Can anyone tell me what to expect fro... - British Heart Fou...

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Can anyone tell me what to expect from my first cardiologist appointment ?

8 Replies

I’m feeling nervous and it’s at 2pm.

8 Replies
Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hello Brighty 19

I suggest you arrive in good time especially if you need to find a place to park....guaranteed to raise your BP and heart rate!

Take a book, or listen to music on your phone. I take my knitting with me to keep me calm. You may have to wait.

The nurses will take your BP, heart rate and may weigh you. Then you may have to go for an ECG.

Take a list of questions you would like to ask the doctor.

If you can take someone with you. 2 pairs of ears are better than one.

If you don't understand anything ask the doctor to explain it again

Write notes of the consultation.

You will be sent a copy of the letter sent from the Cardiology appointment to your GP.

Even after 7 years of attending Cardiology appointments my BP and heart rate go Prof on Monday said ' so you still haven't got use to coming to clinic then?'

Good luck.

road2ruin profile image

Hi, as said before, it will take some time. There may be many tests including ECG, Echo, BP, etc. None of them are anything to worry about.

shopman profile image

Do you have any inkling about why you have been referred? You may be seen by one of his/her Registrars. If there is anything you do not understand then say so and hopefully they will explain further.

in reply to shopman

I’ve been referred due to a echo showing a bicuspid valve which has slightly narrowed

6TIMES profile image
6TIMES my 1st one i had a ecg.ask for a copy before getting it.waited about 20 minutes and seen the cardiologist who asked me a few questions took my pulse etc then said I need a echocardiogram and a 24 hour monitor had them a few weeks later and still waiting for a follow up appointment,with hindsight I would have asked when will I get the results of any tests and when is my next appointment

Tinker2015 profile image
Tinker2015 in reply to 6TIMES

When I was seen by a cardiologist like you sent for tests I rang the secretary for an appointment for results as I waiting 4 months no follow up appointment came.

Shar28 profile image

When my husband goes he always asks me to go along with a notebook and pen and make notes for him.

Hello all! I’m back and it was a little different to what I expected. I had an ecg which as per didn’t get any ectopic beats 😠 I tell you they know when to start and go! Then after my ecg I saw the consultant who just basically told me what I had which I knew. Was extremely reassuring and told me to go and live my life and just see him every year. I’m having the 24 hr Holter in January to check these ectopic beats but that’s all. So very grateful for the amazing NHS we have


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