Angina or not : I am a 58 year old... - British Heart Fou...

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Angina or not

16 Replies

I am a 58 year old female gym lover and attend my local at least 5 times a week . Up until a couple weeks ago I could do a 60 minute martial arts class followed by a 60 minute spin class . I’ve had to stop as I’m struggling with horrendous chest tightness and upper body pain after just 5 minutes of exercise . Which lasts on rest for up to 10 minutes .Doctor thinks I may have angina and due to undergo tests .

I’m still having chest tightness even after resting for over a week My question is I have a good resting heart rate averaging 58. So In an angina attack what on average would my heart rate look like .

16 Replies
Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Beachbsbe2020

Welcome to the forum

You may find this information about angina helpful

There are 3 types of angina

Most common cause is due to a permanent narrowing of the coronary arteries with fatty plaque.

Then Microvascular angina which effects women more often and is due to the small blood vessels not dilating in response to exercise

Finally vasospastic angina which is due to temporary narrowing of the coronary arteries also known as coronary artery spasms.

Some people also have vasospasms in the small blood vessels too another type of MVA

It is good that your symptoms are being checked out so that if necessary you can be treated appropriately.

Your heart rate isn't necessarily the best way to say whether you have angina or not.

in reply to Milkfairy

Ah Thankyou . That was the part that was confusing me as all this was dropped on me last week after my a & e visit ..I’m resting but have daily chest tightness so I’ve been monitoring my heart rate but it hadn’t changed li have a stress test next week so hoping I get some answers

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I developed severe angina very quickly. One day I could walk up a nearby hill and a week later I struggled. The problem was caused by narrowed coronary arteries that was eventually treated by a quadruple bypass. One of the tests I had was a CT scan. Most people are administered a beta blocker as the images are less clear if the heart rate if 60 or over. I did not need a beta blocker so resting HR means nothing in this case.

in reply to MichaelJH

Thankyou . One day I was doing 130 minutes in the gym followed by a 3 miles walk . And a couple days later I can hardly walk 5 minutes t my local shop without three stops to rest

Was thinking my asthma was playing up but my lungs are in great condition

NorthantsSteve profile image

Have they given you anything to take just in case it comes on again? Probably good that you’ve stopped pushing yourself until you know what’s causing your chest pains.

I know you’ll feel really stressed by all this (we all did) but it’s really better to know than not. And there’s a lot they can do to get you going again.

in reply to NorthantsSteve

Soluble aspirin. Beta blocker and a nitro spray . Then I have app this week for stress test. I have a two month holiday in April so hoping to get sorted ASAP. I am very impatient not used to sitting still

Thank you for your replies

Hatchjd profile image

Beach babe I am 62 y/o F and was doing 3-4 x week circuit and weight training. I had no issues with the weights but felt heavy and tired when doing cardio. I noticed a slight tightness in my neck area on uphill walks but had put it down to age. No chest pain. I had a positive treadmill stress test followed by an angio which resulted in 2 stents for 80% & 90% blockage. On the flip side of this my husband had all the classic angina symptoms of chest tightness and arm pain on exertion and was started on the usual meds. His angio was clear!! and the meds were stopped. My husband asked about his heart rate as resting it is in the 80’s, mine in the low 50’s. The cardiologist said in a healthy individual this is a normal variant just like height and there is no evidence that having a higher or lower heart rate affects longevity or causes damage.

Dj1962 profile image

Hi I'm 57..I was in a very similar position, I've always hiked and cycled long distances.. Then one day it hit me just like you pains after a few minutes of exercise..was diagnosed with angina and had a bypass on Christmas resting heart rate was also in the low now I'm the other side and starting to build my fitness back up...the one thing I'm not going to let it do is change what I love doing..All the best..😉

Mikedabike profile image

Hi and welcome to the forum. Your level of fitness and activity would seem similar to my own before I started getting symptoms of breathlessness out of the blue. I do not wish to criticise the NHS or the medical profession in general, however it has been my experience that they are simply not used to dealing with very healthy and fit people. Your level of activity suggests to me that your pain threshold may well be much higher than most of the general public. I could be wrong, but I would hazard a guess that you take minimal medication only when required. If I can offer any advice it would be to thoroughly research whatever symptoms (in your case it seems to be angina), then firmly push for any of the required tests. In my own case I instinctively felt that my heart problem was worse than my GP and cardiologist had initially assessed. They had said I would just need regular annual screening. Once I pushed for a CT scan, immediately after the results of the scan they would not let me move, placed me in a wheelchair and the kept me in hospital until I had the open heart surgery. I was not on any medication, other than being short of breath I displayed no other worrying symptoms. By outward appearances I looked very fit and healthy. I have to add that once I had been diagnosed the service and treatment I have received from all the various departments of the NHS has been exceptional and excellent. Good luck in your progress.

in reply to Mikedabike


I have controlled asthma and back pain and exercise is my medication

I do have a High pain threshold and have battled in thru this since early January as I just thought it would settle and go away

Thanks for all your advice

hf54 profile image

hi there are a wide range of tests available which will hopefully locate the exact thing is very important-you need to take it easy until the problem is discovered.i went from fast running 3 times per week to only able to walk to the shops with frequent stops.if you have a problem waiting a private cardio package is around 1000 pounds and does speed things up a lot.alternatively you can pay for a single test if there is a considerable wait.whatever you do do not disregard your symptoms and you must be own condition means i may wait up to a year before i know my "new baseline" i wish you every hope.

4Stents4me profile image

Hi beachbabe,

like you I had a great fitness routine 20km mountain bike 4x days a week plus “hotel workouts” 5x days a week (extensive international travel)

In Sept I felt a chest pain which only came at 120bpm went to the GP resulting tests / investigation lead to 4 stents in Dec / Jan tbh the intervention saved my life, I’m back on the treadmill now easily reaching 140 bpm and feeling great.

Message to you is let the physicians do their job, get yourself fixed then get back into your regime.

Your clearly in good shape so no issue with lifestyle / diet so get this over with and look forward to the positives

Thankyou I’m feeling more positive . Sort of . Been in hosp for a week was due to be transferred to the heart and chest hosp in next town but after spikes in temp etc I’ve been tested positive for type A Flu so now in isolation for 6 days . Not even been outdoors since 3 feb nd seen only hubby so mystery.

Cardiologist here is today asking for them to take me anyway but might not happen now as it’s weekend.

I did have a stress test booked but they wouldn’t do it a couple days ago because it was booked as an outpatient and I’m now an inpatient

Same test same location same people silly protocol ..

Been in bed for two days but had a shower thus morning and just that exertion was too much. So I know there’s def a problem .

But I know i will back to training soon and there’s always somebody worse off , I just had to get my head around and get used to sitting around for a wee while longer . Thanks again

Gladwyn profile image

Wishing you all the best. 💐

in reply to Gladwyn

Thankyou . And thank god for the tinterweb it definitely passes the time ha

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to


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