Atorvastatin and muscle pain - British Heart Fou...

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Atorvastatin and muscle pain

thelma1960 profile image
14 Replies

I had to change from Simvastatin approx 6 months ago because I was put on atenolol . I had no problems with simvastatin but quickly had muscle ache with atorvastatin- more annoying than painful but i did start to feel my right lower leg hot at nights. 3 weeks ago I woke to a very painful ache. I had tried a low impact workout the day before and put it down to that, although I was struggling to see how. I took things easy but things just seemed to get worse. I cant do more than move around the house. It just is excruciating now. Yesterday I read yesterday on another site about problems some people have with atorvastatin and now wondering if it isn't an injury at all. Has anyone had similar? I am wondering if it would just hit one area?

Feel like stopping the statins till I can phone dr on Tuesday to see of there is a difference but I am having ongoing heart problems since covid exactly a year ago.

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thelma1960 profile image
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14 Replies
MONIREN profile image

I have a problem with statins, lowering the dose helps, some doctors prefer the highest dose, but are reasonable if you calmly explain the pain you experience. Keeping your cholesterol levels as low as possible by diet and exercise helps.

RufusScamp profile image

Are you on any other medication? Some of us have the burning leg sensation with a betablocker. I also developed severe muscle pain, but am not taking statins. The cause seems to be bread flour. I think you should talk to your doctor before you stop taking anything.

Plumbstu profile image

Definitely worth discussing with your doctor or pharmacist. Do you consume grapefruit? If so this could be the cause, it should be avoided when atorvastatin. Hope you get to the bottom of it and get some resolve.

QuadroVEINia profile image


You are describing very specific pain, I would recommend speaking to your GP as it might be something else as you suggest. I’ve had issues with statins and muscular pain generally in my body around large ‘muscle areas’, after trying several different statins (incl ones you mentioned) settled with Rosuvastatin at a lower dose which still gives me pain and discomfort but far less than the rest. Hope you get your muscle pain sorted.

Good luck.

Suggest talking to NHS 111 about possible DVT.

Was on Atorvastatin and suffered from muscle aching especially in lower legs GP changed me over to Pravastatin and aching stopped within a matter of days.

DD13 profile image

Hi I take this and had awful leg pain. I took it in the morning. Take it at night now and leg pain has gone. So might be worth doing that if you don't already. When I spoke to my nurse, she said it should be taken at night, as that's when your liver is doing its job. So why thats not put on the prescription when you get it!Regards Dee.

elchicojack profile image

Moving to Rosuvastatin worked for me. Your doctor should know if it would be ok with your condition and your other meds.

Qualipop profile image

I had bad pains on atorvastatin and had to be changed to simvastatin b ut yours does sound very localised. I would ring 111 ( if you can get through). Stopping statins for a few days shouldn't harm. My GP had me stop them for 3 weeks to see if they were the cause of the pain

Sparkeybigshot1 profile image

Stopped my statins 18 months ago pain free and more energy now. Statins don’t suit everyone. Do your own research.

bhfels profile image

My husband was fine with atorvastatin for months then at night started to develop atrocious cramp in his lower calves. He would howl with pain but the last straw for me was when he launched himself barely dressed down the back garden in the middle of the night saying cold would help - it didn’t. So I told him to cut the pill in half and take alternate days , so that at least he would be taking something but would see if that had an impact. The cramps vanished on the days off but were moderately painful at the half dose so we knew then that the statin was causing the problem. GP took him off it but as his cholesterol was only moderately raised didn’t put him back on anything else.

Billypil profile image

I know that both Beta blockers & Statins can both be a problem.With Statins I had to stop them many years ago as I had more pain with them than without. You really meed to talk with your doctor about that. I have taken none for many years.

With Beta blockers I found there are several types. Some affect your lungs as well as your heart and there is a choice of several that will not affect your lungs and only your heart. I had to stop them as I couldn't walk between two parking meters without resting as my original ones were bad for my lungs. I had my worst problems around 1981 so maybe there is a better variety available. I would never advise you to just stop, but I am heading for 87 this year so discuss this well with your doc.

Robbie1964 profile image

I don't normally suggest people stop taking medication without medical advice. However stopping taking a statin for a few days won't cause problems. I had problems with atorvastatin (muscle weakness and memory problems / confusion) and I stopped taking them for a week before I saw my GP. My problems largely disappeared in that time so when I saw my GP I had something to back up my suspicion it was the statin that was causing my problems.

Redvers has suggested contacting 111 about possible DVT. Are both your calves / legs about the same size and neither swollen? Or is one swollen? If one is noticeably larger than the other (its rare that both legs are affected) then I would suggest following the advice to phone 111.

thelma1960 profile image

So sorry to have not replied before now. I didnt get notifications so thought there were no replies. I stopped taking the statin from when I posted but there is not a lot of difference. Thankfully there doesn't appear to be swelling on the leg. It is often hot though. It probably is a muscle injury and I'm not giving ittime to heal. Bit difficult when you have both parents with dementia and needing 24 hr care! We do have paid carers for some of the time and then its shared out with my sisters. Back on statins tonight but may ask my Dr if there is another one I can take. Its limited because of the bp meds I am on.

Grapefruit, have always had to avoid it since the heart attack.

Thanks everyone!

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