Elective Surgery (Mitral Valve Prolapse) - British Heart Fou...

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Elective Surgery (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

gfmet17 profile image
7 Replies

Hi all - I have Mitral Valve Prolapse (regurgitating) as well as a small leak in my Tricuspid Valve. I am on the waiting list at the Liverpol Heart & Chest Hospital (LHCH) since January and it was suggested that my surgery may be carried out in June (this month). Obviously I am fully aware that Elective Surgeries were postponed in April but have read conflicting reports as to when they we recommence. Reading the news this morning leads me and many thousand more to think it may well be some time before my surgery comes up. The last thing I want to do is burden anyone at LHCH to ask the obvious question as to when. But their Covid-19 information on this specific question doesn't appear to have been updated, probably because they don't know any more.

I only suffer from breathlessness when undertaking physical tasks together with fatigue in the evenings. I am 67 (male) and am retired but like to undertake a lot of DIY / Gardening etc. I do not have a "Shielding Letter". Should I continue to be patient and wait this out or ought I to ring someone just in case I could find something out?

There must be many people in the same position as myself - it's the not knowing that bothers me - my condition, despite the above, is considered "serious" and don't want to suffer any consequences that a massive delay may cause.

I would be interested in people's views please

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gfmet17 profile image
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7 Replies
Purple1935 profile image


I am in exactly the same boat as you & anxiously waiting for the necessary CTAngio & TOE echo before proceeding to surgery which was deemed urgent back in March. I have been in touch with my GP, Cardiac PreAssessment Nurse who all say that nothing will get done any time soon (East Sussex)

It appears that we must sit tight, keep well & try not to worry too much! If symptoms get worse, then contact your GP for possible symptom controlling medication.

Having been off for the past 3 months for self isolation & no one was too sure whether i should be at work or not, I am now planning to get back to work to take my mind of it. This could be a long haul!

Take good care, there are lots of us all waiting in queue!

gfmet17 profile image
gfmet17 in reply to Purple1935

Thanks for that - good to learn about other parts of the country :) I had my Angio and CT Scan back in January and am on the list for Robotic Surgery. I've got all sorts of things spinning round in my mind at present, the first time I've felt like this as I have been overwhelmed by the LHCH and the ways they handle things - they are really awesome and that was before the pandemic. A small part of me is hoping because they specialise and elective surgeries are starting to take place again (or so I was told - is this the case generally?) that maybe my op would be only delayed by say 3/4 months. Having read the news yesterday, I'm beginning to doubt this now.

thetidders profile image
thetidders in reply to gfmet17

Hi, I had a heart bypass at Liverpool two years ago & agree with you about their cardiac Dept.

I also heard they were now doing elective surgery so 2 of us can’t be wrong, can we?

Why not give the surgeon’s Secretary a ring, she may be able to tell you what’s happening. If she doesn’t know she should be able to give you the name of the right person to contact. At least then you will know what is happening. I’m sure she won’t mind, speaking as a retired medical secretary I wouldn’t have minded it’s all part of the job.


Purple1935 profile image
Purple1935 in reply to gfmet17

Sounds like you are in a great place for surgery & having had the necessary tests, hopefully it won’t be long until your surgery.

Best wishes to you

Tyke1 profile image

Hi, my husband was put on a waiting list for a stent in his LAD in March, and we were told the wait would be approximately 3 months, that was just before the lockdown and everything got stopped, we contacted the consultant via his secretary for advice around the end of April as his angina symptoms which had only been happening during exercise were happening at rest so appeared to be becoming unstable, she explained that he was working nights but that she would e mail him and he rang us and did a phone consult and got some new meds prescribed. Last Saturday we got a phone call to say they were ringing everyone on his waiting list to see how we were all getting along, then on Wednesday we got a call to confirm an appointment for the stent on 1st July. They will do a telephone pre-assessment next week then he has to go for a Covid test 2 days before the surgery and they said to keep isolated, I work in pharmacy so have worked throughout the lockdown but they said it was okay to just follow social isolation he doesn’t have to shield as such. It’s at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle but it’s with a different consultant they’ve merged the lists as they have a lot of heart valve replacement operations to do and the consultant we were under can do key hole surgery , which I guess will help speed up the process so it looks as if things are starting to move again so you might not have too long to wait, I agree it’s the waiting that makes you anxious, but now we know it’s going to happen soon it all feels too real again and I guess I’ll not be allowed to accompany him which makes me even more anxious. Hope you hear something soon, try to stay as fit as you can and keep away from everyone as much as possible, good luck

gfmet17 profile image
gfmet17 in reply to Tyke1

Very interesting - I'll wait until the end of June and if I haven't heard anything, I shall contact the surgeon's secretary at LHCH. Thanks for posting, very much appreciated

StevepH2012 profile image


I'm v similar - had surgeon referral consultation switched to 'phone 2 days before lockdown in March.

However I have now, yesterday, had the pre-op angiogram (AVR and aneurysm) and am waiting to hear result of my case review. I think this may give a date for the operation, or at least an indication.

It seems that, in my area at least, things are moving again.

I would suggest contacting your cardio consultant admin team to see what, if any, elective patients are being progressed and update them on your symptoms

Good luck


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