Yesterday I ended up in A & E with a nosebleed that took over an hour to stop. It seemed more like a haemorrhage to me, as there was blood all over my kitchen and bathroom sinks and floors, plus spots on my carpets. I tried to plug my nostrils with cotton wool, but it was saturated in a matter of moments. After ten minutes of this I called 999. The adviser who answered my call told me to pinch my nose just above my nostrils and bend my head forward until the paramedics arrived, which worked, but every time I released my grip, the blood poured out again. By the time we reached the hospital, it had stopped, thank goodness, but I still has to be seen by a doctor for assessment. I was in the department for 12 hours She said that it could have just been a one off nosebleed, but because of the blood thinner the blood did not clot. As I pointed out to her, nosebleeds are a side effect of Clobidogrel. Now I feel afraid leave my home in case it happens again whilst I am out. I have been on Clobidogrel for 15 months now. Sorry for the longwindedness of this post, but I just wondered if anyone else has had the same experience?
Nosebleeds whilst on Clobidogrel - British Heart Fou...
Nosebleeds whilst on Clobidogrel
I have had a few lengthy nose bleeds, I think with any blood thinners they happen. Mine seem to start early morning when my blood pressure is higher. Pinching the nose helps. Stay still, remain calm. It does take a long time of pinching the nose. Take care.
Thank for your reply Moniren, mine came on yesterday evening at 7pm. What I can't understand is that I have been on Clobidogrel for over 15 months and never had a nosebleed before yesterday. Thank you for your reassurance.
Sorry to harp on, Moniren, but can I just ask you a couple more things?With your nosebleed, did the blood come gushing out, or was if a steady pace?
How long the nosebleed last?
The doctor at the hospital said that if I have another one and it lasts longer than 15 minutes, I must go straight to the hospital.
Sorry to keep on, I think I am getting a bit paranoid now, but I would really appreciate your reply.
They are quite heavy, but I had this when a child, I do time them, usually an hour. But because I'm pinching my nose, I'm not gushing. Very frustrating as they are early morning.
Thank you Moniren, The gushing did stop when I pinched my nose, your symptoms seem similar to mine. It is reassuring to know that I am not the only one suffering. It does seem awful to have them in the early mornings though. I do appreciate your feedback, and thanks again for your help.
Hi, my husband had a couple of these ( on Clopidogrel & aspirin) and it is very frightening. One of his happened on an aeroplane 😳. The Drs didn’t seem to be too worried about it which I found irritating because it’s really horrible. They prescribed Naseptin the last time which is an antiseptic cream - only any good afterwards. Try to keep the inside of your nose moist. He’s now on just Clopidogrel & hasn’t had one for a few years 🤞🏼 Sorry can’t be more helpful
I had a similar experience after 11 months on Ticagrelor. My left nostril was cauterised and I was able to stop the Ticagrelor shortly after as I was approx 12 months post stent. No more nosebleeds in the 3 years since then.
Yes me had to have my nose quarterised