Just wanted to ask if anyone has been given a “Coronary Artery Calcification Scan” on the NHS through their heart failure team or are they only currently available if you go private ?
CAC Scan : Just wanted to ask if anyone... - British Heart Fou...
CAC Scan

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are you aware of another website doing research into this area (not sure if i am allowed to name it on here) which maybe of interest to you
I had one done privately as it was quicker than waiting. 🙂
Hopefully it was a 0 or near satisfactory reading for you
It was 0 thankfully but all that really means is that I haven’t got hard calcified plaque, still nice to know my plaque isn’t very old 🙂
Are you aware of a gentleman called Ivor Cummins on this topic
I think many on this forum are quite familiar with Ivor Cummins, or at least recently became familiar with him when he was mentioned in a recent post that was considered controversial by some of our learned forum members.
Is that the same as a "Coranary Artery CT Scan" (done with contrast dye)? One of those certainly gives an excellent analysis of calcification (and artery wall degradation).
When I was diagnosed with angina 4 months ago in a small regional Thai private hospital I was recommended to go to my local regional large public hospital for an angiogram. I believe an angiogram is the obvious next step in analysis. I opted to continue down the private route at a large Bangkok private hospital (being insured) with a large heart department, large lung department (since I also have the bronchiectasis lung condition) and good reputations for both - having first tried to make it back to Papworth heart and lung hospital*
The Bangkok cardiologist (an angiogram specialist) reviewed all my heart analysis and test results to date and, based on long discussion of lifestyle concluded I was likely not to require stenting/surgery - said I was low risk on 6 of his 7 criteria. So he advised on a Coronary Artery CT scan with contrast.
That showed he had been overoptimistic - he seemed genuinely shocked - and I was referred to the thoracic surgeon for what turned out to be a triple bypass. The point was that, although the surgeon then required an angiogram to map his planned surgery, the less interventional coronary CT scan had very clearly showed (to me the non-expert as well) the true extent of damage.
Had I known in my 50s what I now know in my late 60s I would have volunteered/paid for a Coronary CT scan at an earlier age (in the same way that I have had a camera up my bum every 5 years to provide early warning against colon cancer). A CT scan is probably not available on the NHS in the absence of clear apparent risks, but worth the cost of say 800 quid** for anyone with a bit of spare savings in my view. Stenting of early arterial degradation is far less risky and of far less impact on the body than open heart surgery on fully degraded arteries.
*The Papworth cardiologist I contracted for a second opinion on what the Thai cardios were doing advised against long air travel.
** Based on a CT Spiral Chest scan with contrast I had at Papworth this week at my bronchiectasis annual review (the chest and heart versions seemed very similar in process and scan time to me). Costs half that in Thailand - and probably 25% that in India!
A coronary CT scan is routinely offered on the NHS where appropriate. I’ve now had two since my MI 😀

Thank you for your reply 😃 I see my cardiologist very soon so I will bring this up with him now .
Thank you for taking the time to reply & very informative , would you mind if I messaged you directly?
Had mine done as part of a investigation on my palpitations. Scores can range from 0-4000 . As you grow older you will naturally get more calcification, everybody does. Mine score was 107 which is good at my age (61). Its better to than 107 at 30yrs of age, because a younger person has more potential to get worse and into the higher scores, if you see what I mean.....it can be quite complicated.....good luck.
Hi Walter, I am very interested in the question and responses, especially regarding the coronary CT scan. I had one of these last Saturday but it had to be aborted because my heart rate would not settle below 70 despite having an injection to slow it down. It is partially because I am now claustrophobic with any scanner due to an earlier bad experience with a small tube version where I was totally enclosed for over an hour! I don't know why the heart rate issue is important, maybe some of our Hearties can advise, also what is the alternative to checking my coronary arteries? I hope you got some good info from the responses, I found it quite illuminating as I had a pericardiectomy last year and my heart has made a good recovery. Good luck with your condition.
Yes I had two on the NHS. One in 2017 and again in 2019 to investigate my angina. I was referred by the Rapid Chest Pain Clinic. The waiting time in my area North Somerset was about 7 weeks.
I had a ct angiogram on NHS in June cac score is the first part of it before the iodine is injected. You usually take a beta blocker for two days before as your heart rate has to be 60bpm or less for the artieries to be synced to the scanner. I had no heart disease prior just one bout of chest pain. Scan showed up a partly blocked artery and a huge tumour I must have had for years. Operation in a couple of weeks!

Interesting the BACPR October 2018 Conference was held in Glasgow.
Here is the programme no sign of Ivor Cummings on the programme giving the keynote speech.
I am attending the 2 day conference next week and will happily report back with an open mind about my experience.
Hi Milkfairy Please look at the link below where I collated that information about Ivor Cummings
Ivor Cummings gave a 20 minute talk at the BACPR conference held in 2017.
It was not a keynote talk as described by the article you posted.
Someone perhaps is elaborating ....
Thanks for your due diligence Milkfairy
So weather it was just 20 minutes the point I was trying to make was he was at a BACPR conference speaking
Don’t take offence to reply’s Walter, from what I saw they all mostly had 20 mins. Dr Aseem spoke too, another one who has been dismissed by others. So it’s nice to see they are important enough to be asked to speak at these conferences 🙂
Was just replying to another post when i noticed yours. I live in Glasgow and have worked for two Professors of Cardiology for over 20 years, one of whom has a special interest in heart failure and is known world wide for the studies and papers he has written about it.
Until now I have never heard about that conference even though it was in Glasgow, i have never heard of that person you had mentioned. I had a quick scan through the table of events and there is only one Cardiologists name I recognise which is a bit odd, so the fact that man's name wasn't on the programme isn't that important given a Professor that is based 10 mins along the road at Glasgow Uni, in a building that was built for the purpose of research into heart disease and appropriately named The BHF Building. I will try to remember to ask the doctors when i go to work on Tuesday if they know of him, and i will let you know.
Best wishes
Don't be so bloody petty! He was there and if some of his ideas around prevention we're adopted it would go a long way to relieving a health service under huge pressure
I would hope this forum is a place we can express our views safely without judgement.
Please note I will be attending this years conference.
I strive for accurate honest and accessible information to enable people to make an informed decision about their treatment options or lifestyle changes.
I prefer others not to with force tell me what to do or think.
Maybe you should take some of your own advice and allow people to make their own choices rather than having posts removed
Hi Milkfairy. Very Interesting programme. Thanks for posting it. I notice a couple of familiar names on behaviour change and Heart Disease. No way I can make it, but if you get to Prof Marie Johnsons talk I’d be v interested in a report back! ? Too much to ask of you??
Hi Kristin1812
I am going next Thursday and Friday .
I'll look out for Marie Johnson for you.
I am looking forward to the conference very much and I have been invited to attend by the organisers
I posted this link to the British association of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation last week. BACPR
Scott Murray is the first Consultant in Preventative Cardiology to be appointed in the UK.
What a brilliant video by Ivor on the causes of coronary artery disease and a diet and lifestyle to follow to address the problem that could help so many of us to possibly halt or slow the progression of our disease.
It's so sad that certain members on this forum want to shut this information down, especially the ones that don't even have ischmaetic coronary heart disease
Please note I am an honorary member of BACPR.
We are all heart patients and I don't feel the comment above is in keeping with the ethos of the forum.
I have given links to the BACPR website and this year's conference as well as highlighting Scott Murray 's role as the first and sadly only Consultant in Preventative Cardiology
This is giving useful information to everyone regarding preventative rehabilitation. It gives access to many different views regarding lifestyle approaches to help individuals to decide which is the best way to self manage their particular heart condition.
People are just scared for their health and looking for answers, as we all are surely. When people get worried they react differently. Let’s all show respect and compassion and understanding 🙂
I’m so sorry you feel that way Charles, I’m sure no one intended to “ bait” anyone. We should all try and be supportive. Have a lovely day 🙂
Do you know if you can have a CAC scan if you have had bypass surgery?
Please re read my reply yesterday Charles, I didn’t apologise to you! I said “ I’m sorry you feel baited” You have only just joined though, there seems to be many profiles appear , make strong statements against the same people and then delete that profile, storming off( so to speak). I’m starting to think this is a planned effort and hopefully IP addresses will prove it.
Of course I’m not saying that’s the same in your case.
Funnily enough our family estate trust fund contributes to the BHF too, so we already have something in common!
Your response to my comment is uncalled for, I am no way trying to disrupt anything, on the contrary, I was asking for everyone to respect each other’s views with support. I don’t understand your response at all. 🤷♀️
None at you Charles! Lovely to see you ☺️
Oh gosh, are you a different Charles? 2 profiles same name? I’m confused 😐
So sorry you’re feeling unwell Charles, please seek some help . I’m just confused with all these different names, which isn’t unusual for me these days. I feel old age and disease has caught up with me at an alarming rate. I’ve been having some anxiety too, and had a lot of help through other posts on here. I suffer a lot with panic attacks too, my mind races. There was a post with a lot of helpful comments on it. You might find it. Camomile tea does help me too and also worked very recently for another forum user. Have a lovely Sunday 🙂
I am at a loss to understand how a straightforward question has escalated to what it has .
My personal opinion is that it behoves you , it’s your own personal responsibility on behalf of yourself & to your family to keep striving to get the answers to our health. Because others have different opinions to one’s own doesn’t mean they are correct or wrong & we all should respect them , however I think we would all learn a lot more if we was more open minded to our debilitating disease/illnesses why not if the consequences may benefit our own health for the better, honestly who wouldn’t because I really would prefer to be doing something more enjoyable .
I also think we should also remember the words COMMUNITY “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common” & FORUM “ a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged” . some on here definitely could learn something to take from those definitions.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
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