Good morning : Hi hearties , very... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Good morning

7 Replies

Hi hearties , very restless night for me , heart attack less than four weeks ago now and last night I woke at threeish, haven’t been back to sleep , the pain isn’t the same nowhere near it infact but my arm feels tingling and my heart pounding . I would say I was slightly more active yesterday than I have been , I did some light housework and did 3000 steps . Could that be the cause? Obviously terrified incase I’m having a mild heart attack or something else that I have no idea about. Or maybe I’m just anxious? Also my mum had a heart attack when she was 46 , the doctor told her she would be fine and she slept at my house that night, she got up next morning and promptly died , so that’s really playing on my mind as well . I’m 53 .

7 Replies
QuadroVEINia profile image


Sorry to hear you have had a difficult night. I would suggest speaking with your GP given recent HA. It can be a circle where you become anxious and heart rate goes up and the more it goes up the more anxious you become. If it is any consolation... I regularly get tingling in my arm, leg, foot, but have accepted that as part of the course and trust the meds, and clinicians with the treatment. You have your experience with your late Mum so that naturally will raise anxiety and concerns. Each of us deal with our bodies differently and you should seek assurance to manage your concerns. Also a lack of sleep will compound the symptoms you describe...

Good luck.

Nettekin profile image

Hi Nd (sounds better!) Sorry to hear you are still struggling. Last time you posted I had no idea of the traumatic circumstances concerning your mum. I am so sorry that happened to you. Firstly, I would seek some reassurance / answers to your physical symptoms. Secondly, maybe now is the time for a bit of psychological help. You are suffering your own issues and also trauma from the past. Thinking of you x

in reply to Nettekin

I’m ok thankfully, but a little bit of the family history for you , mum and brother both died of a ha at the age of 46 . My father had one at 60 and got a triple bypass , he later died at 72 of a stroke . Sister died at 41 of cancer ! I’m basically the only one left so o do feel at times that I’m just waiting for death to come a knocking. 😂 having spoke to my husband this morning and trying to put a light hearted spin on the fear of last night , maybe a strained myself trying to get out of a bath that had a massive bath bomb from lush in it that filled the bath with seaweed, yes actually seaweed . It was monsterous. Thank you for replying it’s really a blessing the people on this hub . True saviours. Thank you xx

Retirement65 profile image
Retirement65 in reply to

Hello ND just a thought I’ve avoided seaweed for years as I had supra ventricular tachycardia whilst I was pregnant and have remained on sotolol (beta blocker) ever since small dose but my sympathetic system does not tolerate certain things stumbled on the seaweed by chance think as you do with this sort of thing but the seaweed at the time made my pulse go haywire just wanted to let you know really hope you feel better soon husband and myself have had to cancel our 2nd jabs today as both feeling very grotty with colds and sore throats you can’t win can you 😂x

in reply to Retirement65

Oh no ! I’m sorry to hear you are both under the weather today , my second vaccine is booked for Sunday and I’m unsure how that will go with just having the ha four weeks ago I don’t know weither they shall give it to me or not but I’ll go along just incase . That’s really interesting about the seaweed , so you think that might have contributed to how I was feeling ?

Retirement65 profile image

Hi ND well I had to respond as I thought straight away oh that sounds like me it’s years ago but I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole now luckily I’m not a drinker but after my recent BP issues I’ve gone totally decaf spice MSG dehydration these things I’m very aware of and I only eat foods not out of a packet ! I’m so boring but I know - I also relate to the family history my mum died of a stroke at 46 her sister 43 it does make you very nervous but I also think it makes you more aware plus treatment is so much better now than for my mum sadly so have your nice relaxing baths but no seaweed 😂x

Gowers profile image

Anxiety can cause the tinglinging but it would be worth speaking to your gp or medical team where you were treated. It would help give you peace of mind

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