At the weekend I replied in a couple of threads that blank Bio's were unhoful. Thus is particular so where some seem to post in a provocative manner to provoke argument. The same individuals also behave in a bullying manner and then pretend they are the victim. Does Hidden have a view on this. Individuals or those that care for them have no reason no to declare the condition as it helps others respond to and support them!
Blank Bio's : At the weekend I replied... - British Heart Fou...
Blank Bio's

Call me a conspiracy theorists but I don't believe anything that some people post no matter where they post. If I can help I will no matter when they joined or if they have a bio.
People are getting too involved in posts and posters.
I think it’s up to an individual to decide how much they want to share or not. If no bio then I take their post at face value and decide whether I want to engage or not.
I don't mind users not having a bio, however I do find it annoying when such users without a bio then ...(a) 'demand' to know others health issues when replying to posts if those other's bio's are blank - especially if the others haven't agreed with the responses received
(b) answer queries ..... in a telling (you should do this) rather than in a suggesting manner (my experience was .... so you could this this too).
I.e where no details are given of their own health issues in explanation of their experiences and the bio's are blank, then responses can come across as 'controlling' rather than open, friendly, sharing, supportive, which is what you get when you can see that people have been through similar heath issues and / or concerns.
(c) use information in others bio's to dismiss health issues and / or experiences as being non-serious
(d) to use information from other's bio's within responses NOT to assist answering the posted question BUT purely to be judgemental and condensending such as to question why we have not / are not living a healthy lifestyle when our family history shows heart issues, etc.