Have just come back from Harefield. My valve operation is going to happen in the next few weeks, due to need. Can you lovely people please give me a few words of encouragement? Two weeks ago all I had was an ache in my arm. Well okay this problem probably goes back 20 years. How it hasn't been picked up before I know not. But can't look back, need to move on. But my panic is massive right now. Unsure on type of valve until they do the angiogram. Thanks lovely bunch.
Getting closer: Have just come back... - British Heart Fou...
Getting closer
Hi Tessie28, Lovely name by the way. The way I coped during the lead up to the op was to keep busy. I continued to teach my class until the day before I went into hospital. If you are not booked in as a supply teacher you could go in on a voluntary basis.
The other thing that helped me was to accept what needed to be done even though, like you, I had few symptoms. The doctors and nurses in this country are amongst the best in the world. Many years on from my operation the skills and techniques have been refined..... and they were pretty impressive back then.
So, it’s going to happen. You have a great team looking after you so all that’s left for you to do is to accept what will be will be and keep busy.
Very best wishes.
Hi Yorkshire... Its my real name btw. Never did have the imagination. 🤣😂 Thank you I was planning to go in next week but may be involved in more tests by then. He scared me today but he was sooooo good.
Another positive then!! Everyone is different. I like to have a doctor who gives me the details, in simple terms .....for a simple man😀. It helps me come to terms with my situation.
Tessie, I know how you must be feeling, I was in for about 5 days, although I don't remember much about the first 2. Hope everything goes ok for you. I found lots of advice on the forum which really helped. Am now starting to see the benefit of having my avr.
As Yorkshirehead said : keep busy. No negative vibes. Go out for plenty of gentle walks in the green stuff, visit friends, bake a few tricky cakes and freeze them for afterwards. Find out about the rehab provision that you can probably take part in about 10 weeks after the operation.
The good news is that you are going to go on a very effective diet for about ten days and you will change a dress size. Make sure have some presentable loose clothes and comfortable shoes you can put on easily- no 4 inch heels for a while. Be of good cheer, this procedure will give you a new lease of life.
Good luck Tessie, I am nearly 3 months now after my replacement. Keep busy, get packed and ready, speak to your support group (husband, family, friends, here). There are a lot of us on here who have been through the same or similar. If you need anything just ask.
Hi what ever they do you can rest assured that you are in the best heart hospital there is. The treatment and staff are fantastic - good luck
Hello Tessie28 just a few words of encouragement, I am 3 years into valve replacement, I know the waiting is very difficult but know that after your op you will be fighting fit again. I live in Scotland so maybe I found things a bit different from some others here.
A front fastening bra is useful pjs that fasten up the front again great as your not allowed to put your arms up.
One thing I would say after your op do all the rehab, here 5 weeks after my op went to the hospital rehab and then on to the local gym for another 10 weeks. It builds your stamina back up but I found my mental well being was helped, you are with other people who have had maybe the same op or similar you can find out the aches and pains you are having there is someone there who as the same.
I really wish you well, I am sure you will be fine. I know easy for me to say. If there is any questions you have I would be happy to answer.
Hi, just catching up on here and I'm also in Scotland and waiting on valve surgery. No ones mentioned to me about nightwear and bras but I've read the advice on here. Is it the pain that stops being able to put arms up? Thanks
Hi, Lyndaloo494 if you are having open heart surgery and they are going through your sternum then you can’t lift your arms up so it can heal. They put it back together with wire just till it heals, and then the bone regrows over the wire, I was very nervous about this but the surgeon showed me an X-ray after my op and said in 18 months time your sternum will be stronger than mine. If you are in Scotland where are you having it done? I went to the Golden Jubilee in Glasgow, they were fantastic. You are not supposed to lift anything heavier than a bag of sugar, and things like hovering and ironing to start with are out. Not a bad thing! If there is anything else I can tell you about just ask. I can honestly say it was ok, and they make sure your pain is under control.
I wish you the very best let me know how you go.
Thanks for your response. Yes open heart surgery so breastbone will be cut. It is the Golden Jubilee. Which is 1hr 30 mins away roughly so not ideal for my family, but as they tell me, not my concern. How long can't you lift arms for.? I knew about the lifting things, but not much more. Dreading the pain side of things.
How long did it take you to feel better?
I live in East Kilbride so probably about the same distance from the Jubilee.
They say 3 months not lifting your arms, as for hovering and ironing about the same. Please don’t worry about the pain they make sure your ok. I spent the first 2 days in intensive care though they could have moved me after a day but no beds in high dependancy 2 days there and the rest back on the ward. Saying ward but your own room. They will have you out of bed the day after your op the physio will have you doing your exercises, take some advice and do all they tell you. This helps getting back to normal. Also the rehab when you get home please do it all, as I have said before to other people apart from getting back your stamina mixing with other people who have had the same or similar experiences really helps with the mental side, as for how long before I felt better as soon as I got on my feet, I had been very breathless and after the op I felt normal again! But before I got my stamina back maybe 10 weeks.
Can I say tell your family there is a great restaurant at the hospital my husband and son use to eat there while I was having my tea. Food is really good for them and us!
Thanks for all your advice. I will certainly do as I'm told and agree it will be best for mental health to get on the go. I'll have a lot of support. I was supposed to get this in January but got the news just yesterday they still don't have a date and are trying to juggle other patients. I'm gutted as due to be a bridesmaid in July and want to be ok for that. And it's my sons 21st in April. I have absoltely no symptoms and don't feel unwell at all so I'm struggling to accept getting it done at all and possibly ruining these important events. I know my health comes first though. They are hoping to get me in end of February. That's great about the Restaurant.
Hi again just had a thought, when you are in hospital they will give you a rolled up towel it helps when you need to cough holding it close to your chest , my son went out and got a very soft baby blanket for me to use, I carried it everywhere! When you sleep you have to sleep on your back and I could get comfortable holding the rolled up blanket, the family christened it my teddy but it really helped me.
Thank you. I'll try keep you posted. Had Dental check done but be needing another at this rate. I was thinking of buying a v shaped pillow as heard had to sleep upright. How many nights were you in Hospital?
They blanket would have been a comfort for you.
Went in on the Friday had the op Monday out the following Monday.
Quite a few days before eh. I've been told anywhere between 5-10 days. What about pain relief once home?
I was already in hospital in East Kilbride so transferred to the Jubilee by ambulance, that was the reason I was taken in on the Friday not the Sunday, the 5-10 days depends on how you recover it’s a very long op you are on the table 8-9 hours, some people recover quicker than others. Just try not to worry, you will be sent home with pain relief. Plus your other meds.
That's a long time in surgery. My family want to be there and I'm trying to tell them not to bother as it's a fair distance and a long op. Obviously I won't know they are there but they want to be near. I know there's the hotel there.
Thanks for all your advice tonight. I'll keep you posted when I get a date
Please do your follow up recap I never got anything 2 years later I’ve got depression no friends or family to support me. I had the tissue valve that way I don’t take warfarin only aspirin the other one makes a clicking sound the only downside with mine is. It doesn’t last forever. My surgeon said that by the time it needs replacing new technology will make easier to do. Trust the hospital I suffer from anxiety and the staff was fantastic good luck
I surely will thank you. Had to get the paramedics out in the night. Had a palpitation and panic went sky high. Did an ecg and my BP. BP eventually went down. They were brilliant. Anxiety and the black dog of depression are twin evils. How are you doing now?
Hi, so sorry to hear, I too have tissue replacement there are lots of pro and cons aren’t they we don’t need warfarin and no ticking but we do have a shelf life! I hope you have been to see your GP about feeling so low. I live in Scotland so know things work a wee bit differently here. Maybe he could get you into a cardiac gym session, there would be people with heart problems and apart from getting fitter you would meet people who have the same health issues as you. Knowing you are not the only person to be having struggles really makes a difference.
I really wish you well stay strong.
They will look after you well at Harefield. It's my local hospital. They manage to combine a very professional approach with lots of kindness and support. I wish you well.
As others have said keep busy - pack your wash bag, pop a few ready meals in the freezer that sort of thing.
I also treated myself to a lovely button through cotton nightshirt and some PJs which I thought might give me a bit of a lift after the operation.
My hospital provided fresh clean towels each day (ok yes a bit rough and scratchy but it wasn’t the Hilton!😀)
It’s so good that you don’t have a long wait - I got the phone call from the surgeons PA on the Thursday and was operated on the following Tuesday.
As another member of the forum once told me you need to surrender to this thing just focus on the benefits after this operation.
Good luck Tessie
Thinking of you 🌸
Hi again, wise and experienced ones. I had the call for my angiogram this morning, it is next Tuesday. Can't deny it, has to be done but I know there are risks. Had a much better day yesterday. Night is still scary. So far today, this was a shock, but have settled down to sorting stuff out. thanks again people