying there knowing what is happening so any advice would be appreciated thank you
Sedation with angio: Hi just looking... - British Heart Fou...
Sedation with angio

I didn't want sedation as I react badly to a broad spectrum of medications. I planned to refuse. However, I was never asked.
Now, I'm assuming I did get sedation because I don't think I've ever felt so relaxed and chilled out in my life. I didn't feel 'drugged' in anyway, just totally chilled out. I spent most of the 45 minute procedure talking with the staff.
I can't tell you how long the sedation lasted, because I wasn't really aware of it. But, as I suspected, I did become quite ill afterwards for several days, but you shouldn't worry about that, as that is something peculiar about me.
I know it is hard, but it is a basic procedure that is very low risk. It's normal to be worried about it, but if you can try to relax it'll go better for you. The sedation would probably be a good idea given your anxiety.
I was what I felt like, partially sedated for mine. I was trying my best to keep talking to the staff and then I became extremely relaxed and sorted drifted off, but was still aware of what was happening around me. I remember having an aura too when I was sedated. However, I didn’t feel a thing and when the procedure was over, I had no side effects from the sedation itself. I did have some moderate discomfort from the angiogram later on however. The insertion point was through my wrist and it was heavily bruised up to my elbow for about a month or so.
Have a chat with the team if you’re extremely worried but do remember it is a very important test to have.
All the best.
Hi yes I think I am probably going to have sedation i just didn't want to feel drugged if you know what I mean 🤪
During the sedation, I did feel what you refer to as a little bit “drugged” but it wore off quickly after the procedure was done. We all react differently to these things however, but I did not have a bad experience with it.
Good luck with the procedure!
I suffer with really severe anxiety and after my first heart attack they attempted to do an angiogram I did not know what to expect everything felt do frightening and I went into a full blown panic attack so bad they could not risk doing one , I went on to have 2 more heart attacks a few months after till I was talked into I must have one to see what was going of and a good job I did as I needed a triple Bypass
I am not saying they will find anything like that with you I am just saying if they are needed then they should be done but I know the fear can be overwhelming
So when I did eventually have mine I did have sedation where you are still awake but a bit like you have had a couple of gins something like that and you do not really care
I think it is very wise if not done already to be open and honest and let them know just how frightened you are the Nurses are lovely and will put your mind at ease
The room is cold but the usually tell you it will be you do notice it is but nothing to bother you as such
I looked the other way some watch the procedure but been anxious I knew that was not for me
The Nurses held my hand they never stopped talking to me which was a great distraction
I had mine done through my wrist as I preferred that way they can go through the groin but if you feel you would be happier with one more than the other it is worth asking them if they could
I just felt a little bit of pushing sensation nothing painful at all my anxiety was worse than the procedure
Part way through when they put the dye through you feel a warm sensation and they do warn you that you might feel like you have wet yourself but you will not have and it is true for just a few seconds and it is a few you get that feeling but nothing has happened as it feels it may have
I few x rays which are nothing no pain and you are done and they have you in recovery taking your BP tea and toast just observing you like they do with any procedure they let the site where they have done the angiogram slowly realise so you do not bleed I think it is but someone will correct me if I am wrong why they do it again you do not feel anything which was more important and before you know it they are telling you that you can go
After I felt so silly getting myself into such a state the first time where I could not have it done and silly again for getting so anxious the second time as it was nothing as bad as my anxiety had blown it up to be
If I had to have another one done I would not jump for joy as I am someone that does not like anything done but I would not be bothered and I would know it is far worse having a tooth out shall we say than having this done
They never thought they would get one done on me but they did so if I can do it I know you will
I think it is the unknown we fear more than anything and the sound of something seems so fearful we build it up but you will honestly be fine and I hope you will update us and let us know like so many do it was nothing to fear and that everything has gone well x
Thank you I have had 3 ct scans with the dye so I know the feeling of wetting yourself 🤣🤣
You are well prepared then I am sure you will be fine x
I hope so 🙏
You will if I can do it trust me anyone can x
I will think about your kind words if I get in a state !
Yes do think if she can do it I can
Honestly it is the unknown or was with me if they had given me a demonstration first I do not think I would have got in such a state and when but don't you look on Google about it I found it sounded and looked worse than what it was so do not go looking trust us that have actually had it done and can honestly tell you that you will be fine x
I've had one through the wrist and one through the groin and as far as I'm aware I only had a bit of sedation for the latter. I was aware of what was going on but felt a bit chilled out as a result. I felt very well looked after during both procedures and was chatting and being chatted too throughout. The "worst" bits were when the dye was inserted through the wrist, a bit of a stinging sensation but that quickly wore off, and later when the plug was removed from the wrist. Some minor bruising after and wrist was a bit sore. The groin was fine, although lying flat for several hours after was a pain.Each time I felt really calm as soon as I got in the cath lab. Ours is brand new, only opened around this time last year, and there are plenty of staff in there looking after you.
All the best.
Thank you all for your replies I think after reading them all I will go for the Sedation as I know I get in a state with heart rate going up to over 100! Now I know the Sedation helps and also wears off relatively quick I think it will be the best option .I know most people on here have had one and got through it and that makes me feel loads better hopefully Monday night I will be on here saying it was nowhere as bad as I thought it was going to be and will be able to help reassure the next one who is in my position thank you all so much for your support x
Just to add to the comments already made. I was advised to tell the nurse who looked after me prior to my (second) angioplasty that I was feeling “anxious”. This meant I was given a light sedative. All went well, but without the sedative you’re free to go immediately but I was kept in for a number of hours afterwards.
I think in the past it was a bit like having a general-they used to give people a pre med which meant ages afterwards to feeling normal. These days the meds are so good- and the people that administer them- that there are no foggy after effects at all. I always think that it is a means to an end- you can’t be treated if they don’t know what is needed! (I have to have an injection in my eye each month, which family shudder at- but for me it’s what the alternative might be if I didn’t!) Sorry to go off at a tangent but the staff will put you at your ease- they are doing this all day! Relax and rest easy!

Oooo you are brave!
Be aware that an angiogram is a common procedure, and it is likely that the team who are going to do yours have done scores possibly 100s before you. I have had two probably without sedation, and can say that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just put your trust in the team and let them get on in with their job, and an hour or so later you will be wondering what all the fuss was about 👍
Don't worry - an angiogram is a piece of cake and it's usually over sooner than you think. That's my experience anyway and I was really scared before my first one. I may have had sedation for the first but don't think I had any for the following two. You'll have an injection of a local anaesthetic in the groin or wrist first - whichever they decide - to numb the site. I find having a cannula inserted much worse. (Of course, if you have a stent placed, that will take longer.) Good luck - I hope it is not as bad as you fear. 👍
No plans to stent i paid for a private ct scan and after looking at it the appointment was changed from angio with option to treat to just the angio the private cardiologist said triple bypass although not sure if nhs will come to same conclusions
Yes, ct scans are much kinder, aren't they? The last one I had was a ct scan because they didn't want to send me to another hospital for an angio. I'm sorry to hear you may have to have a triple bypass though. (My husband had a quad in 2000 and has had no trouble since.)
I forgot to say if through the groin you have to lie still four several hours. My first one was six. With the wrist you have to be careful about moving it.
I had an angiogram through the groin and a plug inserted afterwards so could sit up straight away for my cup of tea. I got up and dressed within half an hour and waiting for my husband to pick me up. It seems they did the the plugs on the first couple of “batches “ of patients so they could free the beds up quicker and get more angios done.
Not even thought that it might be through groin !
From chats with my cardiologist the wrist is the preferred route these days but the groin is kept as an option. I had the second one through the groin owing to my "interesting" arteries and the location of my blockages. It made more sense to go through the groin as a result. It was fine and apart from having to lie flat for a while afterwards there was no discomfort after.
I didn't have sedation as I was worried about reacting to it. Had mine through the groin. I think if you're that concerned you ought to go for it. There was no pain just a weird feeling occasionally. It was fascinating!
Mollie I had an Angio last Wednesday and it is painless . I started off not having sedation but as it took longer than expected I was offered something just to take the edge off. Not sure what drug but I was still conscious but not quite with it. I could still hold conversations with the nurses ( although I’m not sure what I said) but felt totally relaxed. It seemed to wear off immediately after the angio. Not sure if that helps
It honestly is not pain i am worried about its the mental side of things actually laying there when they are doing it I shake from head to toe the minute I get on any sort of medical couch or anyone starts any procedure!
The first angio I had, the sedation was lovely: felt euphoric and very relaxed with no after effects. Could do with some more to cope with normal life. Aware of proceedings but couldn't see much of the screen surgeon was viewing as large x-ray machine in the way. Did have a nurse looking after me which was very reasuring.
Second angio similar.
Third time was after my second HA so I was out of it anyway - just pleased to be alive.
All through right wrist. No problems with bruising. Staff lovely but, as others have said, this is all very familiar to them so talk about your anxieties.
And yes, insertion of a cannula does seem to be the worse part of any procedure.
Hope it all goes well for you.
Hello. I requested some light sedation for my angiogram. It didn't make me feel drugged but did make me feel much calmer and chilled. I was awake enough to be praying during the procedure.
I can't add anything, just to echo it really is straightforward procedure and Good luck for tomorrow.
Hi Mollie, I had an angiogram a year ago and had sedation. Similar to other replies, I didn't feel a thing and spent most of the time chatting with the the medical staff. Fortunately for me I had no after effects and hopefully you will be similar. I would suggest you speak to the staff before the procedure and they will no doubt put your mind at ease.Good luck, Deano
My understanding is that angiogram/angioplasty is normally just a local at the insertion site, in my case my right wrist.
Mine was a local as far as I know, no problems at all except for the mother and father of all bruises. Oddly the bruise wasn’t painful at all. Two stents put in for me.
5 months later and I can’t even see where the catheter was inserted in my wrist.
That looks scarey is this bruising normal??
I’m not sure, I think mine was far worse than most down to other health issues I had at the time.
As I said it didn’t hurt, nor was it painful to the touch. I called it my tribal tattoo whilst I had it 😀
It varies. I had no bruising via the groin and nowhere near as much as survivor via the wrist..
I apparently had sedation but it made no difference at all I was awake and saw everything and remembered everything but I guess everyone reacts differently. I had two procedures a couple of days apart and the worse thing fir me was the coldness if the Cath lab, so I asked fir extra blankets the second time.
When I went to hospital for my angiogram 11:00 in the morning. I sat in a chair till it was time to have my angiogram. When it was over I had a hot drink and sat in the chai till 17:00. \The doctor came to me with the results. I needed a triple bypass. No need to worry. It isn't painful. The nurse said I could go home at 17:00 and would I be ok going down the flight of stairs. I was fine. I had a quadruple bypass and a replacement heart valve Nov 2021. |Thanks to Cheshire West Hospital And Broadgreen Hospital. They looked after me every step of the way. Don't be afraid, put your best foot forward. Keep smiling.
I have to be there at 11 too am guessing it will be done in afternoon ?did they tell you where you were on list? Was there a locker to put bag in ?there was one lady on here who was posting waiting to go down so presume she had her phone with her ?
Hi Molly, I didn't take my phone or bag with me. There was people from the wards having Angiogram. A lot going on, it keeps your mind occupied.
Hi Mollie, If you are being dropped off at the hospital. You don't need your bag. If you're making your own way to the hospital you'll probably need your bag to put your keys in. If somebody is picking you up,they can phone the dept. to see when you ready to go home. You np what. Going to the dentist is worse.😘
Thank you was wondering as they have said to bring all medication in original packaging so I need a bag for that !my brother is taking me so I won't need keys
Hi Mollie, I had an angiogram in July & was sedated. It's a mild sedation, just enough to relax really. I was aware of what was going on & as soon as it was over I was sat up with a cup of tea & sandwich. The whole procedure seemed to be done pretty quick. I went on to have a bypass due to blocked Lad too. I'm back at work now & doing well. Good luck with it all & please let us know how you get on. X
Hi my lad is blocked and severe stenosis in other 2 so I think it will be bypass for me too especially as no plans to stent with the angio well done for being back at work it must feel great to have some normality back
I notice you are the same age as me too
I think the anxiety is far worse than either of the procedures. I had a heart attack then the bypass 12 days later so in comparison to others, I didn't have so much time to worry about it. I genuinely hope you have a similar experience Mollie x
Hi Mollie, I was terrified before mine and told the nurse when I got on the ward so she gave me a diazepam which took the edge off. The bank of screens above the bed when I went in for the angio was a bit intimidating but the actual procedure was painless and a lovely nurse held my hand and reassured me throughout.
Good morning Mollie I had sedation with my Angiogram and felt fine during the procedure and after. Was fully aware of what was happening ( watching it on the screen) and no after effects, felt fine and very relaxed. I hope this helps good luck 😊X
Had my angiogram through my groin, no sedation. Felt slightly uncomfortable but certainly no pain. The room is cold though . No plug on the entry site, just a small dressing. Lie down for a couple of hours afterwards to make sure no after effects or bleeding at the site and then go home. I certainly wasn't looking forward to it either but as others have said a cannula is worse!
Did they not but a dissolving bung in after to close the artery? I had one put in after mine and then the dressing on top. Apparently it dissolves in around 3 months and I can't say I've noticed it in the three months following my groin angiogram.
Not as far as I know, I certainly wasn't informed of one and I had no issues, took the dressing off after a few days and very slight evidence of the incision
How interesting, the notes I was given beforehand mentioned the seal and afterwards I was given a card to carry for 90 days. I don't think it was very big as, like you, the incision scar was tiny.
I was offered sedation for mine as I’m really scared of needles, and the thought made me obviously uncomfortable. The effect when I got it, was of relaxation and I could feel that effect moving around my body.
I was able to watch the screens and not worry about what was happening…amazing.
It wore off shortly after the angiogram and stents, I had 3 fitted. After the procedure I walked from the table to a wheelchair outside and was taken to the recovery room for an hour before being brought back to my ward.
No side or after effects for me.
Hi Mollie, I like you suffer from anxiety in these situations and from quite bad white coat syndrome. But, I recently had an angiogram and quite honestly it really was ok, I was given some sedation but remained present through whole procedure. Just.need to be carefull straight after and not move wrist to much but your have guidance there. Wish you good luck!
I requested sedation and was given what they call a ‘waking sedation’ . I was totally aware throughout but not at all anxious. My angio was done through my left wrist, although they did try the right but couldn’t get far. I did bruise very badly on both arms, the one they got access through bruised from the wrist to my armpit but it wasn’t painful. The main reason I bruised so much was because I also have Afib and take blood thinners in addition to the meds given for the procedure. I stayed in hospital for the entire day because the bleeding was slow to stop but I felt fine and no ‘drugged up’ feeling. The worse bit was the copious amount of tea they kept insisting I drink! I’m sure you will fine, the staff will all be used to working with anxious patients.
Morning, I had an Angiogram via my right wrist without sedation as it was never offered. It was no problem at all. The waiting was the worst as I was last on the list. It’s not painful but you do feel some pressure in your arm. In fact I thought it was akin to being dyno-rodded 😀Seriously, you will be fine. Mine was due to an aortic aneurism. If there is any chance of needing stents then make sure you’re not last on the list as they did tell me that if I needed stents that they would have to do the procedure again as it was too late in the day. Seriously, you will be fine. Just lay back and relax. The team were really nice. Andy
Top tip - to anyone who does not like needles like me, go on to an online chemist and buy a 5mg tube of Emla Cream (Lidocaine) It’s brilliant stuff and I never felt the cannula or my wrist insertion point in fact it’s so good that I used it again for my actual heart surgery
Hi MollieI jave had 3 coronary angiograms and unfortunately the sedation didn't work with any of them. Some people will say they had no problem with the procedure , but in my case it was extremely uncomfortable. I would go for sedation if I were you. I havnt heard of anyone opting out from it. I think it is given as standard
Good luck and I hope all goes well.
I did without and it's not a big deal and not overly uncomfortable x
No sedation for me, I wasn't even offered it. I was apprehensive but the nurses and the cardiologist were amazing, it was over before I knew it, personally I wouldn't worry about it and this comes from someone who hates their BP being taken! In fact that's worse!
They have seen it a million times before. The only thing I would say, its freezing in the Cath lab. So be aware of that. Good luck, you will be home before you know it, thinking "what was I worried about?". I did.
I had an angio done as a day case with no sedation, just the local at my wrist. I was aware of some pressure as the cannula was inserted, but spent the rest of the time looking at the x-ray monitor. I had sedation for an TOE - camera down my throat to check my heart better - and was spark out for 3 hours! They either gave me the top dose (!) or I had a reaction to it.
I had my angiogram without and it was completely painless. I was actually fascinated to watch the whole procedure on a big screen but that’s just me. I never felt a thing.
I had mine last week, l remained calm & was listening to the radio (played at a low level) I thought l let myself drop my own consciousness level but maybe l was given sedation?
The only things l felt was when the dye went in, a tingle in my hand, then this is weird - both my earlobes start to tingle (both passed very quickly)
I’m going to another University Hospital to have my stent fitted, not sure when at this point.
Really, it wasn’t as ‘scary’ as l thought it might be…….
Good Luck 🍀
Definitely have the sedation, in fact they offered me a top up and I regretted not accepting - had no ill effects from it. Good luck
Hi Mollie
I had it done without sedation about a month ago. I wasn’t given a choice.
They freeze your wrist and you lay on your back with your right arm holding a small handle which turns your arm to the correct position. Then the little tube is inserted into your wrist and travels upwards through your vein.
I can honestly say that apart from the first minute which was a bit uncomfortable (but not too bad to cope with) the rest was fine, I wasn’t aware of it in and around my heart, just felt it going in a bit.
It’s all very interesting actually. Several in the room looking after you. Blanket on to keep warm. A really big screen right at the side of the bed with four different sections on it and pictures of the heart. Quite interesting. A couple of ladies/nurses working the X-ray side of things behind a window ( as a dye goes in.)
Back to the ward after 20-30mins. Cup of tea and a couple of slices of toast. Then care given to the entry site , no pain at all. BP checked several times and generally ‘monitored.’
After 6 hrs you can go if you’ve had a stent. After an hour if no stent.
Then when you get home it’s TAKE CARE not to knock or pull / push with your right hand for a 4-5 days while the entry point heals up. Very important to obey this rule!
Please don’t be anxious. It’s absolutely a normal daily procedure to those who do are doing it and they are all extremely kind with you. My twin brother had the same done too with no problems, just a slight discomfort the first minute.
You will be fine. Good luck! Hope that everything turns out ok for you. I was lucky and didn’t need a stent.
I had 2 stents after a heart attack. The angio was at 9am. I was home an hour away by 12.30; certainly not a 6 hour wait.
I didn't have sedation for my angiogram and neither did my husband. His was through the groin and was painless. Mine was through the wrist and was agonising - only in the wrist though. The actual procedure was painless but the clamp on my wrist was awful. I was on Warfarin, though, and was told not to stop it so it may have been tighter than usual. I closed my eyes but afterwards thought I could have looked at all the monitors. Don't worry - easier said than done I know. Hope all goes well
I have had 2 over the years, the first in groin and wasn’t painful, the second in my wrist which was! I told them and they then gave me me something but too late and not enough as still painful, sadly I have a high tolerance to sedation and have been told I needed enough anaesthetic when I have surgery to put out a horse 🤣
Hi Mollie,
I had an angioplasty last month, where I had a single stent fitted in LAD artery, which had become > 95% blocked. I was more than a little squeamish about the procedure, as they carefully explain what it entails in advance, but I knew it was necessary so I didn’t really have any option but to submit myself to it.
They told me that I might experience some slight discomfort in my chest during the procedure, but I can honestly say that the only sensation I was aware of throughout the procedure was the slight jag in my right wrist where they administered the local anaesthetic. Apart from that I did not feel a single thing.
I had a canula in my other arm, and they told me that they would give me a mild sedative via that, but whatever they gave me it just made me very calm and whatever anxiety I had left me. I didn’t feel woozy, I was lucid but very calm and relaxed.
I was on my back during the procedure, with a plastic covering over my chest and the top of my arms, so you can’t see exactly what is happening to you. There is an x-ray camera above your chest to take images of your heart once the dye is introduced, and the only thing I was aware of was it being repositioned from time to time. The medical staff were basically talking to each other in code, referring to what they were looking at as a series of numbers, so I had no idea what they were referring to, which was fine by me.
It honestly seemed like I was in the room for about five minutes, and I couldn’t believe it when they showed me ‘before and after’ pics on a large monitor, told me it had been a successful outcome, then wheeled me back to my room. My wife was there waiting for me and she couldn’t believe I was back so soon.
I the fortnight that followed I occasionally felt a little tightness in my chest, which they said was normal, but after that everything has felt great. I realise that your procedure might be more complex, but all I can say to reassure you is that if I was told at some point in the future that I have to have another angiogram/angioplasty I would not be anxious in the least.
Wishing you all the best, and hoping you have both a swift recovery and a much improved quality of life.
The immediate procedure is not distressing, and your further fears may prove baseless - so cheer up, and good luck !
warm wishes
I didn’t have sedation with mine. The lady in the bed next to me asked for sedation and they were reluctant to do that for some reason (the cardiologist came to chat to her).
I had local anaesthetic (through my wrist) and you definitely feel a cold sensation and movement in your arm so if you feel scared then insist on sedation.
The sensation then turns warm as they withdraw and I confess to feeling a little faint at that point.
The actual procedure was painless and certainly not as bad as my smear!
They attached the cuff and I was released about 4 hours later.
As I didn’t have any sedation, I saved my 80 year old mum a trip to the hospital to collect me (which was a motivating factor) and managed to get a taxi to her house until my son collected me later.
I had a pinprick mark and no external bruising at all. It was sore for about two weeks especially when trying to work although I was careful about lifting.
What I was surprised by was the exhaustion I felt for a week afterwards. I was going to work after day 3 and getting back into bed as soon as I was home.
You’ll be fine, I’m a great believer in that if other people can get through it so can I, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be anxious about something that doesn’t bother the person in the next bed!
Take care and let us know how you get on x
I was offered sedation for my angio but was ‘encouraged’ not to have it. Let’s put it this way, if I ever have another angio I am taking the sedation!
I had no sedation, just the local anaesthetic, and it was absolutely fine. You’ll have a nurse staying right by you throughout but it’s actually very interesting watching the screen. But if you do have sedation it’s not going to be any different to having sedation for a colonoscopy, for instance, where you don’t feel drugged at all - it just prevents any potential discomfort. I was very nervous before my angiogram but afterwards realised there had been no need to worry.
I was ten minutes into the procedure and felt awful. I asked have you given me any sedation and the nurse said sorry I forgot. I'll do it now. They then gave me sedation!
So having experienced without and with I thoroughly recommend sedation!
Hi, Mollie223, I had mine without sedation and I absolutely loved it. I am the type of person though that needs to know exactly what is happening. I watch the nurses put the needles in my arm when taking blood etc. If I could have watched my triple bypass operation I would have done, they wouldn't let me though hehe.
We are all different and you must do what you feel is right for you. Good luck and take care
Afternoon; Have had this procedure when 52, no prob,except bad reaction to DYE !!nearly blew my head off.No other such pain. They have Crash Team in room, gives you secure feeling. Don't think could be done without sedation. Just go for it, I felt much better immediatly. Good luck, Mollie. Wenlock.
Take the sedation. I was fully aware of everything , I simply didn't care. I talked to the nurses, asked to watch the screens but was refused, I felt fully awake when I got back to the ward, was given a cup of tea and toast then just had to wait until the pressure bandage could be removed. I was first on the list at 9am and was home an h our away by 12.30 having my lunch. Someone had to collect me as I wasn't allowed to drive but I felt perfectly capable.
I had a angiogram as an unplanned procedure and was really panicked ( I had takosubo!The sedation I had was midazolam and it made a scary situation absolutely chilled and it was all textbook, staff are awesome and the entire process wasnt frightening.
I am not fazed usually but I was that day and the sedation worked to relax and helped enormously
Hope it all goes as mine for you
I had mine due to Takosubo as well. I hope that you are doing well now. x
I had one and I felt very dizzy throughout the procedure. I would not have sedation again but that`s just my opinion. It was not as bad as I had anticipated and would not be scared if I had to have another one. Good luck and best wishes to you.
I told the doctor beforehand that having this done was against my religion as I am a Devout Coward. He said most people feel that way about the procedure, so they give a sedative to relax them. Whatever they gave me left me fully conscious, so they could tell me a stent was required and they'd do it, but I could not feel anything inside me. Main thing I remember is the movement of the table I was on. Pretty sure I stepped down afterwards and was put in a chair rather than a bed so after-effects from the sedative were minimal.
Hi there I had it done several years ago now was absolutely petrified just when totally silent couldn't speak to everybody the nurses the porters were really lovely trying to G me up and I just thought nut I just went totally silent was petrified didn't have sedation and actually it was absolutely fine
I’ll keep it brief as you’ve had so many replies. I’ve had two recently and I promise you, I didn’t feel a thing. The technology is amazing. Had a relaxant but fully conscious. Went through the wrist, the only thing I remember is the disco music they played !
Don’t worry.
Hi mollie don’t be worried I had angio twice now it doesn’t hurt just a bit uncomfortable when the open up vein . Never had sedation either times . I had a quadruple by pass after a few weeks. I was so scared when they said angio but no more. It’s more uncomfortable just lying there .and keeping still. I find MRI the most frightening thing . Good luck
Hi, I had mine without sedation and ultimately it was all fine and not painful or anything and also very interesting but if I was doing it again I'd take the sedation as I do have a tendancy to faint / have blood pressure drop when having things done to me which is what happened. They sorted it very quickly but probably would have been better if I'd been in a happy place! I had a heavy sedation for my CRT-D implant and recovered quickly from the sedation then so wouldn't fear having it again.
Bless your heart, I can totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had one without sedation (at the time of my heart attack) when one stent was fitted and the my second was with sedation when two stents were fitted. To be honest, I don’t think my sedation had any effect - I certainly don’t feel there was a difference between the two procedures. If anything, with my second one with sedation, I felt a bit out of it after the procedure was finished so maybe a delayed reaction. I personally, if I have a third, wouldn’t bother with the sedation. Deep calming breathes, chatting to cath lab staff and knowing it will soon be over would be my way to go. Whatever you decide, I hope all goes well for you, take care x
Can I just say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to answer my question I am blown away by all the support shown on here . Hopefully tomorrow evening I will be on here and everything will have gone OK and I will be saying the same as lots of you and that it was not that bad ! And one day I will be the one offering support to a stranger !Thank you again x x
Hope all goes well. Just one other thing. I'd take a book with you as you may end up waiting. For my 2nd one I I got gazumped, quite understandably, by an emergency. Ended up quite long wait but the staff were lovely. The only one concerned was the ward sister when I didn't go back for a a few hours 😅.
HiI hd angioplasty and stent during heart attack. My memories of it were not good so when i had to have an angiogram this year i totally freaked out. I asked for sedation but the consultant asked me to try without as be wanted me to have a clearer memory of it. It really wasnt as bad as i remembered(obviously my morphine induced state was blurred).
He talked to me the whole time and kept checking i was still ok.
Good luck. Jules x
Thank you I don't think I am brave enough mentally
You don't need to be scared or brave Mollie, just tell the staff how you are feeling at the time, they will make sure you are comfortable. I thought it was really quite interesting as procedures go!
you've got this.
Hopefully you will get a good nights sleep tonight, by Halloween you will be chalking it all down to experience.
How lovely to say you will be sharing your story ... to offer others support. Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow, its my birthday so I'll blow out my candles knowing my my wish will come true x
Can you wear glasses and hearing aids during the procedure?
Had to take glasses off I can't remember about hearing aids, think I kept them in.
I had the procedure and a stent put in an artery and was awake without sedation throughout and apart from the odd strange sensation didn’t feel anything painful. I am not particularly a brave person but would not be afraid to undergo the same again.
Good luck tomorrow .. as you can see almost everyone here who’ve had the experience says the same thing .. it’s not painful .. there are moments of being a bit uncomfortable but they pass really quickly and for the most part you are lying there a bit curious about it all. Perhaps thinking it’s a bit chilly!
This is the route to improving your health and you’ll be enjoying the benefits long after the details are forgotten.
You’ll be back in the waiting room having a snack and something to drink in no time.
Hi Mollie. I understand your nervousness. If you get a chance to read my account of my angiogram before tomorrow I hope it will help you. Go to my profile and search on my posts and you’ll find it.
I would have a little sedation. It honestly does help and you’re not “out” totally and it wears off later in the day. Good luck and you’ll be completely ok - the thought of it all is worse than the actual experience.
All best wishes Sarah x
Reading it at half 3 in morning!pinged awake mid dreaming about angio in the dream they refused me sedation 🤣cant believe I am even stressing in my sleep!
Hope it helped a little and everything goes ok today. Thinking of you.
If you get a chance later or tomorrow let us know how it all went.
All best wishes
It did but now at 8 in morning I am the most nervous I have ever been in my life ! 😪
Try to think it will be over in a few hours and deep breathing. Let them know you are very anxious. Am sure they’ll be able to help or give you something. Honestly it is not as bad as the thought of it all. Really. I promise.
I wasn’t planning to have any type of sedation until the consultant came in and said oh I see you had a heart attack four days ago. I had a mild sedative before the angiogram. It lasted 10/15 minutes and I was then told there was no evidence to suggest there was a heart attack. Don’t be too worried - plenty of people in the room to keep you calm
Good morning....often the thought of these things happening is far worse than the procedure and we can get ourselves into a right state. I had mine without sedation and apart from the pressure feeling in the wrist it was fine and I can't say there was anything particularly painful or uncomfortable. The staff were fantastic and chatted to me throughout and were just as caring after the procedure. You will worry...its only natural but you will be fine. Let us s know how it goes xx
Hi Mollie, I had an Angiogram 30 odd years ago, it was perfectly ok then, I think I was sedated, but knew what was going on.
It was not an unpleasant procedure, then, and possible it will be even better today.
I'm sure you will be fine. (Lots of slow and easy breathing during the procedure helped me).
Hope this helps, let us know how you got on.
All the best Ron
Hi back home I don't want to put anyone off but it was worst experience of my life first few minutes all good but the intern did it with surgeon watching and he got wire caught in artery when he was removing it The pain was rather intense until the surgeon took over by which time I was crying from the pain. Up until then the opening the wrist and putting it in all good as others have said a bit of pushing but no pain it was only when he had took x rays and was taking it out things went wrong the pain was horrendous! The surgeon apologised after and said it is a rare thing to happen and did say I have small arteries and the intern could not get it out so he took over. Apparently the artery went into spasms !very painful !quite ironic really as I didn't think for a minute it was going to hurt !!I have a massive bruise already and fully expect it to get worse. Like I said I do not want to frighten anyone and what happened is not normal and up until that point I was fine and def not as bad as I thought it would be. But I got through it that is the main thing
Yikes, so sorry it wasn't as straightforward as some of us painted. They had a few issues when accessing through my wrist owing to my "interesting arteries" although, thankfully in my case, it wasn't too bad. The only sensations I had were when the dye went in and in my upper arm when, after a while, I became aware of something moving. We even had a giggle when someone asked for the RBL wire and when I asked what that was I was told "the really bloody long one". That was shortly after the guy in charge of the wire uttered the immortal line "I can't get it any further, it's up to the hilt". The good news is that you are nearer to knowing what is going on and what needs to be done.
Take care.
Oh no Mollie223 so sorry to hear that.
I logged in to see if you’d posted news and now feel silly for banging on how smoothly it was going to go ..
What are the chances?!!
You’ve got through it and the they got the pictures they were after .. did they give you any feedback about what they saw?
I got through it and up until he tried to remove it everything was fine def nothing to worry about as you and others said. Good news is that it was not as bad as ct showed so that is good. He said with my arteries being small (who knew!) He was worried that bypass would not be guaranteed to work but was confident 2 stents would. He said me having MS would make bypass more risky and recovery harder and also said I was young for a bypass . There will be some kind of meeting next Monday to discuss me !The other problem of course is that if I have stents I would have to have another angio and he said he cant guarantee the spasms won't happen again but if I have bigger dose of sedation it should help !!I only had 1mg of something beginning with m as it should have been a quick simple angio in fact they tried to persuade me sedation was not needed !thank goodness my brother insisted on it !! He came back to see me again before I went home to see if I had decided and I said if he thought it was best I would have stents so I think it depends on what the team decide next Monday so I will have to wait for the letter now. So even though the ct scan report said triple disease the angio said 2! So it was def worth having the angio for a clearer picture of what is happening. The only problem is if there is another angio with stents I really will be frightened
I have had 2 angiograms, second was a groin and wrist job. Definitely ask for more sedation. Don't know if they would give you earphones and music, distracts from what is going on. I had heavy sedation and music 2nd time, but I was taking part in a trail and they didn't want me to know whether I had had a stent or not. Luckily I did so didn't have to have another angio. to insert the stent I needed. Good luck which ever way it goes.
I had angiogram exactly the same severe disease in all arteries. I didn’t have sedation wasn’t offered it but wouldn’t have anyway. It was all fine just the usual warm feeling with the dye and a short heart flutter but it was all very calm and nothing to worry about . The worst bit for me was having it confirmed that I needed urgent triple bypass. Good luck.
I had it in Feb 23 wasn't looking forward to it. The sedation does leave you able to talk to the surgeon and you are aware of a slight feeling but it's not too painful. They play music and it's sort of like going to the dentist. I won't be as nervous the next time.
Glad yours was pain free as it should be mine was until the intern was getting wire out at end when artery went Into spasms and he was unable to get it out so surgeon had take over by which time I was crying and in a terrible state. I know this is not normal and surgeon apologised but it was very painful and traumatic. In saying that I am still glad I got through it and if I need stents I will get though it again as I know mine was not the usual experience and up until then I agree it is nowhere near as bad as I thought and I don't want to scare anyone else.
HiI was the same in May. I asked for sedation and think I must have slept. Opened my eyes still on the table and was told I needed a triple bypass as I had 90% blockage.
I went back to the òut patients ward with no after effects of sedation . I decided to make some healthier choices re diet and ditched any wine etc....I started taking cayenne pepper daily which along with medication has alleviated the symptoms I had. Currently I'm not considering any surgical intervention although I am officially on the list. Regardless I would have to remain on the meds anyway...but I don't see why I would subject myself to that level of intervention.
Good luck on Monday...😃
A bypass is major as you say although many on here have been through it. Like you say it is a personal decision and we all have the right to make that decision I have not researched cayenne can you educate me on benefits please
I had quite intense carotid artery pain and couldn't even yawn. I started taking half a teaspoon in a tiny amount of water once a day. I told my GP who agreed it was beneficial as its a natural vaso dilator. I cannot tell you the relief.
I had angiogram in February.
I was fully awake and it is ok, it was my first time aswell 😄