Can't sleep 😢: I'm not sure if I'm in... - British Heart Fou...

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Can't sleep 😢

IronGirl68 profile image
13 Replies

I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not, and apologies if not. But I had a hurriedly fitted pacemaker on 1/2/22. Took a bit of getting my head around as I'd been to the doctors regarding near faint episodes over the last three years, my heart issues were never captured on an ecg and so I was told that it was anxiety.

The issues escalated at the end of last year, and so at the beginning of the year I was given an ecg and echo, and 7 day monitor. Was given a clean bill of health from the ecg and echo before the results of 7 day were seen. Needless to say, when I was immediately admitted after the result was seen, and a pacemaker inserted it was all a bit of a shock.

Anyway (sorry this is long, you'll all be asleep before I'm done) my issues have not been completely resolved, my heart is no longer pausing, but does sometimes get a bit erratic, and I'm chronically fatigued, was on the sofa for 3 weeks after the last "episode" so awaiting results of further investigations. So there is definitely something else going on.

My question really is, could a daily dose of 1. 25 mg of Bisoprolol be causing me to not be able to sleep? As I didn't get a wink last night. Reluctantly took a sleeping pill the night before, and 3 nights last week, is the only way to truly get into a deep sleep and not just a surface type of doze. But obviously I can't carry on like that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this waffle, I'm at my wits end, I've enjoyed reading your posts, especially Easter Party, and it's helped me to feel a little less alone.

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IronGirl68 profile image
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13 Replies
Fredders profile image

Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. Your sleep problems could be as a result of the stress caused by suddenly having to have a pacemaker fitted and the ongoing investigations, but in the first instance I would speak to your GP about it.


IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to Fredders

Thank you Wendy, I think that you are right, it's not been the best start to the year to be honest, I'm quite an anxious soul anyway, and definitely need my sleep. Take care x

Dear IronGirl68

Believe me there was not a word of waffle in your post, but I really could feel the worry coming through.

First welcome to the forum with your first post, I hope that it will open those closed doors that so many of us find as we go on with this journey.

It looks like a lot of the problems you have seem to stem from your lack of decent sleep and the worry of being rushed in to having your pacemaker fitted.

To be honest with you who wouldn’t be suffering the same sort of symptoms after such a horrible experience.

You have to remember that I am not medically trained, but reasons are reasons, they would not have fitted you with your pacemaker if it was not needed, for as much as we led to believe that its a straight forward operation it is far from it and only the skill-set of the surgeons make it seem so.

You don’t say what type it is and really why they fitted it, but by now you should have had your check up and a bit of tweaking to its settings { if needed } If you have not had that yet I would phone that dept and chase it up.

You say that the sleeping pills helped? We are guessing that these were prescribed by your Dr {and you didn’t take some from Aunty Janes cupboard} then they should be following you up as well, maybe another call is needed?

I used sleeping pills for a while to get back into some sort of ‘rhythm of sleep’ and they worked very well for me.

As for the Bisoprolol you don’t say how long you have been on it as most of its side effects on most people calm down. You may be unlucky as some are and have a bad intolerance to it, which can include disturbed sleep pattens, there are other forms of this drug and hopefully if needed your Dr will put you onto something more suited.

Now you can see that I can re-write the Bible when I reply, I hope it is not waffle to you and has been of some help.

Take care, you are in my thoughts

IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to

Bless you for your reply, it took some courage this morning to post 🙂

I had suffered near faints on and off for the last 3 years, and often didn't feel "quite right". Bizarrely, I'd had a similar episode 10 years ago at only 43 years old, a friend called an ambulance, and that was the one and only time the electrics of my heart were fleetingly mentioned in the back of that ambulance. (bush of his??) or something like that??

Fast forward 7 years, of life and stress and the same thing happened, whilst out walking with my son, and at work, again whilst doing the ironing. Heavy chest, palpitations, weak throat, cold sweat, the shakes, unable to walk, horrible. A workmate took me to the doctors. In his defence he did all the tests, bloods, ecg, blood pressure and the like, and because I was fit and female, and middle aged he put it down to anxiety, and menopause. A selection of his comments... "thought you were having a heart attack did you?" "nearly faint, did you?". So after being told that there was absolutely nothing wrong, it was all in my head I've soldiered on, ignoring my heart beating out of my chest for no reason, cold sweats and periods when I've just stood there and not felt "right". Dreaded to go back to the GP as there's only so many times that you want anxiety against your records.

Until November last year, awful presyncope episode, a night in A & E who were amazing, but still didn't capture the problem. Happened again 3 weeks later, didn't bother with A & E as they'd done all the tests previously, just did an online form with the GP, who gave me a telephone appointment 10 days later, and suggested a 7 day heart monitor, which was done a month later, which showed 5 second pauses and supraventricular ectopics? So on the Monday I was given a clean bill of health, by Thursday lunchtime the cardiologist was calling me and telling me that I needed admitting. That was 1st February, I've been on 1.25 bisoprolol since then. I've messaged the cardiologist this morning and he's sure it's not the bisoprolol, though I've been told things are fine before, and they haven't been, so I'm struggling a bit. My sleep has not been great since being told that I needed the heart monitor, I've almost been a bit afraid to let myself completely "go" I think, but this last couple of weeks has been something else and I've had nights that I've seen every hour. I begged the doctor to give me something to help (until the bisoprolol I'd got to 53 and never needed to take "proper" medicine, so that was how desperate it was) she gave me one week of sleeping pills which helped hugely, but I was afraid to take them too many times incase I became dependant, also counting down how many I've got left. She has prescribed me one more weeks worth, but said that's it, when that's done, that's it, they don't prescribe more for any reason. So that's where I am now. I had my pacemaker checkup on 30th March, and everything looks good, no tweaking needed, though I feel awful, the cardiologist messaged me this morning, he's on a fortnight's leave, and so I'll see him first week of May hopefully. So that's that, sorry, I think that you have my life story, I'm struggling, don't feel like me any more, the doctor is good, and performing lots of tests, together with the hospital, it's just the waiting game at the moment, and trying to keep my head in a good place in the meanwhile. I've been so lucky in life, I really can't complain, it's my first experience of health issues.

Bless you for listening.... if you're still awake 😊

in reply to IronGirl68

Very much awake and touched deeply by your story, I wish I could wave the wand for everything to be ok.

Good luck with everything, please keep us informed if there is anything we can help you with,

We at lest can listen

Take care

IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to

Bless you 🙏

Freddiejosh profile image

Hi there. I was in exactly the same situation as you last year (July). One minute gardening, the next a phone call saying I had to be admitted immediately because of the pauses found on a monitor and pacemaker was fitted. Like you say, a shock to say the least!Anyway it’s taken until a few weeks ago but fingers crossed I’m much better now.

Reason I wasn’t sleeping is because my pacemaker setting was too high (60).

Might not sound low to some but I’ve always had a low resting heart rate in the low 50s. Fine during the day but evenings just felt like my heart was working too hard and couldn’t sleep. Anyway it’s been adjusted to 50 and they’ve changed another setting to help with a fib and I’m feeling so much better and sleeping better.

IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to Freddiejosh

Yes, that is a similar story to mine, and a great shock to you! You give me hope that I will get there, thank you. I realise it's early days for me. They didn't do any tweaking when I went in for my check up, they were really pleased with all the readings, and they said that my pacemaker can't go below 50, but I don't know what it's actually set at 🤷‍♀️. My resting heart rate was often in the mid 40s, so I just feel like I'm running a bit "fast" if you know what I mean? Even my breathing rate seems altered, but I suppose that could be just as easily a stress response. Thank you so much for your reply, and I hope that everything continues well for you x

Freddiejosh profile image

Sounds like you’re set at 50 too. That’s a great description you say about your heart running a bit fast, that’s exactly how I felt. My pacing clinic are great. If I call them with any issues they just arrangefor me to pop and see them. Might be worth contacting yours and explain what’s happening and how you are feeling.

IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to Freddiejosh

Thank you for your reply. I'm currently 113/81 69pbm and good oxygen too, so probably all OK, and I'm being my own worst enemy 🙄. When I've been in to have the machine put over my pacemaker, my readings make me appear to be an amazing success story, but the reality is that I don't feel one. I'm open minded to it all being in my head as it's been a stressful few months, and I haven't had much or any real support network (currently making the effort to reach out to people... Including you guys, so thank you for your patience🙏) Again, probably in my imagination, but I just have a "heavy" feeling in my chest. My son has been back from uni for the Easter holidays, and he asked me if it is similar to the feeling when you've had bad news which has made your heart sink, and it kind of is. But you just feel daft for saying these things when you look so good on the machine. I need to make a follow up appointment with the Cardiologist who recommended me for the pacemaker, I'll mention all these things to him then. Though I'm pretty sure (as I've had contact with him on and off since the surgery, he always comes back to me quickly and is very good) that he will just tell me that all is well, and just to go and get on with my life. I haven't taken my bisoprolol yet today, need to get my head around taking that soonish as I've had breakfast. Take care x

Bingo88 profile image

I think we all deal with these Pacemaker procedures differently. I had mine after my heart rate dropped to 22 overnight. . Have you read the leaflet on side effects of your medication that could be affecting it. Otherwise it would be best to speak with your G P. If you can get an appointment. I was diagnosed with severe copd in the same week as being told I needed a pacemaker and the copd diagnosis worried me more. Take care and take it easy. Brian

IronGirl68 profile image
IronGirl68 in reply to Bingo88

Hi Brian, thank you so much for your reply. Yes, it does mention sleep issues on the leaflet 🙄I texted my cardiologist yesterday and he's convinced that as it's the lowest dose that it won't be that causing the problem. Though I am due to see him when he's back from holiday in a couple of weeks, so if I'm still struggling then I'll see if he would consider prescribing an alterative. I hope that all is well with you, take care x

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to IronGirl68

Well just hope you can last the 2 weeks till you see him. Lack of sleep is no good for anyone to function. I am OK. Thanks for asking. Positive attitude enjoy life while I can with plenty of holidays while I am in good health because we just never know. Take care hope you have sunshine too 🌞

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