Morning Im 47 and had 100% LAD blockage on 12th Dec 20. My EF was less than 30% and im on lots meds which hopefully will help and show improvement of EF at next scan on 18th Feb. The last few days i have felt more energetic and managed walks out despite cold weather making me cough. One thing im concerned about is due to not being able to take part in cardiac rehab im worried im not doing what i should be. What does cardiac rehab involve? Thanks in advance ❤
What does cardiac rehab involve? - British Heart Fou...
What does cardiac rehab involve?

I'm in a similar position. Two heart attacks in September, caused by LAD blockage, an EF of 35% but no rehab available because of COVID. Sensible (low intensity) exercise and meds seem to be working for me. My EF has improved to 43% and I'm sure there is more to come.
Hi I am doing re hab at the moment, 9.30 today 😀via video link it's not ideal but no other way, I was like yourself worried I was doing to little or too much, I then spoke to a nurse, physio and dietitian and was advised I would be fine to do more than I was, resume my housework oh dear no excuses now, the physio was great talking me through any fears I had, I have just started the online excersise class, which follows the British heart foundation one but with the encouragement of the nurse as she is watching she can see if you are struggling or doing things wrong, there are four of us, unfortunately technical issues are a problem but I suppose we just have to put up with it but I found it very frustrating, I have found the re hab worth while as they have answered a lot of questions on health as well, it must have been great to do it before covid, I am in Scotland the classes might be different elsewhere, take care char
HI Marie
Similar condition to you - 48 with 100% blocked LAD with other significant blockage in RDA. LAD stented in November (two stents), optimised in early December with three additional stents in RDA. Started Cardiac Rehab in late December. All done completely remotely here in leafy Oxfordshire, so just phone calls with Cardiac nurse and trainer. Started getting out for walks, building up to 5Km each morning, but as the weather turned, I started using the BHF cardiac rehab videos, which are fantastic - especially at getting you to warm up/cool down properly.
I was a regular gym bunny before my diagnosis in late summer, so was still relatively fit. After consultation with the trainer, started on level 3 and now up to level 5 and thoroughly enjoying getting a sweat on once more, 5 days a week.
If you haven't been referred for cardiac rehab, check with your cardiology team about self-referral. It's a scary time for everyone who goes through this, and none of us have the first clue as to what we're supposed to be doing/what sensations are normal/are we doing everything right - the cardiac rehab team are there to support and get you active, healthy and confident in yourself again.
Our Cardiac Rehab was in a couple of stages, depending on your health, mobility etc. It's just basically a
The British Heart Foundation has a series of videos online for doing rehab at home during lockdown. . Even though rehab isn't happening face to face you shou d still have been contacted by a rehab nurse around 3 weeks after a heart attack to give advice on diet e tc and to answer any of your questions and worries.
I think what rehab looks like at the moment depends on where you live, I had a heart attack in August, have had 1 visit and a phone call from the cardiac nurse, a booklet and a relaxation cd - no trainer or dietician. I had a clinic appointment just after Christmas where the Dr seemed reasonably pleased with my results, but everything else I have done on my own. As others have said, the BHF have really good info and videos available online. Hope all goes well for you