Hi just filled in my profile but have been reading posts previously have a question about MVA Do others experience severe breathlessness and fatigue I've been feeling exhausted and breathless with mild chest pain for weeks, recently spent night in A & E. angiogram to check stents was fine so given amlodipine to add to nitrates and other heart meds. The chest pain is milder now and just feels uncomfortable but the breathlessness and tiredness feels worse. I was hoping to feel better than this by now hospital visit was 4 weeks ago, is it reasonable to take weeks to get over a flare up I'm worried there's something else wrong?
Micro vascular angina: Hi just filled... - British Heart Fou...
Micro vascular angina

Hi Sunshinebrew
Microvascular angina is very individual to each of us.
I have coronary vasospastic angina so vasospasms in my small vessels and coronary arteries, MVA and Coronary artery spasms.
I do have periods of much more pain accompanied by extreme fatigue and I become breathless with a minimal effort during the period before I need to go into hospital for treatment with IV GTN and morphine.
I often have a dull ache after a period of severe pain. It feels as though someone has kicked me in the chest.
I suggest you do go back to see your GP or get int contact with your Cardiologist as they may need to look at your medication again. It can take sometime to get the medication the best it can be to manage your symptoms.
Ok thanks so much for your reply I'm seeing the cardiologist beginning of December and prob won't get an appointment before. I'll ask my GP about my meds. The cardiologist did mention a spasm and said amlodipine e was a good Anti spasmodic so I was very hopeful and so relieved when they discharged me from hospital I didn't ask questions. I have MVA and maybe now artery spasm as well. I've read the info on these and they seem to fit, but it's not as simple as take this tablet and you'll be fine is it! I'm not even sure of my diagnosis just my symptoms which don't go away and I just want to feel normal. I feel so exhausted at the moment it's difficult to keep positive.
Sometimes not knowing what causes your pain can be very unsettling.
I know why I have my pain and that helps me cope.
Diltiaziem is also very helpful to treat vasospasms along with isosorbide mononitrate extended release tablets and patches. It really is trial and error trying to find out what will work best.
I am 7 years into to this vasospastic angina malarkey 😊
I don't use the spray as I get worse rebound pain afterwards.
It is absolutely exhausting I agree. I managed to go for a swim today. Result as always really bad chest pain now and I feel beyond tiredness.
However I know I usually feel better in a day or two.
I keep exercising because I feel better while I am exercising and I have seen my Ejection fraction slowly increase over the last few years.
I hope your appointment goes well.
Perhaps take the BHF information about MVA and Vasospastic angina and discuss them with your Cardiologist?
Hi Sunshinebrew, yes I have MVA along with other conditions and get breathlessness and fatigue especially in the morning. At present only on Nitro because of other things so just go with what my body tells me.