Hi . I am 6 wks post bypass and still having pain. It is mostly in my breasts which are also sore to touch and sometimes a tight feeling across my chest. This is not the same as the chest pains before the op. I am wondering if anyone else has had pains this long after op and what should I do to help myself? Thank you for any advice
Post op: Hi . I am 6 wks post bypass... - British Heart Fou...
Post op
Yes I was very sore and tender could hardly wash and when I moved I had to be really careful
I am now about 19 months post Bypasses and even though it is a lot better I can still be tender at times but when you think of what they have done and all those nerves that have been upset it makes sense that most will fee this way and you are very early in your recovery
I hope the rest of your recovery is going well and give yourself time slowly things will get better and improve x
Thank you. Sometimes I just need to find out if others have experienced similar. I'm not anxious but more wondering how long these things last. Thanks again x
And that is what the Community is here for and we are all different so you might find you get less tender etc quicker than I did
One thing I noticed as well even though looking outside we may have forgotten what the Sun is but even though I was covered up the heat from the Sun I could feel and that made things tender for some reason maybe you won't find this but if you do you will know someone else did to x

I had pain in my chest area for 8 weeks. I took the max 8 paracetamol a day. Then all of a sudden at 8 weeks the pain stopped and I have been fine since but still get twinges but not enough to take pain killers
Thank you. It seems to get worse when I do stuff. It can only get better. I need to be more patient.
Sorry to say but those pains could be there for quite sometime yet, it improves quite quickly so just enjoy the feeling of getting better. It's a massive operation it takes time to heal
Yes I know you are right. I will just have to have patience. Thanks for your reply.
Hi Frizzler,I am 7 weeks post op and experiencing exactly the same as you!! I was told the pain on my breasts is the nerves knitting together!! It is really uncomfortable almost like neuralgia? Having clothes against them is uncomfortable at times too. I have two plastic stitches left in my scar too and that makes it feel tight. My district nurse suggested just pulling them out? I'm still onlybsleeping on and off through the night , 2 hours at a time? I'm sure it will all right itself..it's only early days yet
You are so right with everything you say. Even the bedclothes are too much! I mentioned this at my cardiac rehab assessment, but felt a bit of a nerd. I have also developed a slight cough which doesn't help pain wise. Thanks for your reply, it has helped.
I have not experience this surgery, but as an ex-nurse i can tell you that this is sort-of to be expected.....
Basically: while you are out cold under anaesthetic, they cut open your chest, moved stuff around including your heart, muscles, and ribs, cut more bits and put you back together .....aaaargh! it's a bit like a controlled car crash
it takes time for this to repair and while it repairs parts can be swollen and press on nerves and all sorts of complicated stuff
what is important is to try to keep mobile and keep doing the breathing and other exercises your were shown pot-op - these help to maintain the flexibility of the healing tissue, so that you can get back your full range of movement when it's all settled down again
it can be a bit of a long haul, but it will improve🌺
PS - when you cough, it might help if you support your chest or any sore parts by leaning forwards and sort-of hugging your ribs gently but firmly
Thank you. I am grateful for your comments. I love this community. Such a lot of good advice. X
I got lots of information pre op but absolutely nothing post op!! I has to find out from groups like this or my district nurse and GP. I.lept hearing about breathing exercises and had no.clue what this was?? I wss told nothing.
most people are referred to cardiac rehab after heart surgery - i don't know how recent your surgery was but it may be worth your while to contact the cardiology department which took care of you and find out about it
Also the British Heart Foundation website has a good section on cardiac rehab at home: bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
Thank you. I've just had my cardio rehab assessment. I will be starting my exercises next week. I appreciate your advice. Xxx ps I've looked on bhf website as you suggested. There is a lot of info which I will read through. Thank you
Last time I was in speaking to the guy next to me who had quad bypass, he said the one piece of advice was to have a tightly rolled towel ready to hold on your chest when about to cough.
Yes they told me that in hospital. It helps a little. Thank you for help.
Hi - after my bypass all patients were automatically given a rolled towel with tape - it was affectionately named Gordon by the physio staff - 8 weeks on Gordon has a family place and travels everywhere with us lol
Ha ha. Yes I had the rolled towel minus tape. I now use a firm cushion. Sometimes though it takes me by surprise. It's not as painful as it used to be but I think it strains the already sore muscles. Glad to hear Gordon is helping.
my uncle recently had surgery like yourself, first thing this community is amazing they supported me so much. It’s completely normal my uncle is 17 weeks and still feels tender. The cardiac nurses said it can take least a year. Anything that worry’s you though speak to your nurses
Hi Thanks for your reply. I'm just wondering how long it lasts. Not really worried. I don't really see any medical staff. I had a District nurse came week 1 to take out the stitches in my neck where needles had been, but apart from that I don't see anyone. I start my cardiac rehab next week, so maybe things will be different then.Thanks again