just had an echocardiogram.. i asked if everything was ok.. as you do lol.. all she gave away was i have 2 leaky valves.. hopefully get a letter in the next few weeks.. so hopefully not serious.. anyone else got leaky valves?.. Golden Jubilee in 10 days for angiogram
echocardiogram this morning - British Heart Fou...
echocardiogram this morning

I had a leaky aortic valve, probably from birth but diagnosed at 16, and eventually had surgery at 52. It will depend how serious the leaks are whether they will want to intervene now or whether they will do what they call watch and wait, which means they’ll monitor your heart, probably yearly. I had an echo yearly until it got worse and they then were six monthly for the last couple of years before I had surgery.
thanks Wendy. had my first echo 4 years ago.. a murmer was picked up after i had to go to A&E.. and the Consultant on duty ordered the echo.. letter received a few weeks later said ‘moreorless ok’ lol.. this present echo was requested by Respiratory Consultant after another admission .. hopefully any results will also be passed onto Cardiologist.. but i’ve had a murmer for years
Mine was picked up because I had a chest infection so sounds like your Respiratory Consultant heard something and wanted it checking out. They’ll probably compare it against your previous echo to see whether it’s got worse. I was told that a heart murmur is very common and a lot of people who have one never have to have surgery. I obviously got the short straw and had to have two! 🤪
Hi Manhattan1Once you have had your angiogram they will have a better idea what the next step is, angiogram being the gold standard.
Golden Jubilee is my hospital too where I had my surgery great hospital.
Let us know how you go.
thanks Pauline.. asked the lady who did the echo if the problem with the valves would show up on the angio but she said no.. i’m wondering if i should mention the valve thing to cardiologist who is carrying out the angio?
Your cardiologist will have the report from your echocardiogram it’s now on your file, but you talk to him about the findings. Once your angiogram is complete he will know exactly how your heart is performing. All these test go together to make a complete picture and then you along with your medical team can move forward with what is best for you and giving you a mended heart.Best wishes Pauline
hi again Pauline.. when you turned upfor the angio ..in the ward before the angio.. apart from the usual bp taken and temperature taken.. did they take bloods or do an ecg?
Hi, I was already in hospital when they did my angiogram, was taken in as an emergency and was there for 7 weeks before my op. I had a cannula in and my relaxation drug was administered there! Felt very relaxed when I got back to the ward my husband was there for afternoon visiting my brother phoned from the States but I was talking such a lot of rubbish he had to take the phone and explain I was in la la land! So sorry Manhattan can’t really help.Pauline
thanks.. if i’m offered a relaxation drug.. think i’ll take it lol
It’s the best relaxing drug I ever had was completely with what they were doing but if they had said we are now going to take your head off I would have thought what a good idea😂 my cardiologist was busy telling me what I could see on the TV screen, thought I was on the bridge of the Star Ship Enterprise 😂 but everyone is so kind and caring. So no worries.
Hi there I have a mitral valve prolapse with moderate to severe leak and also a mild to moderate tricuspid valve leak. I had a TOE procedure 3 weeks ago and before the procedure the Dr said I would require an operation however they didn’t say much following the exam except it confirmed a moderate to severe leak but that my heart function was excellent. I’m not sure what they are for doing yet but perhaps they will watch and wait like one of the other posts refer to. Your leak may not be as severe therefore you may not require surgery for a long time if ever. They told me a lot depends on how you feel within yourself plays a big part in when they instigate surgery. Even if the leak turns out to be severe they can still help you out so try not to get over anxious.. take care.
thanks for that.. i don’t really feel anxious.. just surprised when told i had 2 valves that were leaking..i think that news on top of the surprise angiogram news just cane as a bit of a double whammy lol.. hopefully the valve problem won’t involve anything major having to be done.. and the angiogram might turn out the same.. i’m just wondering if my breathlessness , chest pain and tiredness might be as a result of the valve thing rather than the moderate LAD problem
Hi I had my heart transplant in the jubilee in July this year, it's a fantastic hospital the care I received was second to none, my consultant is great very informative and patient, keep us posted how it all goes take care char