After being referred for a heart bypass just before lockdown, to my surprise I had an appointment to see the surgeon in two days. My anagram showed arteries completely block on RHS and 3 stents needed in LHS. Valves OK. A few weeks later my 'Nuclear MRI's' showed quite good blood flow on resting. In the four months since then I have had to go to hospital three times. Twice for angina not being controlled and once for being very unwell with low blood pressure. I want to make the best use of the time with the surgeon and I am not sure what is my current risk. I am 72 and was quite fit and working until I was diagnosed needing a heart bypass at LGI Leeds. Will he go through all my results and discuss my current position? If not I will ask and also how urgent my operation is? What else should I ask? You have been very helpful in the past with a similar request.
Questions to ask Cardiac Surgeon - British Heart Fou...
Questions to ask Cardiac Surgeon

it’s good they can now get back to the work that was delayed.
If I was you, I would ask him to summarise my heart issues, and then what he thinks needs doing, and in what order.
I too like a plan for such key meetings!
What a great meeting with the surgeon. Had all my questions answered. But another shock being told I need the triple bypass urgently and need the aortic valve replacing and probably the aorta too. So more complicated. Will be done as soon as I have another Echo and MRI. So June or July. Gets it all over with quickly I guess.
Hi, sorry you have been told you need more work done than you thought, I had Aortic valve replaced and bypass done nearly 4 years ago I was age 68, this surgery gave me my life back and I will be forever grateful to the medical team that made it possible. There are many of us on the forum who have had this operation, so any questions just ask.
Take care stay safe Pauline
Hi! My hubby had triple bypass in Leeds nearly 2 years ago! They are wonderful in Leeds! Just read my past posts ... get fit for it and you will be fine! He was naughty and back at work after 3 weeks but we are so lucky with the Leeds LGI team!!