Newly diagnosed with Hypertension 1 - British Heart Fou...

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Newly diagnosed with Hypertension 1

Boobear82 profile image
14 Replies

It's good to see some younger people on here. I'm 39 and have been told I have Hypertension 1 at the high end, nearly into Hypertension 2. Plus my cholesterol is raised. I always thought this is a problem for much older people than me, but clearly that's not the case. I'm not on any medication and the doctor said to manage things through diet and exercise and check my blood pressure again in 3 month intervals. I'm looking at buying a cross trainer when I've got the funds. I have been slowly improvingy diet over the last 6 months anyway but clearly that's not enough. I don't smoke, rarely drink anymore either so it's just the exercise that I need to work on.

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Boobear82 profile image
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14 Replies
080311 profile image

Hello Boobear82

Welcome to the forum, we have members of all ages from older people like me to members who are parents of children who have heart issues.

Sorry to read your post that you have health issues, but with good management there is a good opportunity to put it right.

We have a range of members with heart issues, I had open heart surgery, a replacement Aortic valve and bypass done over 4 years ago.

If you have any questions just post and someone will be along to help, or if you need a shoulder to lean on we can do that as well.

Best wishes Pauline

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to 080311

Thanks Pauline :)

Gm24 profile image

Hi. Have a good look at lowering your salt intake. Learn about food labels, sodium etc. Sugar also. Learn about foods. Get on top of your diet. It’s good something has been found for you early. Cut down on stress. Exercise moderately for at least half an hour 5 to 7 days a week. Take care!

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to Gm24

Hi, I have been improving my diet and looking at food labels which I used to ignore. Its amazing how much salt is in everything! I eat a lot of sandwich meat for lunch and it's really hard to find anything that's not high in salt.

Libra_Chick profile image
Libra_Chick in reply to Boobear82

We went vegetarian to help with my diet. My extremely supportive husband also swapped over to support me. We weren’t big meat eaters anyway.

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to Libra_Chick

I have thought about that. I tend to limit the amount of red meat I have now and have chicken instead. I've had some of the plant-based foods which can be nice. I think meat-free products need to be similar priced to meat for me as I couldn't afford to buy a lot of it at the moment. I've got my cross trainer now and it's hard work 😂. I've also got an old exercise bike that I've been using so I'm to use both on different days.

Zebra_hewer profile image

Hello Boobear82

I'll assume you mean you're glad you're not alone, as a younger person, the site 😏.

A doctor once said to me, you only need to exercise enough to get hot and sweaty, for 30-40 minutes, at least three times per week. I thought that was great advice. Until you get your cross trainer, any timed and sustained movement, efficiency monitored improves heart function; (so even from a chair, if compromised mobility). Walking, stepping and with attention to proper deep breathing, improves heart and circulation. Be content to build it up gradually, no initial over doing it! Take care. 🏓

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to Zebra_hewer

Yeah that's what I meant I'm going to start on the exercise.

Joliv61 profile image

Just go out and walk for 10-20 minutes and build up from there. You can build up your speed until you can have a conversation but can’t sing; that seems to be the best walking pace. Get the bp and cholesterol under control with diet and exercises rather than meds.


Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to Joliv61

I think walking is a good ace to start. I was talking to someone yesterday who's lost 4 stone from walking his dog for miles each day. I'm going to start there.

Joliv61 profile image
Joliv61 in reply to Boobear82

Yup I’ve lost nearly 3 st through speed walking and diet. Have to do it separately from walking the dogs as they want to stop and sniff every lamppost and tree. I get odd looks when I do that. I’m walking at 3miles in 52 minutes so it’s fairly brisk.

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to Joliv61

That does sound pretty fast! Well done on the weight loss. I went for a 30 minute brisk walk this morning with brief spells of jogging for a few seconds. It got my heart rate up and I felt it afterwards 😂

JeremiahObadiah profile image

My suggestions would be:- Try eating a mainly whole-food plant based diet, vegetables/fruit, grains/ nuts/seeds/beans; avoid processed foods and add milled flaxseed . Cut down on saturated fat-go for low fat dairy options

Gradually increase the distance and time you exercise/walk each day

Taking control of your diet and exercise really helps mentally and physically.

Hope you get well.

Boobear82 profile image
Boobear82 in reply to JeremiahObadiah

I'm working on the diet I've cut out a lot of sugar and eat fruit and veg which I didn't do at all until this year. I've been having green veg and fruit smoothies for a few months now, each day.

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