I think what is going on is a Logistics Nightmare , and a Inter Generational Failure
It is obvious that what we all assumed to be the computer age is not exactly what it is cracked up to be !! Look how often letters don't come from the NHS when they are supposed to, Admin Error, we are told. When you are doing Admin for millions it's easy to get it wrong.
Personally I think the News Media should have been shutdown when this started. The Enquiry is for After not Daily on the BBC, ITV Sky etc.
Sorry I don't want to Share a Families Grief on Breakfast TV because the BBC have nothing to Report, all those World Correspondents with Nothing to Do !!
I think at the end of the Day we all need to look after each other, we can't expect much help from the Authorities they don't know anymore than we do !!
It's pretty straightforward Stay at Home if you don't want the Virus.
From someone who has had an MI, CABG, Stents, Currently has Moderate to Severe Heart Failure who doesn't have a letter because the Govt don't class Heart Failure as a particular Serious Risk !!
Neither Do I but I know a lot of People who do !!
So the Message is Take Control to Protect Yourself no one else is going to !!
Quite honestly I don't think they the Authorities really give a S**t how many people with Heart Disease die after all the Care System was already becoming overwhelmed Full up of Old People.
Remember when a " Care Home " was an " Old Peoples Home " or the Old peoples Home was a Chair in the Parlour for Grandma or Grandad at the end of the Day are we all to blame thinking we could hand over our old people to the Council for "Social Care "
Stay Well Stay Safe