I had a quadruple 8years ago now 77 . Been getting uncomfortable pain s in the chest like a tight band . Goes off after a while. The pain I get as well is right in the middle of my chest . On the top of the sternum it feels sore. Was told this was probably scar tissue . Bras are uncomfortable as well. Can walk over 10 k steps a day easy. Bending I get breathless. Feeling very tired now each day . Is this just age ? Or heart getting week. Does anyone get (mainly women) get central pain and uncomfortable .
quadruple 8 years ago: I had a... - British Heart Fou...
quadruple 8 years ago

Have you spoken to the GP about the pain? There could be various reasons for it so you might benefit from a full check up and some blood tests just to rule out the options
I would suggest avoid wearing a bra where possible and speaking to a doctor as soon as you can as it sounds like you may need further investigations.
I have chest pain on a daily basis however, I have a diagnosis of coronary artery spasms and a congenital heart defect so it is thought that this is what is causing the spasms.
Have you been prescribed a GTN spray at all? This can help relieve pain caused by angina sometimes providing you have a diagnosis of it.
I’m sure others will come along to help further.
All the best.

I agree with the other's suggestion of discussing your new symptoms with your GP.
I have lived with vasospastic angina for over 10 years. I have often severe episodes angina and I am admitted to hospital for treatment about once or twice a year.
I often feel as though my bra us too tight when I have chest pain.
I don't feel comfortable not wearing a bra. I wear a soft sleeping bra instead.
During a severe episode of angina as well as chest pain, I feel very tired. I feel as though an elephant is pressing their foot in the middle of my chest, stopping me breathing in.
Women sometimes do describe a feeling of chest tightness or breathlessness when they have angina or even a heart attack saying 'my bra feels too tight!'
thanks everyone. Yes spoke to doctor said probably scar tissue. I get quite frightened as I have never had a heart attack so not sure what I should expect. When I get theses pains I think I probably overthink it. And stress
If you have any concerns perhaps give 111 a call for further advice.
Women often have other symptoms when they have angina or a heart attack. Not just chest pain.
Sadly many women seek help later than men when they do have heart attacks or angina.
The BHF has this information about heart attacks.
You maybe interested in this recently published article from the European Heart Journal, about women and cardiovascular disease.
It's written by a leading woman Interventional Cardiologist, woman heart patient and researcher.
Many thanks. for the information links. I was atypical with my heart attack thinking it was too much caffeine (which I've avoided) or a panic attack - caring for husband living with dementia and delirium was very stressful and exhausting as he was up every hour or two at night and often would not return to bed but could not be left alone bless him. Rang 111 because of discomfort in throat which I'd had for years off and on ( later suggested to be angina pain) ache in shoulder and arm, feeling nauseous and overriding feeling something was very wrong. . Blue lighted, stent, then later triple bypass with stroke after coming off the machine but 3 1/2 years on alive and kicking, doing well and walking although slowly.
I have copied to share with my WI so they too can be aware.
I don't wear wired bras anymore.I wear a light support sleep bra at night for comfort.
I wear medium support racer back soft touch sports bras in the day with a wide band so it doesn't dig in . Marks and Spencer do some good ones.
If I am exercising I wear a front fastening soft touch bra .
Yes, probably scar tissue and ageing. This has been a wet summer and what with the high humidity-a known factor for chest discomfort-and high pollen levels- as the council cuts back on mowing, many of us are likely to be feeling tightness.
But obviously it would be useful to actually see a doctor wielding a stethoscope, rather than just talk to one
thanks fir that . Problem being can’t get as doctors appointment
Hi,Congratulations on being here 8 years post op!! I think anybpain chestbrelated I would be phoning my GP ASAP. Better safe than sorry. Then any checks needed can be done. I really would not be guessing what this could be, I would leave it all in the hands of the professionals. I wish you the very best of luck and hope that its nothing at all to worry about. X
I had a quadruple 5 years ago. In May of this year I developed angina and chronic fatigue. Turned out three of the grafts had failed (saphenous veins). I was told that this was common (and the failure rate is often not disclosed to patients at the time). I underwent two PCIs in June/July and now have six stents. I was told that in 2017 there may have been good reasons as to why a bypass was performed but today they would have opted for stents. No doubt stent technology has advanced. Ask whether stents for you are still an option. The world record is 34.

My Cardiologist does not recommend Q10 for my heart condition. The NHS adopts an evidence based approach to healthcare through the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, NICE.
There maybe some benefit to patients with heart failure, taking Q10, however more robust studies are required.
Potentially all you do is end up with expensive wee 😊
I hear your concerns. It’s interesting that all the doctors here in the US that I have met with; Johns Hopkins & Mayo Clinic, endorse the use of COq-10 for most issues with the heart and especially those taking statins. All my studies in Health Coaching point to a direct correlation of positive outcome for this use.
COq-10 is a mixture of a fat and water soluble antioxidant and you body will absorb most of it. I’m just not understanding your health care system and why they don’t recommend a natural supplement with proven effectiveness vs, just relying on the pharmaceuticals.
"I’m just not understanding your health care system and why they don’t recommend a natural supplement with proven effectiveness vs, just relying on the pharmaceuticals."
Just because something is percieved to be natural doesn't make it safe.
Natural supplements do not need to go through the same efficiency and safety checks as conventional medication. There can be inconsistencies in each supplement.
I am afraid not all agree that the benefit of Q10 is proven.
It would be good to have some more research.
My Cardiologist acknowledges the non pharmaceutical strategies that I use to help me manage my heart condition.
I hear and respect your concerns. Cardiologist here will prescribe pharmaceutical grade COQ-10 for heart issues so we don’t consider it just another potential natural supplement. I have a certification is working with natural supplements such as this and know if it’s potential effects.
Again, all the best in your health.
Sometimes you just have to respect peoples opinions and leave it at that.I'm always surprised by the deep knowledge some have combined with obvious blind spots.
I try not to get into arguments or come over as a know all.(I don't do very well)
My understanding was this is a good thing to take because of some of the adverse effects of statins.So to repeat this, i never thought it was good for my heart, i thought it was needed because long term statins give a defienecy. So it is good hearts but if you don't take the statins you probably wouldn't need it.
If yoru bra hurts try a sports bra; a soft one or do without.
I haven't had a bypass but there are lots of possible reasons for pain that hurts when you press or bend down. It could be costochondritis which is inflammation of muscle attachments to your sternum; it could be stomach or diaphragm. You need tosee yoru GP for a full work up.