How do you deal with the anxiety ? My head is all over the place. Positive one minute sheer panic the next. Not even sure what about !! Got angiogram tomorrow. Likely to confirm I need as Aortic valve replacement. I know this is now considered routine by surgeons It really helps to read your posts and if you could spend just a little time to help I would really appreciate it. Im beginning to think this is the worst bit.
Anxiety: How do you deal with the... - British Heart Fou...

As Thatwasunexpected as said the waiting is far more stressful than the actual event. I have had my Aortic valve replaced and a bypass. Can appreciate how you are feeling, but as you say you have the posts here on the forum and there are many of us that have been through and come out the other side with our lives back on track.
Just remember if you indeed need to have it done, follow all the instructions you are given, don’t try and run before you can walk😂
Let us know how you go,
Best wishes Pauline
Like you pulsar, I too found posting on here a bit of stress relief. In fact, after my surgery I am not sure how I would have coped. I had family to speak to, but no one who really understood like the people on here. Many of us have had valve replacements and is always nice to here positive information from the horses mouth. Post as much as you like, we are always here to answer.
Good luck with the echo. The way I looked at mine was that I was unwell. If it says I need a valve replaced then at least I know how to get well again. If it doesn't then I would have been back to square one, what is wrong with me? Sometimes getting the answer you most fear is the right answer.
With regards to the surgery, they really know what they are doing. You will be in and out in no time at all and there is very little pain, certainly nothing like I had in my mind. Fron that point on your health will only improve.
Hi. Thanks so much for replying. It really doesn’t help. Had a call from cardiologist this morning. Echo shows valve will need surgery. I thought it would all along and have been preparing physically for that. He says my heart is strong. Angiogram tomorrow is to check arteries as well so they know what they gave to do. Would prefer minimal ( I have a choice ) purely for recovery time. Will know tomorrow. Just know it has to be done now which in some weird way helps.
My wife, who is a counsellor, tells me that medical anxiety is a relatively treatable condition, either through medication or talking therapies. Apparently the success rate is pretty good.
Some level of anxiety is completely natural, and we need to avoid regarding only "happy" emotions as normal, with all negative feelings as problems. However, if your anxiety grows to the level where it's preventing you functioning then seek help.
Good luck with your angiogram!
Many thanks for taking the time to reply. Every little bit of feedback helps at present. Take care.