what level of exercise is recommended. 74 with 10 stents, 7 inserted earlier this year?
Exercise Level: what level of exercise... - British Heart Fou...
Exercise Level

You should consult with your local hospital cardiac rehab team, they will be best placed to advise you for your situation. Ordinarily I would suggest regular walks... but please consult your GP first. Good luck.
Hi, Due to shielding etc there's not much you can do at the moment. I am waiting for an electric pedal machine that I've ordered. Good for arms and legs. I can feel myself losing strength with not being active. Normally walking or swimming should be OK for you when back to normal. Try a Pilates class.
For Christmas my son bought me a plain simple mechanical pedal machine that I can use sitting for legs or arms. You can alter the resistance. IT does need a fairly upright chair. I'm disabled and can't stand up for long but I have lost so much muscle from my arms and legs. This can be used while watching TV.
Lead quite an active life trying not to do too much or too little. Think maybe so many stents put me in the bionic category. Don't think they would be able to get any more in so trying to be as careful as possible. Thank you for your message.
I've had four stents after a triple bypass. Not to worry, just do things in your own comfort zone. Keep away from magnets😅
Hi 5 stentsI am a keen walker and have managed to build up to about 8-10,000 steps on a daily basis, after having valve repairs at age 69 , 6 years ago. When you say earlier this year did you mean in the last 3 weeks?
As FM68 said make sure you check it out first. Did you do any Rehab exercises?
I also have the use of a simple York rowing machine which I looking after for one of my sons as it was danger of sinking into the garage floor, and an exercise bike from another of my sons. He is completely at a loss for somewhere to hang his clothes.
If it is dry I am out walking. if wet I use the rowing machine. The bike is not my highest preference but I suppose it is good for your legs. For some reason he is not very keen on having it back.
Sorry my mistake wasn't earlier this year. Had 2 stents Feb last year told 2 more needed should have been May 2020 but didn't get back till August when 2 became 5 more. Not sure if I made things worse by doing too much during the gap. That's why I am a bit weary of over doing it. No contact from doctor or cardiac support team a bit of a worry as I am on loads more tablets so no one monitoring situation. Still I was probably lucky to have got second lot done during the short break between lockdowns.