Is anyone taking Nicorandil and did it make any difference to persistent angina?
Nicorandil: Is anyone taking Nicorandil... - British Heart Fou...

Hi, I have been on ranolazine . Just had another angiogram and was told it was too difficult to place a stent. They have increased my ranolazine and put me on Nicorandil 10mg twice a day. I started on Friday, they say it starts working after an hour and full effect in 4-5 days. So far no improvement for me.
Thanks Diycrazy. I couldn't tolerate Ranolazine - I ended up in A&E with chest pain and irregular heart rate! I've been prescribed Nicorandil instead and have taken 10mg a day for a week. Today, I'm increasing to 20mg. But, walking uphill today I still experienced chest pain 😢 and felt disappointed to say the least!
I had NSTEMI sixteen months ago and seven stents and had persistent chest pain for a year, Started nicorandil in July and after two weeks my pain was easier and I have been much more comfortable but not always pain free.
I've been taking 20mg of Nicorandil twice a day for a year now and never need to use my spray for Angina. I still get a bit brreathless on the hills but otherwise I'm feeling much better. Hope you feel better soon
I currently take 20mg Nicorandil twice a day. Cardiologist prescribed on August last year after angio and pet scan did not identify any significant blockages. It’s kept my unstable angina episodes to tolerable proportions. I have been prescribed Ranolazine twice in the past, including maximum dose. It did not work for me.
So far I have not noticed any side effects from the Nicorandil.
Good luck with it!
I've not had any noticeable side effects either thankfully, although only just increased to the higher dose so fingers crossed. I've had another angio and 2 stress echos since my stents 5 years ago and all were clear. Ranozoline wasnt good for me so I'm really hoping that Nicorandil helps because I feel like I can't keep as healthy as possible, as I want to avoid exercise due to the pain that always starts!
I couldn't take it. I had mouth ulcers continuously, which is one of the side effects.
It's good to see Nicorandil works for some people, for me however I had nausea for a week so then went back to Nifedepine (but doubled the previous dose). Hope it works for you.
used to take it for micro vascular angina but gave me blinding migraines although can tolerate gtn spray so now just on calcium blockers 🙂
I started on 10 mg twice a day which didn’t work. I was an increased to 20 mg twice a day which still didn’t work. This has now been stopped and I have been started on amlodipine 5 mg once-a-day which hasn’t worked and it’s now been increased to 7.5 mg once-a-day … fingers crossed.

Hope it makes a difference for you 🤞
Hi I take nicorandil twice a day plus minomil to stop pretzmental angina. I have angina attacks constantly if I don't take the tablets. I have nicorandil 20mg at 7am then 4pm, then at 8pm I have monomil 60mg this then covers me for the 24hrs. I have some slight spasms so I use a gt spray it just depends what I'm doing.
Hello Lucytucy,Welcome to the forum.
I live with Vasospastic angina too.
Have you seen this information on the BHF website?
There is also this website written by patients with over 50 years, combined experience, of living with microvascular dysfunction and coronary vasospasms.
You may find it helpful.
Thank you for this, I'm very new to this condition.
I have lived with vasospastic angina for 10 years.
How were your coronary vasospasms diagnosed?
I had a heart attack on the 4th July it constantly kept happening so I had morphine, had angiogram then said it was spasms but they wouldn't stop, still happens now unless I've had the monimil & nicorandil. I get spasms when I move about if I start walking they are worse (complete opposite to what they say) so I have a gt spray. Waiting for an MRI scan because cardiologist thinks it could be covid related. I've never smoked or drank alcohol and I walked 4-6 miles per day, I'm slim built and eat healthy so docs were puzzled with the heart attack, no blockages. Out of all the possible causes I would say stress is the only thing.