Hi had a heart attack ,stent fitted ,discharge last sunday ,had a week at home just chilling ,little walk to top of street and back , well today i rang GPs to make an appointment , was told by receptionist i didnt need one she can read letter i go back in 3 months to hospital ,which i knew anyway , so i dont have to see a GP do i just sit around for 3 months taking tablets , no rehab no GP to say yes you go swimming , do we get help ? Support ? Diet plan ? Mental health ?
What happens now?: Hi had a heart... - British Heart Fou...
What happens now?

I'd call back and insist on an appointment tbh - you've had a medical trauma and want to discuss next steps with your own GP, that's perfectly reasonable.
Im going to make an appointment through the App and bypass the recepionist, at least she sorted my missing meds out , and just gone through my discharge pack ,they is a cardio rehab leaflet in there says they be in touch 1to 2 weeks for referral , so hopefully they be in touch this week so i crack on with my recovery .
Sadly it seems to vary so much across the country. My GP rang me a week or two after my discharge from hospital to discuss my discharge notes. One of the rehab nurses at the hospital rang me about a week after I came out to discuss what happened next and book me onto rehab. Did that for couple of months. I've also seen my cardiologist 3 or 4 times since November. I would hope you are offered rehab way before 3 months is up. I'd be going back to the hospital for clarification on what happens next. It can be a scary time post HA. I wasn't allowed to resume swimming until I'd finished rehab and then only gentle breaststroke to begin with, no front crawl.Take care and all the best for your recovery.
Our GP contacted me the day after my discharge to see how I was feeling.
I had a blood test at the surgery a month after my angioplasty, these have been repeated once every 6 months along with an annual "healthy heart check".... basically BP, weight, how are you chat and a medicine usage review.
I had details of my rehab, which due to Covid was online but was very good about four weeks after my angioplasty.
I've seen the cardiologist once, about 6 months after my angioplasty and haven't heard a word, not that I want to for 18 months.
Best wishes.
I suggest you discuss things with the BHF Heart Helpline nurse as below, who will be able to offer you a professional opinion on the way forward.
Certainly the BHF offer an online rehab course which is certainly better than nothing if you have not been offered anything by your local hospital.
I, like you was told I would receive a call about rehab in around 3 weeks time after discharge.I had no call so rang the hospital and spoke directly to the rehab team .
I was actually referred to a more local hospital for rehab but again ended up having to phone them !
I eventually ended up with a home based rehab.
But you WILL probably need to do all the chasing !!!
Good luck
Yes i think you a right ,i was taken to a lincs NHS hospital ,but i live in notts so hopefully get a local one ,it seems like we fixed your heart go home rest and thats it.
I felt exactly the same !After what I considered a pathetic so called home based rehab from the local hospital, I again rang the hospital who treated me (Wolverhampton)
They gave me an appointment with their rehab team for assessment (1 hour 20 minutes drive)
Then put me on their home based course which was brilliant!
They sent me a complete plan and gave me access to their online videos which were brilliant.
Keep pushing.
Having said all that , certainly the first few weeks need to be quite gentle anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much but I'd definitely start making the enquiries.
Good luck
Yes im taking it easy just a little walk ,then next day adding 20yards on ,just following all the guidelines on here ,this week can do a bit round the house ,ive change my diet ,which looking back was bad (single man diet ) ive quit the cigs which was quite easy dont know why i didnt do it years ago , now just need this rehab call .
I’ve not long come out of St. George’s Hospital, Tooting after having a pacemaker implanted and was told I was entitled to rehab and I was given details on how to arrange it at my local hospital in Surrey. I start on 22 August,
I had a stent fitted in March. As others have already said, I managed to get onto Cardio Rehab but had alto chase it up as my referral had gotten lost in the system somewhere.

Yes think im going to ring them friday ,hopefully get on one , ive enquired at my local hospital 15 min walk away ,and they do them ,but the nhs trust im under is lincs and they 32mile away ,was it a good course ? Im in no man lands at mo ,GPs dont seem to want to know and prefer filling A&E waiting rooms .
The cardio rehab I received was really good, the team were very supportive and it was good to meet other people in the same position I was in. Regarding GPs, mine were very supportive after my heart bypass a few years ago but I didn't hear from them either after my stent until the rehab team organised an appointment for me to have my BP checked.

I think the surgerys are still scared and playing on covid 19 , i brought a BP machine and check mine 3times a day and write it down .think im just gob smacked at how downhill local surgeries have got .
I’ve been waiting two and a half years for an appointment to see anyone after my heart attack and stent in March 2021. Finally have an appointment for next week at cardiology next week. No rehab and one phone call with my GP at my insistence. A postcode lottery. Royal Shrewsbury in my case.
Thats a long time to wait to see anyone .
I’ve only got that appointment because my GP moithered. I’d had a stent and echocardiogram at Wolverhampton and then referred to Shrewsbury for post op. They “discharged me” because rehab was closed because of you know what but never bothered to tell me. Royal Shrewsbury is awful throughout.
well I did . I’ve sat around taking tablets for 3 years just get a check up every year but mine occurred during full lockdown. You will most likely be invited to a rehab class, I had to do all mine at home. Good Health to you
It is the last thing anyone needs to have to be chasing up medical assistance not long after a heart attack. If you are not getting the help you need, I suggest you contact the BHF nurses who will advise/do what they can to assist. My brother had a heart attack at a funeral in Austria of all places and had some difficulty in setting up rehab when he got home but by then he was back at work and getting to and from rehab (it was some distance away) was problematic.
I wasnt going to chase it up ,but seeing as GPs are like a dodo bird ,we have no choice but to chase it up , but im going to chill to friday then ring around , i am going by a timetable on here of what i should and shouldnt be doing ,but we all have different hearts and different rules.
Hi the coronary nurse should be in touch soon and arrange some rehabilitation exercises at a gym I didn't see my doctor either just the consultant and coronary nurse it does feel like your on you own at first but it all comes together in the end had my heart attack in January this year hope you have a speedy recovery Yours
Why does the receptionist have the power to say whether you can see your GP or not? It's your body, your life, your perogative. I have full respect for the hard work receptionists do but shes not medically trained and has no right to make that decision for you. I'd phone back if you want an appointment.
Regarding Rehab I think its important you do it when the time is right especially if you have little knowledge of healthy eating, meds etc. They will at least measure your heart rate, blood pressure etc at the beginning of the course and set your levels of excercise. The actual excercise is pretty tame unless you are very unfit but does give you confidence.
Walking for now us a great exercise. You can control how you feel and stop if you get pain. Try walking with your house in the middle of the walk so you can get home easily if you feel off it. It's great you're doing a little more each day. Improving your fitness gradually is the key. I wouldn't swim yet until you've been to rehab.
Oh and congratulations on stopping smoking, the best step to fitness you could have done! 👍
All the best
I always thought receptionists did 5 year at med school lol ..no but on a serious note think thats why im a bit gobsmacked at all i mean why would you want to see a GP after a heart attack , but ive bypassed her and made an appointment on the App but its another 18 days away ,On the rehab ,ive brought my own BP monitor to record it myself , healthy eating ? Im a single man so been living the single mans diet ,but since ive been discharge ,its been 2 shredded wheat for breakfast , dinner as been poached eggs on brown bread, or salad with tuna or salmon , and my teas have been veg /fish /chicken/ stir frys / trying to follow that med diet ,
I walk daily adding about 6 houses a day before turning back ,will be doing a full circle by next week , and for a man who furthest walk was front door to car thats good
Smoking withdrawals have been bad but im over the worse now ,no patches or anything ,suprising what you can do when your body gets a warning
Thank you
Hi Yellow 731 it is a scary time but as captain birdseye said insist on an appointment
I had my HA in Feb 23 couldn’t fit stent so bypass was in order, rehab contacted me and sorted out my visits.
Give them a call at the hospital and ask to speak to them they fully understand where you are coming from this is very different to what we are used to, the nurses were also brilliant always there and helped with any questions I had.
I am sure you have lots of questions that need answered by a medical professional write them all down and take them with you, good luck keep us all up to date with your journey 😊
Hi it is a very scary time ,i will call hospital friday as it does say on a leaflet in my discharge pack that its up to 2weeks ,and thats the nail on the head lots of questions to ask ,im sure they will be answered in time.
Rehab seems to be a Postcode Lottery.
I had somebody come to my bedside while I was waiting to be called down for my first stent and they were in the day-ward before my second. I had weekly phone calls, mainly concerned with checking my mental health (it was during the lockdowns) then assessments in their gym. I could have had more gym sessions, but I knew of a course much closer to me so they discharged me to their care. I have to pay for this, because they have to hire a gym studio, but I get the reassurance of seeing a trained nurse regularly.
You can't create services that don't exist, but check that is the case and that the GP and hospital are not just failing to refer you to services that could be available.
I would pay for it myself if it meant having a trained nurse there who can help if you over do it ,GPs are still in a lockdown culture ,cant thank the hospital enough ,and they did it all with strikes going on to ,maybe im just worrying over nothing and i get a phone call this week
Hi You should be citacted by the cardiac nurses who should have been informed by the hospital when you were discharged You should get offered cardiac rehab to start when they think you are ready for itThis is what happens where I live so get back to GP and ask
Hi - I hope you are feeling well.
I had my heart attack and a stent fitted in June in Barcelona, with additional complications of kidney failure and delirium due to infection. However, because of the excellent care, I felt almost like in a cocoon.
When I came home, I felt like I'd been cast adrift. I have seen a GP since, at my insistence, but she was more interested in trying to translate the report than checking me over, although she did make the referral to Cardiology but said I could wait months to see someone!
I could cry at the state of our NHS.
NHS as gone im afraid , and A&E depts seem to be one big GP waiting room , have you got on rehab then ?
No word on rehab either. I'm going to give them a ring though because I want to restart some voluntary work on September and I need to know when I will be available. Definitely don't want to miss out on it, although like probably everyone else on this site, I've been doing a lot of my own research too.
Hi. Scary times for you but you’ve emerged the other side. It’s physically and mentally seriously challenging and living alone must make it mire difficult. I had a heart attack and stents 2 years ago now at 42. My story is in my bio. Similar to you by the sounds of it - not a great diet, smoker, thought I was relatively fit and indestructible. Came out of hospital, changed my diet, stopped smoking, reflected on life and why me ALOT, worried it would happen again and slept with the light in for a while after. I waited for communication about rehab that did come and used the time off work to educate myself and joining forums like this one were absolutely fundamental in supporting me and realising I was not alone even though it felt like it every day. Rehab was great and positively changed my life and gave me great confidence. So do chase it up from your leaflet. Physically and mentally you will get better but it will take time. Good luck and remember it’s still early days so don’t rush it
Hi mateJust read your bio well done ,i think living alone is worse part but im educating myself each day reading things online ,diet fitness etc but only so much you can do ,my diet changed straight away ,emptied cupboards ,freezer and fridge of the crap and replaced with healthy food , 2 months before your HA could you of seen yourself running 5K ? And thanks i know its a slow journey so not going to rush it one day at a time .
re: 5k. I could run around a football pitch for a few minutes. I couldn’t run 1k tbh although I’d never really tried. I started jogging to strengthen my heart and at least get to a level of fitness beyond where I was. I suppose I did my own version of couch to 5k - which I recommend you try AFTER your rehab if given the go ahead to
See i couldnt even do that (football pitch)maybe a 200m run , use to walk now and then ,swimming with the kids do a few lengths of pool ,just looked at couch to 5k the 6week plan ,think it would be 12week plus for me ,but will try once i get go ahead ,i will be happy walking 1k at mo
It's not up to a receptionist to decide whether you need to see a GP or not. Insist on an appointment. I had no problem seeing mine to get my discharge letter "translated" and get an explanation of what had happened. Rehab should be organisied by the hospital. Give them a call t o see how long you will have to wait.
I have made an appointment through the app but its a couple of weeks away .
In my experience, take a solid month of just walking and resting, no stress. Get used to meds and note any side effects. You've been through a lot and your body needs to recover.
If all goes OK, definitely press for rehab, preferably in person. It's quite reassuring.
I was looking through my old records the other day and realized that I didn't have an actual follow up appointment for 6 months (outside of rehab), except once when I had my meds adjusted because I was getting really lightheaded from bisoprolol.
As far as dealing with health professionals...unfortunately you have to take the bull by the horns sometimes and demand attention and answers. There is a "standard" post heart attack/stent course of treatment but one size does not fit all. Do some reading of the scientific literature so you can at least 😀sound knowledgeable!
Good luck!
Hi. A few days after my husbands heart attack (Lincs area) he phoned drs and they gave him an appointment straight away. Discussed meds but also how he was feeling and answered lots of questions that we had. After a major life event like this I think you need reassurance. The cardio clinic were also great. You may have been given a number for this in your discharge pack. We called them numerous times in the first few months either to answer concerns we had about pains he was having or discuss medication side effects. I think he got a call from rehab about 3 weeks after to book him in, and the rehab sessions boosted him no end. Wishing you all the best
Hi yes was lincs county i was in ,i have number in discharge pack , the GPs im at is over the notts border 25mile away ive been registered here since i moved here in 2018 but never used them and looking at google reviews wish i gone a mile up road now ,so im hoping rehab team will give me the reassurance i need ,i think once i speak to someone i will be ok Thanks