Unstable Ribcage After Heart Bypass S... - British Heart Fou...

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Unstable Ribcage After Heart Bypass Surgery - any suggestions?

Charliewoo profile image
10 Replies

The metal wires holding my husband’s sternum together shattered. He now has constant pain and discomfort. Has anyone any experience of this?

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Charliewoo profile image
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10 Replies
Chappychap profile image

Has this been conformed by X-ray? If so it's probably a matter for the hospital's surgical team rather than an unqualified forum.

Over the years there have been a few posts about patients struggling with muscular and skeletal healing issues following open heart surgery, but I can't ever recall hearing about the metal wires "shattering". I've seen the wires in my own follow up X-ray scans, and they're really thick and substantial, not really wires at all, more like those massive, heavy duty staples you find on large crates.

Good luck!

Charliewoo profile image
Charliewoo in reply to Chappychap

Hi there, yes he has had an X Ray and in fact they operated to remove the shattered wires. They were in a pile in his chest cavity! I just wondered if anyone knew of this happening before because none of the professionals seem to have a solution. I would like suggestions as to where to go as my husband, 2.5 years after the operation, has no quality of life as he is in constant discomfort with his chest hurting and moving and pain in his back.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Charliewoo

The fact that @gilread1 and myself agree that the wire used does not shatter together with your description suggests that a mistake was made and the wrong wire used. That he was then left when there are repair options seems grossly negligent.

Personally I think the two of you should speak to your GP. You could raise the issue via PALS but if it was me I would ask for referral to another hospital as at this stage it is an orthopedic rather than a cardiac issue!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Hello and welcome to the forum!

I am dubious the ires have shattered. The majority of the time it's a case of the wires loosening because the person did too much to soon or had a severe coughing or sneezing fit. Occasionally it is caused by infection. However it was caused it is fixable. The usual way is to remove the wires, clean everything up and secure the two halves with a metal plate.

He needs to talk with his GP as being inactive is not good for his overall health!

gilreid1 profile image

Being an mechanical engineer in my working life,316 stainless steel or titanium the material used does not shatter the I agree with Michael and would say they have become loose. Urgently speak to cardiologist


Charliewoo profile image

When they opened him up to see what was going on because they could see the wires were broken they found them in a pile in his chest cavity - multiple pieces of broken wire. They said they had never seen anything like it. They have said trying to re-wire his chest is life threatening because the veins have adhered to his chest. This was all done by the cardiologist who did the original operation. He is on constant pain killers and as I said he has no quality of life. This is obviously a very rare situation and that’s why I am reaching out in the hope that someone knows something about it.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Charliewoo

Sorry I missed this when I did my second reply in response to your reply to chappychao. Having read this response something is very amiss. I would ask your GP for referral to a totally different team. This needs care as I went to a neighbouring Health Trust once and the same consultant was there! It may be worth considering going privately. I had one in the early days of my cardiac journey and felt it money well spent. Keep us updated.

Wooodsie profile image

Hi Charliewoo, I did some research on this a while ago. I can't find the specific web site but have come up with this one


In the states, and I believe here too, they have developed alternatives to wires. I would suggest you contact one of the major heart hospitals and ask them for advice if you can.

Leaving your husband in this state is unacceptable and could be described as negligent. If it was the original surgeon who discovered the broken wires, he has a vested interest in not admitting any fault on his/her behalf. You NEED to go elsewhere.

There are a couple of people on this web chat who are extremely knowledgeable, Michael JH for one and milkfairy for another. Michael has replied already, see if you can message milkfairy, I would tag her to this post if I could.

Good luck and we would be interested to hear any updates.


Charliewoo profile image
Charliewoo in reply to Wooodsie

Hello Woodside, thank you so very much for you helpful reply. I will follow up your suggestions. It is very hard for my husband and he tries to be stoic but it’s been very difficult.

Charliewoo profile image

Hi there just to update on my previous post. We have now seen a consultant who specialises in sternum issues. Basically there is nothing that can be done for my husband so we will have to live with it, but he is lucky to be here so that is how we are looking at it. What he did say though was that the titanium wires can and do break and so do the titanium plates that are used so please be aware.

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