I had a heart bypass seven months ago and since then on and off I have had numbness on the left side of my chest and I have spoke with my GP and consultant but they just say the numbness is still there because of my diabetes and just wondering has anyone else experienced this after heart bypass operation.
nerve pain and numbness months after ... - British Heart Fou...
nerve pain and numbness months after heart bypass operation

Gimble is probably right. However, following my Bypass surgery late September 2022 like most of us on here I derived quite a bit of comfort reading how others in my situation dealt with the after effects of Bypass surgery.
I don't know about you but for the 1st few months I was acutely aware of numbness on the left side of my chest. As of late at times I forget it's there.
However, having read your post and prodding myself there it's just as numb as ever!
Fortunately, I've just had my final appointment with the local Cardiac Rehabilitation Team at which I brought up my concerns re.my chest as stupidly I started playing tennis at 9-10 weeks post op and I was worried that I may have done some damage.
They reassured me I was good to go. Probably, that's the reason I've stopped being aware of the odd feeling in my chest it's still there but I'm not worried about it.
So, I would take Gimble's advice see your GP as I'm sure it will help to reassure you that everything's OK.
Best regards, Denis
I am almost 1 year on. Still numb on left chest. I have never worried about it, maybe it will just stay this way?
Hi. I had quadruple Cabg end of September. My chest above my boobs are still numb , can't really feel my skin. Feels odd. I would ask your team. I plan on asking mine when I see them but still haven't had my op follow up and it's not booked til March..
It’s still early days for you as your body is still repairing. See how it feels after a year. 7 yrs on after Quadruple and my left boob is still numb and there are spots of tenderness which I take no notice of. When I touch my skin it reminds me in a good way that I am alive and it’s fine x
Hi...I'm now 3years post surgery and I'm still numb on my left side...I just live with it now...🙏
After lung surgeries, I still have an area of numbness in couple of areas of my back and left side - and the surgery was over sixty years ago! The sensation has changed slightly over time - nowadays, it’s not total numbness when touched, more like it was happening to someone at the far end of of an echoey room - if that makes any sense? I’ve always assumed that it was due to minor nerve damage during the extensive surgery (no keyhole stuff in those days!) it certainly doesn’t cause me any pain or problems.
You should certainly discuss with GP or Cardio nurse practitioner but my own experience is that it’s nothing to worry about. Good luck!
I would welcome numbness, I have constant pain& pressure whole of rib case since 2013.
Dear Star124
I believe your question to read "is there any others with a numb chest after OHS open heart surgery?" as with other answers I can answer yes to that.
The numbness radiates from the scar in the centre of my chest out and under my left armpit, its a surface feeling as deeper I can still get an odd twinge of pain.
My Cardiologist assumes that its damage to the nerves in that area and doubts after all this time { 2 years + } that the pathways will re-knit again.
On the whole it does not affect me
So you can go back to your Dr armed with the knowledge that you are certainly not alone, and just because there was no help for me doesn't mean that there is not for you.
Its that individual thing, you unique person you.
Take care
Hi Star,
I had my bypass in August 22, don't have diabetes but do have numbness in my left chest area.
I think this is very common and my surgeon assures me irs normal.
But no one seems to be able to tell me how long this will last or if permanent.
I have also developed a hard lump in this area a few weeks ago, can be sore and tender, GP has referred me to a breast clinic this week but I think it's more about the op yet again. Will ask whilst at the hospital, may get better answers, will keep you posted.
Ok, are you manipulating the camera on my PC? No sooner did I feel a sharp twinge than I read your post 'nerve pain and numbness'! Spooky.
Yes, sometimes after 8 months from a bypass I do get momentary chest nerve pain and the top left of my chest in a certain area is numb. The nerve endings were chopped through. Some will reconnect some won't, so it may be something we need to live with.
I suspect that, like large amalgam teeth fillings, that the weather has an effect, either directly on the nerves or on the sternum wire that put us back together. Not enough time as yet to definitely determine if I am most affected by high or low pressure or rain or dry weather or indeed cold or warmth and of course there may be nothing in the theory, but nerve pain and numbness are definitely a thing.
I had my bypass op in 2018 and I still have numbness and nerve pain on the left side of my chest and at the two sites (wrist and ankle) where blood vessels were harvested. I use a pad on my car seat belt and massaging my chest when showeriing helps. Fortunately I do not have issues with my heart, only the blood vessels, so I can use Ibuprofen gel when I get pain. Like others, I expect this to continue to be something I will have to live with for the rest of my life.
I had CABG x3 in September. I have numbness between my scar and left arm, down my hand and thumb (they used an artery from my arm) and all the way down my inner thigh, knee and top of inner shin. My skin also feels like it's burning at times.
I have been told this is all completely normal, it's the nerves which have been severed which can't be avoided. Hopefully in time they will knit together. My husband had major surgery a few years back on his Kidney and it took 2 years before he started feeling 'normal' again.
I am also diabetic. Apparently everything takes longer for us to heal but having said that my scars healed in no time.
Try not to worry about it.
My Bypass was 7 yrs ago and I still have numbness on my left side and my consultant said it was nerve damage. It doesn’t make any difference in day to day life.
Hi I’m 7 months post quad CABG as well and yes I’ve got it as well but I’m also getting quite a lot of chest pains on the left side with a mild pain in my left shoulder and left side of neck. I’m having more tests but they don’t seem overly concerned I think the tests are more to put my mind at ease, after all it’s our minds that are still playing most of us up worrying about things that are not really a problem. As others have said I think it’s just something we have to get used too after all it’s a small price to pay for being alive.👍
I suspect part of that pain is that for months you were not doing a lot then will have gradually increased the amount of lifting, pulling, stretching etc even without realising it.
I find driving brings on some back and neck discomfort as you are turning round, moving the wheel and likely changing gear. My floor lamp is just behind me and I have to turn a lot to switch it on, bringing in the various recyling boxes means bending and carrying. So I suspect it is merely that your muscles are getting used to doing things again but of course you are right to check if it is causing you concern
A CABG is a major operation where they take the veines out of your legs and/or arms and the mammary arteries out of your chest to make the bypasses. This does not go without damaging the tissue and nerves in the areas where they are taken out. I am 2 and a bit years past my CABG. After the surgery I was not able to walk, which resulted in a bilateral pulmonary embolism. This restricted my movement and recovery. I still have a strange feeling all along the scars of my legs, and can’t feel cold or warm in certain spots. In my chest it is similar, but this is not around the scar. A lot of massage, rubbing and hot and cold baths have helped some of my nerves to heal, but after 2 years, I don’t expect much anymore. Getting on with my life, because I have received a second chance is much more important than complaining about the things you can’t change.
I hope you will be able to get some answers for your situation. Good luck.
I had my bypass in December 2019 and numbness has almost completely gone - nothing to do with being diabetic - just takes time. You are one amongst many of us! Best wishes
Hi Star124,
My triple bypass op was back in 2018. I remember clearly when I first joined this forum that many people were talking about how tender and sore their chests were after the operation. I thought this most odd since my chest was totally the opposite - as numb as hell! It was ages before another member reported the same experience as me!
Its just one example I think of how we each have our own story to tell about how we mended! I can tell you the numbness in my case eased gradually but I'd say it was more than a year before it felt normal.
All the best.
I had a triple bypass 18 months ago and have had Type1 diabetes for 42 years. The left side of my chest is still numb but not as much as it was after my operation. I’m not worried about it. Hope this helps.
Hi. I had an ohs about 5 months ago and am still getting pain on the left side of my chest. There is numbness there as well but it is there all the time. I am more worried about the pain and i wish i knew when it will go away.