Does anybody have experience of getting travel insurance after having a ‘likely’ tia please? I’m trying to find an insurance company that will insure me.
Does anybody have experience of getting travel insurance after having a ‘likely’ tia please? I’m trying to find an insurance company that will insure me.
Hello, I had a TIA 4 years ago. It was assumed to have been caused by an undiagnosed Atrial Fibrillation. I have had no problems getting travel insurance since my AF is being treated and anticoagulants are taken. To be classed as a TIA your symptoms must not last for more than 24 hours. AVANTI was the insurer on two occasions. best wishes
Hi,Thankyou for your reply.
My problem is that it is a ‘likely ‘tia and although I have been treated for four years with medication it’s still only likely .
Further to my reply, A full blown stroke leaves permanent damage. With a TIA there is nothing to show after 24 hrs, that is why the doctors can never be sure just what occurred so always assume it to have been a mini stroke. The term " likely" stroke means just that. Mine was was considered to be likely that I had a mini stroke TIA. My symptoms were acute sickness, weakness of right side, and unable to walk straight. Everything was back to normal next day. Hope this clarifies it a little. Margaret
Thankyou for taking the time to reply to me, i didn’t realise it was common for them to say that. I will have to ring around a few insurers and see if I can get insurance.
Try Staysure and AllClear but speak to someone rather than applying on line.
Hi. I had a major stroke in nov 21 for which I had a thrombectomy and staysure still insured me for worldwide cover. It wasn’t cheap though. Good luck.