I have Raynauds syndrome and when first experienced pain I’d been having bad headaches. The chest pain always radiates to my jaw and the last cluster of episodes was in the night. My age and profile fits both
I’ve been diagnosed with MVA but seem... - British Heart Fou...
I’ve been diagnosed with MVA but seem to fit symptoms of prinzmetal angina. Can anyone share their experiences of either of these early on?

Hello and welcome to the forum!
My fellow HearStar Milkfairy suffers from MVA and I imagine will be online at some point to offer you useful advice.
Correction Michael I live with both Vasospastic and Microvascular angina....how unlucky am I 😊

Hello Barkingmad3
Welcome to the forum
The symptoms of Microvascular angina and Vasospastic angina the term now being used to describe Printzmetal/ variant/ coronary artery spasms can be similar.
I live with Vasospastic angina and I also have Raynauds Phenomenon and migraine too.
How has your microvascular angina been diagnosed?
I had a very specialised angiogram which showed I had vasospasms in my coronary blood vessels.
My 24 hour ECG showed changes too.
The BHF has this information about Vasospastic angina
See also this BHF info about MVA
Hi Milkfairy, thanks for your reply. I’m still undergoing investigations as angiogram, echo and MRI all essentially normal. The diagnosis is from symptoms and good response to GTN I gather. Initially presented as heart attack with raised troponin and ST segment elevations on ECG. This occurred during a holiday. Now this all normal. Recently had readmission with episodes of early morning clusters of pain all responding to GTN but increasing frequency.
Those of us living with Microvascular and vasospastic angina are at risk of a Myocardial infarction with non obstructive coronary arteries MINOCA
With a history of ST elevations and raised Troponin levels that is more typical of Vasospastic angina rather than Microvascular angina.
I would suggest you discuss this with your Cardiologist.
Do you have any copies of your ECGs with your ST elevations?
I keep copies of mine. Also my Angiogram with acetylcholine which also showed ST elevations which only usually happen with a Coronary artery vasospasm not microvascular dysfunction/ angina
I was initially diagnosed with myocarditis but as this was when I was on holiday I don’t have copies of ECG’s. My cardiologist at home when I reoccurring chest pain thought microvascular ischaemia likely possibly as a result of myocarditis. He’s piecing together info from Dorset, started meds and will review my progress in 4 weeks but I’d spotted the link with Raynauds and possibly the headaches I’d been getting prior to being taken ill. ECG’s now sinus rhythm and troponin normal. How long did it take to get the meds right to control the pain and get your life back? I know it’s individual
I suggest you contact the hospital who treated you for your heart attack and ask for your medical records and ECGs
I have lived with Vasospastic angina for 8 years and it is a challenging condition to live with and treat. The condition is often over looked and under recognised.
Beta blockers can make vasospastic angina worse.
Where are you based in the UK?
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with MVA, and I find that the pain does radiate, for me it's more often to my back and I feel a tightness across my chest.