Hi Everyone.
I'm a newbie so forgive me for asking questions that you may have already asked or answered. I am 72 years of age and just been diagnosed with 'Severe Mitral regurgitation and offered the option of a Mini Mitral Valve repair, as part of the UK Mini Mitral. Whilst clearly the option of a minimally invasive surgery is a bonus, my issue is that at present I am asymptomatic (no symptoms). Obviously it's not going to get better and logically I should go ahead but the surgeon has suggested 3-month reviews should I delay presently.
The other considerations I would like your thoughts on are, there is no guarantee that the valve could be repaired by this type of surgery and if unsuccessful would still have to have a conventual sternotomy.
I also have to make a decision on the type of valve (if unable to repair) mechanical or organic. I wondered if someone of my age has had either and their thoughts on it. Also the longevity of each, I understand mechanical lasts longer but you have to take warfarin for the rest of your life.
Ultimately the final decision is mine but if would be extremely helpful if someone in or around my age group had been through these difficult decisions and how they proceeded pre/post operatively.
Thank you in advance for your considerations.