Hey need some advice not sure where to post it though. So I had a heart attack 2 years ago leaving me with 2 stents and angina. Now with the new government guidelines telling vulnerable people with underlying health issues to isolate for 12 weeks would I fit in tk this bracket any thoughts would be helpful cause I'm really scared of this.
Coronavirus & underlying health issues - British Heart Fou...
Coronavirus & underlying health issues

Hi there. I’m afraid it does sound like you’re in the vulnerable club like like most of us here. The current recommendation is that exercise social distancing measure. Take care. Here’s the latest from BHF on this:?bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
Hey Steve thanks for the reply mate very informative and like you guys very unfortunate. This is the news I saw last night in regards to vulnerable people would it be best if I followed this a I work in a care home for the elderly and they are still letting visitors in but at the own risk. Here's a link to the 12 week isolation news for vulnerable people
Hi. It’s a fast moving situation and I might not be totally up to speed but my understanding is currently we’re being advised to exercise social distancing but not self isolation yet. Of course that could change (and may have already if I’ve missed something). I’d talk to my manager at the care home and explain your situation. They’re bound to have a policy for this. I imagine they’ll stop visitors soon enough. Here’s something from the BHF in the difference between social distancing and self isolation: bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
This is exactly what I read and saw on a slical media outlet. I haves child who lives who her mum and that will be very difficult not seeing her. But I'm scared my work will not understand because its not that people with heart defacts are more susceptible to getting it because we're not its the complications after that could alter our lives alot harsher than most and in alot of cases could kill us.
Here's the advice from the NHS
Social Distancing
Self-isolating for 12 weeks with serious health conditions – see the section headed – If you are at high risk
The final bullet -have another serious health condition is at the moment a bit vague, the best advice is to wait for the next week, until 30th March to see if you receive a letter telling you that you are in this category, do not contact your GP in the meantime to see if you're in this category as this will swamp the surgeries
Isn't having angina scarr tissue and two stents a serious health issue?? I'm lost here cause to me that sounds quite serious as angina pain is caused because the hsmesrf is struggling to pump blood around the body efficiently. Ye si no the virus is lung based but the lungs are connected to the heart the lungs need the heart for white blood cells that help fight infections and if your heart isn't working normally to me that is a serious health risk.
Yes you’re probably right.
The way I’ve read it is that with most heart probs you need to self distance even within your own household and take care.
Those who need to self isolate are those who have another serious condition and those who have a compromised immune system, such as those having chemo.
My heart and lungs are both knackered for want of a better word, and I have an auto immune syndrome which means I have little resistance to most bugs, and I have to take steroids something else that compromises your immune system.
I have a feeling that I could fall into the self isolation group. I’m not sure how I will cope having to stay in for 12 weeks.