Mobitz 2 AV Block: Hello, Just... - British Heart Fou...

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Mobitz 2 AV Block

Aries17 profile image
15 Replies


Just wondering if anyone here has Mobitz 2 and if so, would you mind sharing how you received your diagnosis and your symptoms? Also if it has any significance to any structural problems you may have?

I am in my late 20’s and have been suffering with heart related symptoms since I was a teenager. I regularly suffer with VE’s and occasional SVT’s and it was picked up on a 24hr ECG at the beginning of the year that I had several episodes of nocturnal bradycardia. I also have a mild mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation.

I have since had a 7 day ECG and my cardiologist has picked up on what he believes to be mobitz 2 av block. I am now awaiting results from a cardiac mri.

Would be grateful to hear from anyone with similar issues.

Thank you!

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15 Replies
deniseinmilden profile image

Hiya!All sounds very similar to me.

I'm totally out of time to reply now but will try to come back to you sometime soon.

I had a double ablation for SVT in my early 20s

I'm 50 now and still going!

I had a 3-year monitor implanted early this year because I have random arrhythmias, including Type 2 Wenkebach heart block, and at times they really slow me up. If my heart is running OK then I'm fit and very active!

I sometimes get something when I sleep that means my limbs, ears and sometimes more of me goes numb. Unfortunately I can't press the record button when I'm asleep or when my arms can't work... But I'll find a way of working out what's going on!

Is your AV block Wenkebach (Mobitz 1) or Mobitz 2?

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to deniseinmilden

Hi! Thanks for your reply.

Weird you say that about your sleep as I have often experienced the same thing!

The main issue that causes me the most concern is every few months I suffer with very debilitating crushing chest pain and breathlessness in which I get a shooting pain up the right side of my neck. Sometimes these episodes last 10-15 minutes and then I won’t get another one again for 4 months!

Cardiology have said they think Mobitz 2 but have not yet confirmed this. The letter made it sound as though they are unsure as I am young and it happened in the middle of the day which they were surprised about. I am equally as confused as I still have no idea what’s going on!

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Aries17

I used to get exactly the same as you - desperate pain, etc, and it all sort of points to a heart attack but I don't think it ever was. Don't seem to get those any more. (Thank goodness! You so have my sympathy!)

My AV block happens more at night rather than the day but can get me in the daytime too. Usually lasts about half a hour but can last hours.

I find I have spells where my heart's OK and I can do all sorts and then spells where it just won't run properly and I struggle to exist - or breathe! It really wipes my mind out then too and I can't think straight - to the point of not being able to speak clearly even.

There's no knowing how long I'm going to be good or bad for either. Last year I had 14 weeks when I was really rough (hence the implanted monitor) but usually it's a few hours to a few days. When it's rough I get the numbness and pins and needles, heart rate too fast or too slow for what I'm doing, breathless, orthostatic hypotension, PVCs, PACs, odd spells of tachy, the AV block, you name it! 😃

Usually Mobitz 1 is regular and you can see the extending pulse interval on the ECG trace fairly easily but mine isn't so it's hard to distinguish it from Mobitz 2. You need a really clued up cardiologist to tell the difference!

I bought a 6-lead KardiaMobile and hugely recommended them. It's brilliant and the cardiologists DO take note of them - it was a cardiologist who recommended it in the first place and the one I see now says he's bought one for his parents to use.

Check them out and see if you can afford one because you can then take your own traces when you get your symptoms = half the battle! (Except when you're asleep, but hey! 😃).

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to deniseinmilden

Thank you so much, your comment has been very helpful :)

I will definitely look into Kardia, I’ve seen it mentioned a few times.

Do you mind me asking what sort of symptoms you experience during your AV block? I know you said it mainly happens at night, but is it easy for you to distinguish from the other heart issues you suffer with or are the symptoms mainly the same?

deniseinmilden profile image

I mostly feel really, and I mean REALLY, slowed up and can't do anything much. I usually just go to sleep. It's the best way to fix it. I can usually feel it missing the beats but it's less than a PVC.

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to deniseinmilden

I often experience this, mostly in the evenings. It feels as though I physically can’t function and HAVE to lie down. During this time my heart just feels like it’s doing mental things/double beats/skipping beats and I really have to focus to try and relax myself!

Thank you for all of your help and sharing your story! Take care. :)

Esentepe profile image

Hi it is very stressful. I have mobitz 2, I developed problems post multiple PE's post surgery. After a very long process via a specialist vascular unit and many tests/investigations, diagnosed with av block and sinus tachycardia. 24 hour tape showed av block but 2:1 so hard to tell if type 1 or 2. Had an implanted loop recorder which showed av block type 2. Given symptoms and information from loop recorder very quickly decided dual chamber pacemaker needed. 18 months on since pacemaker life is great. Back to normal cardiac wise. They don't really know what caused it. I had ectopics preceeding dropped beats/pause episodes which was suspicious usually e topics benign. I was 50 when issues began and 52 when I got my pacemaker. It is a very worrying time but many of us been through the process and living great lives now. Going through the tests and waiting is the hardest.

In terms of symptoms just do what you can. I have other health issues so not always clear what symptoms due to what condition. This issue can be treated and life will be good again. Look after yourself

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Esentepe

Thank you for your reply - very similar to me although my dropped beats are at any ratio. It does really "kick" when I get a combo of AV blocks and ectopics in a row. I too have other issues that muddy the water, including chronic pancreatitis and therefore EPI, plus other malabsorption issues and hence pernicious anaemia, etc. All these things cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies which alone can play havoc with my heart rhythm, although my arrhythmia problems are of genetic origin and several members of my family have weird arrhythmias.

Did you find if it happened at night it would wake you up before it started? I find that really curious - I wake up and know my system has woken me up but I feel fine and then after about half an hour of not being able to sleep I start getting more ectopics than usual and then the blocks follow on after that... And once they start, so long as they aren't too bad, I can then go back to sleep.

Pacemakers are brilliant and I'd be very happy to have one if it helps and they give me the chance to. I'm self employed and really struggle when my heart has a silly session - which usually lasts weeks but can go on for months.

Did they make a fuss about how young you are? I know they can give kids pacemakers if necessary but they keep saying to me they'd rather wait if possible because I'm too young (50)!

All the best!

Esentepe profile image
Esentepe in reply to deniseinmilden

Apologies if I have replied to the wrong person. But hope it was of help. The loop recorder showed different ratios which confirmed mobitz/type 2. I didn't get episodes at night only in the day. I had episodes if bradycardia at night though no symptoms. Sometimes day time episodes lasted hours, couldn't stand up. No energy. Clammy, detached. Felt ill. Had to sit or lie down. Sometimes episodes brief these happened several times a day felt very unwell very quick, then lifted and all OK. Some episodes asymptomatic. Palpitation skipped beats, weird sensations usually worst at rest and in the evening especially. No mention of my age Rd pacemaker. Just told no option. Everything massively improved no regrets.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Esentepe

Thank you very much for all your extra details! Very, very helpful.It's odd isn't it how it can make you feel absolutely dreadful with it but be fine when it's OK but no knowing what makes it happen.

I'm so glad you're feeling better now and really appreciate your help on here.

Esentepe profile image
Esentepe in reply to deniseinmilden

Yes your absolutely right. When I felt OK life was great, but not knowing when you will feel unwell made me concerned and hesitant to go out and about. Thankfully able and confident to do whatever I want now. I so hope you find a way forward. The loop recorder was the turning point for me. Life is good again and I am very grateful and hope this can be the same for you. It is good to share experiences as you know you are not alone.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Esentepe

Absolutely! Thank you very much!

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to Esentepe

Thank you for your helpful reply! Do you have any structural heart problems or do they believe the av block is linked to the PE?

My symptoms are often worse at rest or in the evenings and they make me feel really out of sorts and often completely unable to function. I’m only 28 and have a toddler so my mind is on overdrive waiting for my next appointment and test results!

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Aries17

I was phenomenally lucky to have a bad session of it back in the summer time and be called for an echo/doppler scan to check the physical function of my heart, having sent in some recordings. It actually had a run of missing beats while they were doing the scan so they could see the situation. After the scan I passed out twice with the orthostatic hypotension too so they know that it does affect me. I haven't heard anything from them since though so I'm guessing they aren't worried, even if it is really debilitating for me.

I can't imagine what it's like with a toddler. I so feel for you. It's bad enough with animals and trying to earn a living but your situation is a whole thing beyond.

I hope you get answers and help very soon.

Esentepe profile image
Esentepe in reply to Aries17

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Toddlers are very demanding and coping with this as well. Very tough.I don't have any structural problems had 2 cardiac MRIs 2 echos cardiac catheterisation etc all ok. I don't have any of the usual causes of av block they are not sure if related to pe's. Put down as idiopathic.

My palpitation, skipped beats chest discomfort was worse at rest and evenings were terrible. The pauses/dropped beats and associated symptoms always worst in the daytime though. Don't understand why. I take ivabradine for tachycardia, this improved breathlessness massively and seemed to help palpitations. Again cause not known but started at same time as av block and straight after pe's

The waiting is the worst, very stressful. Your mind works overtime. Stress exacerbates all the symptoms. I hope you get results soon. Having a pacemaker has made such a positive difference to me. I hope you have treatment options available to you soon. Take care and look after yourself

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