I was diagnosed with Angina ,but I have been swimming the last couple of days no chest pain
Chest pain gone: I was diagnosed with... - British Heart Fou...
Chest pain gone

Victoria. Confused by your posts. Six days ago you said you had angina. Two days ago you had maybe had. Today pain gone.
Hi. Hope you get a positive diagnosis tomorrow I personally don’t have angina but there are lots of people on here have and can advise you
For what it’s worth my understanding is
Angina is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles. It's not usually life threatening, but it's a warning sign that you could be at risk of a heart attack or stroke. With treatment and healthy lifestyle changes, it's possible to control angina and reduce the risk of these more serious problems.
So addressing this early will hopefully keep you healthy
Good luck
Hi Victoria,
In September 2019, I was diagnosed with angina. I had very severe pains, I didn't exercise just walking. I was given a GTN spray, stains and bisoprolol.
Soon, I stopped having incidents and I thought it had gone, I was undergoing all the tests and nothing seemed bad. Then covid came and all the tests stopped, I wasn't worried, I hadn't had any pain for ages. During covid I did couch to 5k, started running, weights, walking, running up and down steps, I was VERY fit (I'm 63). Lockdown ended I was called in for an angiogram. When I met the consultant, I explained my fitness routine and he said an angiogram was a waste of time. I argued that as I was there, best do the angiogram so at least we would know the extent of the problem, if any.
I had two blocked arteries, one 95% blocked in two places. A week later I had a double heart bypass. The cardiologist couldn't believe in all his 30+ years how someone so poorly didn't have any symptoms, he said he would normally see someone like me on a slab.
The moral of the story is, get the tests, try and get them to do an angiogram, that's the ONLY test they do that tells them exactly what is wrong. Angina CAN kill you, it's a warning that something is wrong with your heart and the blood getting to and from it. I believe that the body learns to cope, that's why your pain has gone, but it is unlikely that the blockage has.
Sorry about the long post, but I have read a couple of replies and I am a walking example of how wrong they are.
Steve. Glad you got sorted out. Can you help me by explaining what was wrong with previous replies ?
Hi Gilread,
I hope you don't think I was being rude, I'm sorry if you did, not my intent.
You said "It's not usually life threatening," It is, you don't die of angina I admit, you die from the cause of it. From my limited understanding, angina is a very serious condition and shouldn't be taken lightly.
I am sorry to have offended you.
Not offended at all just confused as this was copied from NHS web page on information to people who have been diagnosed with angina
well after myvisit the constultant today apparantley I dont have agina its caused by stress,so I haveto have an echo and a stress test.
Angina caused by blocked arteries. I find it fascinating that a lot of people appear on here with knackered valves, but clear arteries. I watched an aortic aneurism repair on TV and the arteries were completely clear.On the other hand Angina sufferers regularly appear with almost completely blocked arteries although they report fit and healthy lifestyles.
Is it something to do with the food that you eat?
One reason is because Bicuspid valve is the most common congenital heart defect, because the valve has to work so much harder it wears out quicker.
Not sure about angina but i think the heart is amazing considering how badly blocked arteries can get before discovered and treated. I have known some people who did serious exercise (running, cycling etc) - Everyone thought they were super fit but after they unfortunately died were found to have really serious atherosclerosis.
I fall into category 1 above, my parents didn’t bring me up on the Med diet and although I do like Italian and Greek food I don’t follow 100% - love chips, chocolate, buttery croissants etc. Now valve is done I need to get more exercise to try and burn the naughties off!