Rather off piste but has anyone ever had a scaphoid fracture? My wrist is still swollen ten weeks later and I'm getting muscle spasms in wrist and middle fingers
Broken wrist : Rather off piste but has... - British Heart Fou...
Broken wrist
Hi. My son has just had one of these. Missed at first diagnosis (they x rayed the wrong part of his hand). Ended up needing a bone graft when they eventually found it 12 months later. Have you had anything done to put it right?
Wasn't spotted on first xray, diagnosed at three weeks. Cast for four weeks, I've now had a splint for a further three weeks and I have more pain now than I had in the early weeks. Significant swelling and frequent spasms are making me wonder if there is also soft tissue damage. Sorry to hear your son has had such a rough time

He’s fine now. After his cast came off he did complain that it was worse than it was before. He had his cast on for best part of 3 months. But now much less painful a few months later. He has restricted movement but it’s improving with physio. I’d suggest going back to the doc/hospital to get it checked over. The scaphoid has poor blood supply so frequently doesn’t mend and then necroses. I asked the consultant how we’d know if the graft hasn’t taken and he said ‘symptoms’. Your pain could well be ‘symptoms’ but he didn’t elaborate. Have you got a heart condition and on meds too?
That's useful to know, thank you, I'll definitely pursue it. Yes, I have atrial fibrillation, hypertension, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol and restless leg syndrome so take seven drugs in all

Maybe the aspirin’s (or similar) impeding the healing? Good luck.
Worth asking the question. Thanks again
Hi, keep pushing for help, I wish I hadn’t believed them after I fell on outstretched hands and the x ray showed no fractures. Subsequently saw a Consultant who confirmed breaks in both wrists but by then too late. I’ve had several steroid injections but not much good. Then offered an operation that may or not work but would mean arms in plaster for some time. This at a time when I was home nursing my late husband so I had to refuse.
Given a 12 month window to change my mind but managed to have HA and subsequent problems in that time so I just live with rubbing wrists with Voltarol.
The moral of this is if don’t feel your wrist is OK then complain the sooner the better and question x rays.
Good Luck!
How awful for you, I'm so sorry. Thanks for your reply, I will definitely keep on until I get proper answers. At least in my case it's only one wrist and that is the non dominant one. Very best wishes to you x
Morning I am just recovering from a fracture dislocation of wrist. I had wires out and cast off in September and still hurts like hell! Some days more than the original trauma! It’s also still swollen I have been told it will take up to a year to be fully functional. However when it was so painful the other week as I had bashed it on a door handle!! (Insert many swear words!!)I went to minor injuries unit for an X-ray and confirmed it was ‘just’ soft tissue. (Soft tissue can be equally painful if not more so) So it’s important to go back and have it checked out as the scaphoid is small but can be a devil to heal. Either go back to your GP or go to walk in centre or minor injuries unit as they can do an X-ray and advise. It may be helpful to be referred to a physio as well. Hope it settles for you. Bone pain is miserable. Take care. Zena
Thank you for your reply. I hope you will get better. I spent a very long morning at the hospital. Bone is now in one piece but it seems I have long standing damage of indeterminate cause, plus arthritis, and have been warned that the soft tissue can take a year to recover. Just have to be patient and thankful I didn't have it worse
Hi, yep, fell down the stairs with a sudden drop in blood pressure, I broke the scaphoid in both wrists, one was put in plaster and the other in splint. After three months, the plaster was taken off due to swelling within the cast. Continued with splints on both wrists for six months. Long and short, two years later I'm still in discomfort and get pins and needles, electric shock type feelings. I do have damage to the central nervous system. So not sure which part is caused by which, but I'm told its quite normal to continue with discomfort. Swelling, I'm not sure about that one, I don't get swelling with it now. Don't know whether that helps.
Thanks for reply, I've gone into more detail above, just need to be patient and hope for the best
The swelling will effect the carpal tunnel resulting in trapped nerves etc. This will give you pain, tingling and numbness.
Try gently massaging the hand and wrist and maybe sitting with elbow to waist elevating the hand 💪🏽
Thanks for the reply, patience needed
Tried ice pack?