MRI with Contrast Dye: Hi all im having... - British Heart Fou...

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MRI with Contrast Dye

DanniC88 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all im having an MRI scan next week with possible contrast dye injection.

Ive read it can cause problems.

Has anyone had this injection?

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DanniC88 profile image
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29 Replies
woodygilly1 profile image

Yes had a cardiac MRI with contrast, I was very nervous about this as I have lots of allergies, they stated I'd feel lots of cold up my arm and this is all I felt.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I have had a number of MRI scans with contrast dye both for cardiac issues and lower body for PAD (peripheral arterial disease). Whilst I also noticed the cold feeling in the arm more noticeable to me was a transient burning sensation in the throat and the feeling of having a hot flush. Some people getting a feeling of wanting to urinate so best to go before!

If you have diabetes treated by Metformin this should be not be taken on the day and for 48 hours thereafter. They also need to know if you have kidney issues as the dose of contrast may need reducing. These issues should all be covered beforehand.

You will be told to drink lots of water afterwards to flush the contrast through the kidneys.

There's no need to worry as it is a routine test for heart issues performed daily throughout the country.

in reply to MichaelJH

I noticed the cold feeling when injected but it was the hot flush that was most notably but it's only for a few minutes with no after effects!

DanniC88 profile image

Thanks. This is my first MRI and its for cardiac issues. How long were you jn there for?

DanniC88 profile image

Thankyou TRST. I havent signed the consent form either. Some research suggests it can cause harm later on which is what we are trying to avoid. Can i ask you reason for declining?

Sasical profile image

Hi, the doctor said I need an CT scan with contrast, not for a heart issue, looking for an adrenal tumour. Since I have had some terrible reactions to meds I'm too afraid to have it and I'm trying to find the difference in the effectiveness of the test with and without contrast, no luck so far

DanniC88 profile image

Im not sure either. I was thinking myself will a cardiac scan still be useful without the contrast dye? I know they will get some pictures but will it be clear enough i wonder

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

The contrast produces a clearer scan with better definition. This means that the chances of missing a heart issue or very small tumour as in Sasical case is much reduced making the need for further scans much less likely. There are good medical reasons for using contrast and I mentioned early various checks and precautions are in place.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to MichaelJH

The underlining is a bug and was not put in by yours truly.

Carolx profile image

Good morning DanniC88I had a cardiac MRI with the contrast dye a few weeks ago at Kings College Hospital.

No problems at all. In fact the whole experience was very relaxing (with the help of Mr Diazepam 😊).

I am claustrophobic, so this was my 3rd attempt at a MRI this year.

I was in the scanner around 45 minutes but honestly it didn’t seem that long.

Good luck


Cassidy58 profile image

Mild coldness when dye injected but no issues .

Everyoung profile image

Hi I have had a few MRI scans with dye, it was fine with no side effects. Staff were wonderful. Good luck 👍

Tessie28 profile image

I've had more than one and all fine, hubby had one too. If they think you need something it is for a reason.

FeetheBookworm profile image

I’ve had 2 MRI’s - one at my local hospital and one at Harefield. At the local they the earplugs at me and started moving me inside the machine so I couldn’t get them in. Noise was awful and it was freezing cold in there. The staff were appalling rude to everyone from the receptionist to the MRI techies. The cardio guy who came to disconnect my ICD couldn’t believe how rude they were to him!

At Harefield went with my own earplugs and the whole thing was a completely different experience. Didn’t get cold and nowhere as noisy anyway. All the staff wonderful.

I haven’t had the dye version but my daughter has many times - at Mount Vernon and Harefield and had no problems. She could choose her own music to listen to.

DanniC88 profile image

Its a shame that some staff can be so rude. I thought nursing was about being compassionate and sensitive. They treat everyone like a job but to us these are sometimes first experiences and often quite frightening times when we have tests for the unknown etc. Im glad you ha a better experience somewhere

shorttail profile image

I had my first contrast dye about 30 years ago and immediately broke out with large hives on my head. Have had CT scans for cancer now and they won't give me the contrast much to the annoyance of my surgeon. The second reaction can be worse apparently.If a more detailed scan is required, I had a PET scan, but this is radio active so who knows.

Hannah-Hay profile image

I agree with everything MichaelJH said but would just add something that none of the others who replied to you mentioned. That was that I felt very sick just after the dye was injected. As was having to lie flat for angiogram couldn’t sit up. I think I was injected with anti sickness solution & also I had freezing cold flannels applied to my face, neck & chest & it quickly subsided. Our bodies are all different & react differently to medications too. Having a rash is the main reaction I have heard but I didn’t experience that.

Gundoglady profile image

As above I had the feeling of a hot flush and needing a wee.But for me the next day I woke up with one half of my face swollen and flush and the opposite side of my entire body was flush (red and resembled a rash), so now I tend to refuse any contrast dye.

Haven't had a scan since.

Warm-heart profile image

Hi, this is very good question to ask. Please check out It is run by Sharon Williams who has done major research on gadolinium following her chronic issues since having it. As have many others including myself. I had a cardiac MRI in 2012. It changed my life. I had chronic small fiber neuropathy as a result (chronic intense burning pain) and many other issues. Research has clearly shown that everybody retains gadolinium (a toxic heavy metal) in their tissues and brain, everybody. Sometimes people have a reaction, sometimes not. Cumulative injections can build up the problem, whilst the first may not. Dotarem is commonly used now in UK as many others are banned. Dotarem is meant to be safe and I was told this and it should be expelled from the body in 24 hrs. This is also now proven not to be the case. I did not sign a consent but was pressured whilst in the scanner to have it. In fact it is well known that a lot of the time they can see what is needed without it. Please do your research - there is a lot of info on the website above which for me was not formed in 2012. I now belong to a support group on this site of 1000 people worldwide who suffer from the toxic effects of gadolinium and have life changing disability from pain and other bodily changes. I am in touch with heart breaking stories daily and supporting others. If you decide to go ahead despite reading the research on this site, please drink a good litre of clean water every hour for a few hours after the MRI to get your kidneys to expel it as fast as possible. Have a good healthy diet that day and don't exercise as lactic acidosis from exercise can increase retention of gadolinium in the tissues. It is also now known that iron and zinc supplements taken at the time increase likelihood of retention. If you have a body that detoxifies well you will hopefully be ok after. As you can see from others' replies here, some had vague symptoms after. Thankfully no one else here had permanent nerve damage, but I am not alone. Please check out the site so that you make the decision rather than your doctor - be in charge of what you will allow to be done to your body. Also you should never have gadolinium if your GFR (kidney filtration) is below 60, so check that this has been done recently. Below 60 increases the chances of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. I wish someone had told me all this before I had mine done, so I don't want to panic you but let you see there is a choice you can make based on good scientific research. VERY BEST WISHES to you though, totally! I hope all goes well.

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to Warm-heart

Thanks thats very informative. If i dont know what it is or what it does it aint going in.

Alison_L profile image

I wasn't given a consent form (in 2018), but I had MRI with contrast. They told me it might make me want to pee, and it did. I didn't, fortunately!

staffbull profile image

Hi danni have had several scans with contrast initially was frightened as sensitive to meds but nothing to worry about staff are brilliant putting you at ease will just feel short need to wee and over in about 10 min if that worth having as better picture given re your health good luck

DanniC88 profile image

Wow some very mixed views.

Sara1978 profile image

I’ve had two one last year and one this year. Felt the cold of the dye and a bit of pins and needles afterwards for about an hour otherwise no problem just drink a lot for the next couple of days to flush the kidneys

Zoesgranny profile image

I had one last year - 90min scan. I had no reaction whatsoever - apart from cramp in my toes (from lying in a scanner for so long)

funnyfennel profile image

I had an MRI with the dye as well , they rolled me back out inserted the dye for the last 10 minutes.. the rest of that evening and night I drank a lot of water and had no problems. I did nearly have a panic attack before the MRI, but I took some diazepam and kept my eyes closed and managed to get through it. They did have a heated under blanket though both in the MRI and during the angiogram these things are difficult for all of us I feel, and having this forum to refer to and get support from, helps x

I've 'enjoyed' numerous CT & MRI scans, and most with contrast.

The only thing of note for me is the feeling that you are going to wet yourself when the put the contrast in - which is a normal feeling - and the noise of the the machines in operation.

I only felt cold in my Heart MRI, but that was because I was in there for 1 hour 50. I expected that length of time for my scan because of what had to be investigated, oh and it was in January 😀

With any scan, I close my eyes the minute the 'bed' starts to move, leave them shut until I come out - then concentrate on the voiced instructions or try not to nod off 😂

I hope all goes OK for you - I get why those procedures scare the hell out of some people, but it's like anything else, once you get the hang of it - you develop a way of coping with it.

Now taking tablets - that's my bogie and I struggle with it everyday 👍

Petercat1 profile image

Hi. I've had several CT scans with the dye. It just gave me a warm feeling when it had been injected in via a cannula in my arm. But I've never had any ill effects from them. It does give them a much clearer picture.

Hope this helps.

DanniC88 profile image

Well to update everybody i had the MRI scan today. Without contrast dye. It went well, i was a bag of nerves in such a small space but managed well, i take my hat of to the staff at the hospital. I also recieved a letter from the cardiologist. He said hes looked at the recent holter monitor results and the exercise test results. He can see extra beats at times and a heart rate of 200bpm as a maximum kn the treadmill. He said it doesn't look like they are dealing with anything serious/dangerous.

He wants to see the MRI scan first before the final report.

Fingers crossed its all good news 🙂🙂🙂

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