I am concerned that my cardiology department have told me they are about to discharge me into the care of my GP!!! My GP is useless can never get a telephone appointment let alone a face to face appointment I have been unable to register with a different practice. I am really concerned that I will basically be left with no care!
Discharged : I am concerned that my... - British Heart Fou...

Dear you
I can fully understand where you are coming from, its like a double edged sword, one side you should be jumping for joy at being released from the Cardiologist and the other side is the dread of a badly run GP practice.
You are not alone many have voiced the same worry on here, but with careful investigations you can still be very much attached to the help you need.
Keep and use your heart teams number, use the BHF nurses and find local support in your area,
Send an e/mail to your surgery { they have to respond in a given time } and address your worries to them, most have an outside unit that deals with heart and chronic illnesses.
Most of all never think your alone, you are not, it will just seem so until you find your footing.
Take care and fantastic news that you have been released from the Hospitals care.

They never respond to emails
+1 on what Hidden has said.
There is one question you should perhaps be asking yourself which is do you need 'care' or 're-assurance'. Your cardiologist believes you at a stage in your recovery where you don't need specialist treatment or care any more, and you are fit enough for the GP to manage your ongoing situation, which basically means arms length involvement as with most discharges whatever the condition. So perhaps you don't need 'care', except that which is self administered. And as far as 're-assurance' is concerned you already have a significant positive outcome from the cardiologist, and as noted above the knowledge that there are various support groups who are available to help. But if you ever get to the stage where you notice your heart health has suddenly deteriorated, then you should seek attention from any one of the services which are there to help such as 111, A&E and even your GP who is duty bound to help.

The cardiology dept don't seem to know what they are doing I got one letter this week stating no further investigation. And a letter today stating I need more investigations!!
That's how it is everywhere. The cardiologist has decided that they have no further treatment for you so releases you off their books.
Hopefully now that is done you can ask for a phone appointment with your GP.
I had a bypass in 2017 and after about 3 months I was discharged by the surgeon and the cardiologist.
I had 2 stents fitted Oct 21 and once out of hospital I had a phone conversation with my GP and have never seen anyone since.
Will you need ongoing treatment?
This happened to me and I told the cardio. I was not happy with that.She then agreed to see me yearly.So ask again and he/she may agree to keep you on.
Join the club guineacat! Even if you continue to see your cardiologist, what, exactly do they do? The last time I saw mine, he castigated me because my heart wasn't working efficiently but aside from upping my beta blockers, had nothing else to offer and it's been this way ever since (that was 5 years ago after my 2nd HA).