Worried about my AF and ectopic beats - British Heart Fou...

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Worried about my AF and ectopic beats

Lovefrance profile image
29 Replies

Hi this is Love France here.

I had an episode this afternoon which was fast heartbeat and ectopic beats

I suffer with anxiety because of my heart and as soon as I have a problem, it

sets me back and I am almost frightened to move even when my heart gets back

to normal. Why is it that I can give other people advice on here about their problems but can’t see my own for what they are. I have been assured by my surgeon that AF isn’t life threatening and my heart will not stop and ectopic beats

are not serious. I just don’t seem to be able to believe anything he tells me. Are

there other people out there who suffer like this?

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Lovefrance profile image
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29 Replies
kickit profile image

Hi Love France,

I totally sympathise with you on this one. My irregular heartbeat was diagnosed as a benign murmur, I too experience the ectopic beats.

I can also very much understand the anxiety as I have too suffer chronic panic disorder which is focused on my heart.

The fact that you are able to give advice is a credit to a wonderful caring soul. Sometimes we don’t practice what we preach but remember to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.

I hope these few words have helped 🙏

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to kickit

Thank you so much for your kind words. It is very much appreciated. How do you deal with your panic disorder. Do you have any help. How do we start to manage this.

kickit profile image
kickit in reply to Lovefrance

I’ve had many counselling sessions and medication but it never gets to the crux of the problem. I have a very understanding and loving family to which I’m eternally thankful.

Over the years I manage better with somethings but any hint of hospitals will send me into a nightmare of anxiety.

The cardiologist I saw said that there were other tests that could be done but it would probably make me very uncomfortable.

We can do this...have you tried any relaxation/meditation? There are lots of apps offering exercises. I also sew 🧵

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to kickit

Yes I agree with you. The thought of hospital freaks me out. I was in France when it once happened. Not speaking much french didn’t help and my husband wasn’t allowed to go with me in the ambulance.What a nightmare. I have had some counselling but haven’t as yet found someone who I really feel I connect with. I should really keep trying.

I do meditation and yoga. But nothing really gets to bottom of the problem. I also knit and sew. Just sometimes I forget about my problems and am totally in the moment and afterwards I have thought how wonderful to be like that all the time and not worry. But

they are few and far between. I have a great husband who really looks

After me. But nobody really understands anxiety unless they suffer from it. I am grateful for your reply and wish you all the very best.

Skelson1 profile image

Hi LoveFrance

I totally get the anxiety and like you said in another post unless people have suffered with it it’s hard for them to understand 😟

I have tried lots I’m at the point now I am completely acrophobic, I cannot step outside, I feel ill and live with fear from the moment I wake, I can’t seem to get any help, I’ve been trying for months but just getting worse, hopefully we can overcome this as it’s a living nightmare for me at the moment ❤️

Hoppity1 profile image
Hoppity1 in reply to Skelson1

I know exactly how you feel,I had a triple bypass in 2013 and in constant pain from the surgery ever since. Recently I’ve been diagnosed with AF and have ectopic beats. I have trouble sleeping and don’t sleep after about 2am I hate the night and listen to the radio with headphones for company. I have had anxiety’s for many years and my doctor wants me to take anti depressants I have become slightly agoraphobic and don’t go out alone now, and with covid around their are no friends to go out with, I was my husbands carer for years and we were always together now he has died all my time is empty it’s very hard and there are many of us all together in the same boat, so it’s wonderful sites like this one where we can share our problems and get support

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Hoppity1

Hi there. I really feel for you. What a struggle having lost your husband and having to cope with all the anxiety. I feel so sad for you and wish I could come and give you a big hug. I too have suffered with anxiety for many years and take antidepressants. Only on a small dose and am thinking of increasing it. But I know the problem is really one I have to come to terms with and that’s very hard after years of living with the worrying. This site is amazing and as you say it’s good we can all share our worries and thoughts. Only people who have these problems can really understand how we feel. I too don’t go out a lot and of course we can’t at the moment. I guess it will be much better when we can meet friends and family, of which I hope you have many. I thank you so much for your reply and any time you feel the need, please don’t hesitate to contact me, even if it’s just to say I don’t feel so good today and maybe we can help each other. Please take good care of yourself.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Skelson1

Hi there. Thank you for your reply. I feel so awful for you and wish I could be there to help you. Do you have support from friends and family? Do you have counselling. I did try but couldn’t find one that I connected with. But I will try again. Do you know what all this stems from? So many of us suffer with it from health problems. But with others it comes from our early years. I have always suffered with anxiety and it does like you rule my life. There are some fantastic people on here that listen and give good advice. Always if you need

Someone to talk to, they are here to listen. I need to listen to these people and really take in what they are saying. I know it’s a long road and I think if you suffer from anxiety, it will never go away completely but maybe we can at least learn to manage it. As I said please if you can get some counselling. If you need to at any time you can contact me and we can console each other. Please take care.

Skelson1 profile image
Skelson1 in reply to Lovefrance

Thank you 🙏🏻 my partner try’s to support but does not understand anxiety x

I feel over whelmed most of the time but I used to be so confident, have a good job, loved going out but 4 years ago the heart problems started and the anxiety has slowly got worse. Now I can’t work, I struggle with everyday things, I’m very low, I’ve tried CBT, hypnotherapy, books, mindfulness, lots of things but nothing has worked, and I feel let down by my GP and the health service unfortunately 😪

Most days I’m in a state of fear from the moment I wake, I also fear getting up incase I pass out, I used to be fit but doing nothing every day is getting me down x

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Skelson1

I too had CBT. I suffer big time with it and can’t imagine my life without it. The feeling is so strong, that if I don’t touch the tap five times or look at the tea towel before I leave the kitchen,etc etc. Madness we know but if something really did happen....and that’s how it goes. It’s a vicious circle. We have been told this over and over. Some of these people on this site seem to be able to cope. I guess some are stronger than others. You probably need a private councellor. Someone you can really connect with. My daughter has been having therapy for about a year now and she swears by it. It’s not cheap but she thinks it’s worth it. I reallyhope you can get some help with this and Itotally know where you are coming from.This

Problem is ruining our lives. Call me anytime Take good care of yourself. Xx

Farmer87 profile image

I have a leaky heart valve had one for 13 years now, I've had to live with a hell of a lot. I do suffer from anxiety because of it and it's really hard work!

I've learnt to live with my symptoms and you can't let your head rule your life I did this for the first few years I wouldn't leave the house etc etc but you realise that your not living your life and your missing out on life and the last thing you want to be doing is stuck inside 4 walls going out your mind.

I started with simple steps because I couldn't get far from my house with out having an anxiety attack, it does come slowly. Now I've been on holiday and all sorts. It's also learning what can trigger them off whether it's sleep, food or what you drink even lifting things.

Your heart won't stop because of ectopic beats I have these every day, also the racing of the heart, double beats, pains etc, I've even had an episode where I had that many ectopic in a row I went all dizzy and it messed me up and I still to this day haven't seen the cardiologist because "my names on a list" and I'm still living my normal life. Ride a motorbike in the summer, go to work every day.

It's all about control. Don't obsess with things that check your heart rate etc. It will only make your day worse I was doing this at one point and all I could focus on was running my heart and blood pressure.

You can get through it just focus on the positives and that when it's back to normal your alright and try to do your best to do whatever you need to do :) when mine start kicking off I always sit down have a rest have a drink let them calm down then carry on.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Farmer87

Thank you so much for your kind words and positive thoughts. I do have good back up here,with a brilliant surgeon who I can call on at any time.In fact he must be fed up with all my emails about the least little thing. I had a heart valve repair some years ago, which still leaks a little and although I have always suffered with anxiety, it escalated after the operation. Like you going outside was impossible to begin with. Now I am still nervous about going out. Because I take Bisoprolol, this slows me down. But I do a half hours walk around my garden on most days and some yoga. Yes, I do obsess about every little ache and pain and everything I feel is to do with my heart. I need to get my head in a different place. Easier said than done! I am glad things have got better for you and will try and become a more positive person. Take care.

Farmer87 profile image
Farmer87 in reply to Lovefrance

Exactly the same :)

I still haven't been repaired and I am waiting for the cardiologist to get back to me but that is really hard work trying to be seen! I was 20 years old when I was diagnosed (33 now) so you can imagine the effect on my life and my mental health it stopped my early twenties and I missed out on a lot of things.

I am on bisoprolol now only a small dose 1.25mg it does help and its taken some of the beats away but I am left with the ectopics some days they really kick and others I can barely feel.

It is definitely easier said than done its took me a long time many years to get where I am today. It really does effect me mentally I still have the anxiety but I also have in the back of my mind live for today not tomorrow do what you want to. It is a very hard path to stray from living with a heart issue and anxiety. I to had the every pain or ache / something different happen bam anxiety = attack. It did it on the day before I went away my heart raced then went really slow and I thought I was going to drop but I slept it off and thought to myself your going whether you like it or not I was driving for around 3 hours and the thoughts in my head / fake symptoms etc I fought it all the way but once I was there it was like a weight had been lifted I carried on my holiday as if nothing happened and I didn't have these issues, Not once did I check my heart rate, blood pressure or over think anything was such an amazing difference my wife noticed it to.

Just fight the bad thoughts and let the good ones win.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Farmer87

Thank you so much. You are an inspiration to me. We have a house in France and going there has been such an ordeal for me. Although I love it, I worry big time when I am there. Once I had to go into hospital and now I worry constantly that it will happen again.There have been times that my cases are in the car and I just haven’t been able to go and my husband has had to cancel the trip. What a nightmare. I am so grateful for your lovely replies. Keep safe and well.

Spangle14 profile image

Really feel for you Lovefrance. Anxiety is an awful illness in itself. I have always been a very anxious person, especially around illness/hospitals etc. I overthink all the things that might happen until I have convinced myself they will! Phobias often defy logic, which is why, I believe, we are often good at helping and advising others - we are more able to step back and apply a bit more logic.

Sometimes it is difficult for less anxious people to understand - I feel a bit like that with my cardiologist, I'm sure that he's brilliant at many many aspects of his job, but doesn't seem to get my anxieties and just makes me feel that a bit of a pain.

It is hard and sadly there is no magic wand. It is good that you have some good support around you and I wish you well with finding that elusive calm that us folk need. Try not to worry - but that's me being able to step back from the anxiety that rules my life!!

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Spangle14

Hi Spangle. Thank you so much for replying. It’s so good to know there are people out there who do understand. It seems there are so many people who suffer from anxiety and it’s very sad. It can rule ones life as indeed it does mine. Like you, I over worry and of course it makes the situation much worse.

It’s so debilitating and I guess this is something we can do something about but it’s so hard to train oneself to become more positive. I drive my husband mad but he is great about it, although he doesn’t understand. I don’t think anybody does unless they suffer from it. I am getting very positive advice from people on here and that’s a huge plus.so I thank you for your kind words and try not to worry and like you that is me stepping back from the anxiety! Please take care.

Renault225 profile image

Ok, firstly, as you know, eptopic beats are not life threatening. Nor indeed are panic attacks. Start "training" your brain and your conciounce to " believe" this. The key to your issues, as were mine, are positivity.

I was suffering horrific panic attacks for a long time ( since I was 18), and thought there was no help as all the doctor did was put me on Prozac! This just made me worse. Eventually, I saw a spiritualist, who taught me that I control the attacks, not the attacks controling me. It worked for me. It obviously didn't stop the attacks ( I also gave up smoking, alcohol and carbs), but it did reduce them. When they do happen now, I recognise them as something I CAN control. " oh, a panic attack", and I acknowledge it, take deep, slow controlled breaths, and focus on something else ( I tap my foot to a specific rhythm). The attack passes very quickly, because I decide, it will not beat me.

With ectopic beats, I started with a mild dose of beta blockers. They helped, but I was still suffering from atrial flutter, so I had heart ablation. Unfortunately this put me into A F and then AV block! My day case turned into a weeks stay as they decided to fit a pacemaker!! However, what a difference that made. My ectopic beats are barely noticeable, if at all. Its changed my life to be honest and the procedure was quick and totally painless.

I hope my journey helps just a little. Positivity is the key. You will not die from your symptoms. They are debilitating, yes, but you can overcome them. I'm just an ordinary 59 year old, not religious in any way. But I honestly feel that facing you situation regarding anxiety attacks CAN be helped by talking to people and having a positive attitude towards the condition.

We are all with you and we DO understand.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Renault225

Hi there and thank you so much for your reply. What a positive person you are. I wish I could be more like you! I too have suffered with anxiety from an early age and took medication for many years. I have had ablation twice which didn’t work for me and also have a pacemaker. Everything you say makes sense and I did start mindfulness, which has lapsed. So I need tostart again. I will try. As I said in my post, I can give other people advice, but when it comes to myself it doesn’t work. I guess stems from years of anxiety in the past.I wish you could sit on my shoulder, but I will certainly try and remember your positive words. Thank you so much.

Renault225 profile image
Renault225 in reply to Lovefrance

Always here if you need someone to talk to. Today, I visited the eye hospital following 3 successive operations to repair a detached retina. Each one failed, I suspect possibly due to the fact that I contracted sepsis and needed intensive care to save my life shortly before the retina detached. So today, I was told the latest operation in January this year, had also failed!! I now have a hole in the retina. So, it's back for another 90 minute operation under local anaesthetic to try again.

Sure, it's not only physically painful, but more mentally painful. I start a new job on April 5th, so need to be on the recovery road by then, as at 59, this is my last job before I retire to France. Am I downhearted? Yes, massively. Will I let it beat me? Absolutely not!! I'm stronger than that and I will prevail.

Strong mind and positivity help us through. Never,ever give up, as we are all with you. You are never alone. Have faith.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Renault225

How lovely to hear from you again.But so sorry to hear about your problem. I do hope it gets sorted soon. Your strength is so encouraging. We too love France and bought a house out there three years ago. I struggle big time when I am there and did have to go into hospital once. I have had my bags packed to go on occasions and let

the anxiety get to me and have had to stay at home. Such a shame. I think moving to France would be a step too far at the moment, though I can completely understand why you would want to be there.

Thank you again for the amazing support. Take good care and stay safe.

EmmyLaury12 profile image

Hi Love France ,

I too have suffered from

Chronic anxiety due to a HA last April so know exactly where you are coming from .

Post HA , one stent fitted I had two a and e admissions in clos proximity of one another as I convinced myself I was having another HA. I was so scared and the anxiety took over and can honestly say it made me very ill at the time . No one could reassure me I just somehow got through it . Talked to family , CBT, understanding Gp, meditation and deep breathing all really helped me to get back in track .

If I feel a wobble now I just use the breathing and talk to myself that I’m going to be ok and nothing bad is going to happen to me .

I really hope you get well soon and your anxiety will replaced by wellness and contentment .

I’m sure you will get there like I did just takes a bit of time .

Take care ,

Always here if you want a chat x

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to EmmyLaury12

Thank you so much for all your kind words and support.It helps such a lot to know there are people out there who actually know what you’re going. People who don’t suffer with depression don’t really know what it’s like. Everyone says you will get through this and this is the most positive feedback that I have had from anywhere. You are all there for everyone and we all know we only have to reach out and we can talk and not be laughed at as if we are all nuts. I am please you seem to be on top of things and hope it continues for you. Thank you so much and if I need to chat I will bear that in mind. Take good care. Xx

ETHEL103 profile image

Yes I'm exactly the same.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to ETHEL103

Thank you EHEL103. It is good to know there are people like you out there who know what it feels like. Take care.

ETHEL103 profile image
ETHEL103 in reply to Lovefrance

Love France. I have been so relieved to see I'm not alone in this, are you having trouble getting medical advice. It's a nightmare at the moment.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to ETHEL103

Hi there. I have a great surgeon who specialises in AF and ectopic beats. I had a heart valve repair a good few years ago which has left me with AF and occasional ectopic beats. As I suffered with anxiety before this happened you can probably imagine that this escalated considerably. I worry so much about my heart. It is constantly on my mind. I did try counselling but didn’t seem to connect with this person. ButI will try again. If you look online for registered councellors you will be able to find a list in your area. This would be private.If you go down the NHS route then you do have to go through your doctor. Could you ask for a telephone call from them? They will refer you to the relevant people. Do hope this helps and if you feel like talking, please get in touch again. The people on this site are amazing. They are all ready to give great advice and really understand. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and reassurance. We are all here for one another. Take good care.

ETHEL103 profile image


Smileyian profile image

Hi LoveFrance, I have experienced arrhythmia/ectopics for 40 years including decades with Atrial Fibrillation which was somewhat controlled by Amiodorone and Apixiban. In 2016 I decided to have an ablation which was only partially successful hence I had a 2nd one 6 months later. However I am now experiencing new episodes of Paroxismal Afib and am worried it will go into Permanent Afib. This is generally a progressive ailment and is more prevalent as one ages. My mother has Afib for many years and is 101 in July and she has managed very well. I am 77 and have many types of arrhythmia since my 30's and likely before that but was unaware of what it was. (Mainly ectopics in the early days) but hundreds every day. The most important consideration with Afib is taking an anticoagulant to prevent strokes and clotting in the Atrium or Left Atrial Appendage. You should be fine with the correct medical advice and management. Do take care.

Lovefrance profile image
Lovefrance in reply to Smileyian

Hi there. Many thanks for your reply. It is always good to hear about other people’s journeys, especially if you can relate to them. I totally understand where you are coming from and seem to be taking the correct meds, with the help and advice of my surgeon. As regards the anxiety, I guess it depends on the type of person you are.It must be wonderful to be positive about everything and to not worry. Unfortunately this is not me. I am trying not to worry as much and have had some amazing replies on this site. Through all these replies I feel a bond is there, to be able to connect someone and say, hey I am not feeling so good today and someone will respond is wonderful? What a good age your mother is. It just goesto show that this problem can be managed. I hope you get yours sorted . Many thanks again for your reply.

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