hi😊.. have seen posts regarding some people using kardia monitors.. 1 lead and 6 leads.. do they find them really useful?.. is the app free?.. and finally.. how long does the actual wee thing last? lol .. thanks😊
kardia monitors: hi😊.. have seen posts... - British Heart Fou...
kardia monitors

that’s all i need to know😂.. if myself or hubby get chest pain that doesn’t go away after gtn it’s a call to 999.. to heck with purchasing a kardia👍
I have a one lead Kardia and have found it very useful, it helped me prove that I have Bradycardia to my GP as they like proof, my HR goes as low as 34bmp during the day sometimes. It also helps me monitor my AF as well, I just like to know how fast my HR.
It’s been very useful to me but it depends on what condition you have.
have an apple watch that records HR… have been able to verify most readings accurately between watch and BP monitor.. sometimes HR drops to low 40’s.. highest recorded 172.. but only lasts so far.. for less than 15 seconds.. but i can tell when it is happening lol..but.. as i said earlier to #Thatwasunexpected.. if i get pain not relieved by gtn spray i’ll contact 999😊👍
hi. My daughter bought me a 6 lead Kardia after a bout of atrial flutter. She’s a medic and can read ecgs but I’ve probably only used it about 5 times. It seems fairly accurate but as others have said it could become anxiety provoking if you check it constantly. The app is free but if you upgrade to the premium membership an online doctor can occasionally review your results.